The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 206 Could it be the legendary big cousin

Chapter 206 Could it be the legendary big cousin
Seeing that He Xiner was not afraid of her, Aunt Wang was so angry that her fat face trembled, and she wanted to get angry. Mrs. Wang really couldn't bear to look at her, "Xiner, come here"

"Oh, grandma"

Clearly and crisply answering, He Xiner approached her grandma again with a smile.

Mrs. Wang patted He Xiner's hand and said with a smile, "Isn't it boring to have no children to play with you? Your cousin, cousin, cousin and the others went to play in the mountains, and they will be back soon."

Oh, I'll see the legendary big cousin in a while.

"It's rare for Xin'er to come here, so I need to spend more time with grandma"

"Hehe, grandma knows you are a good boy"

Just as he was talking, he heard laughter coming from the yard.

"Hehe, as soon as I talked about them, they came back"

However, listening to a group of people outside making noise in the yard, there was no sound of walking in.

That's right, the main room is full of adults, and if a group of children come in, the room will be overwhelmed?

The corners of Aunt Wang's mouth turned up slightly: "Isn't Er Ni the favorite to play with your cousin? There are adults here, and your child can't talk here, so go outside and play!"

Hehe, why didn't I know when I liked playing with my cousin?

"No, Xin'er needs to spend more time with grandma"

He Xin'er smiled harmlessly, and pulled Mrs. Wang's arm coquettishly: "Grandma, do you like Xin'er to be with you?"

"Well, I like it, of course I like it, the bigger the little boy, the more lovable he is!"

The second daughter has been married for so many years and there is only one daughter. When Mrs. Wang thinks about it, her chest feels tight and she is helplessly worried.

What status does a woman have in her husband's family without a son?
In mild cases, she was scolded by her mother-in-law as a hen that does not lay eggs, and she was tortured in every possible way, and in serious cases, she was directly dismissed and became a second wife.

In the past, Ye Erni didn't talk much when she came to her mother's house, she always bowed her head and shrugged her shoulders, looking timid and cowardly, let alone Wang's, her two sisters-in-law and her elder sister made all kinds of sarcastic remarks, and she didn't even dare to argue aloud.

The limp temperament of the couple is about to be rounded and flattened!

Seeing He Xiner dressed up exquisitely and beautifully today, Mrs. Wang was half relieved.

At least her granddaughter was not tortured at home, and she was a little surprised when she saw that she had a cheerful personality, a crisp speech, and smooth handling of things, protecting her mother while making people unable to find fault with her, but more It is gratifying.

For the first time, the girl cut a fine cotton fabric for her. Mrs. Wang guessed that the material would have to cost forty cash. It seems that the second daughter is doing well in her husband's house.

Looking carefully at the second daughter's complexion is also more ruddy than during the Chinese New Year, and she is much more energetic.

Mrs. Wang thought about it carefully, and found nothing wrong, so she smiled even more happily~
Seeing He Xiner acting coquettishly around her mother, Aunt Wang was so angry that her nose was almost crooked!
She's so frivolous at such a young age, talking and laughing in front of a room full of elders to show off, she looks like a fox, even more seductive than her mother when she was young!
Aunt Wang was still thinking about how to tell her daughter to clean up He Xin'er. Her daughter seemed to have a telepathy with her, so she opened the curtain and entered the main room: "Grandma, look at the wild pears I picked from the mountain!"

A girl's voice is called grandma, could it be the legendary cousin?

He Xiner followed the voice and looked over, she almost didn't laugh out loud. If she ignored the difference between men and women, and also ignored the age difference, her eldest cousin and her father could be regarded as twins!
Not only is her big cousin's face and figure inherited from her uncle's, her small mung bean-like eyes seem to have copied her uncle's eyes, they look exactly the same!
Girls' masculinity is no longer pleasing, and she was born with a thick body, a fat body, and a little bit of femininity.

But I can't help but have a girlish heart, I saw that she has a double bun on her head like He Xiner, and a circle of bright red wild flowers on her two hair buds!

(End of this chapter)

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