The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 2069 4 girls have a heart

Chapter 2069 Fourth girl has a heart
"That's right, I think Laba got her ears pierced that day..."

He Xiner was a little shy, her fair face was covered with two clusters of red clouds, she was so pink and cute.

The old lady and Nanny Ji looked at each other, unable to tell what it was like.

"I just want to find someone who is older and experienced, so as not to hurt my hand. After thinking about it, only Mother Ji is the most suitable in our house. I just asked for it."

After being slightly taken aback, Mother Ji hurriedly said, "Miss Si, you're being polite, what can I ask for, it's just a trivial matter."

"Then I'll thank Mother Ji first."

He Xiner smiled and said, "I'm on vacation, I'm going to go shopping in the street, and I happened to prepare a thank you gift for Mother Ji. What would Mother Ji like?"

"A little thing should not be regarded as a thank you or not."

The second lady is about to die of anxiety, so let her two be polite and talk about when it will end.

"It would be good for the fourth girl to send a common ruler as a thank you gift."

"Thank you, Mrs. Second, for your pointers."

After this matter was finished, He Xiner was fine. She picked up the blue and white porcelain teacup, skimmed off the floating tea with a tureen, and took a sip.

When He Yuru and He Xiuxiu heard her say that she was going to go shopping, they felt like a cat's paws in their hearts. Yes, especially He Yuru, they wished they could stick to He Xiner and follow her, but under the fierce eyes of their grandmother, they didn't know what to do. Dare to say anything.

"By the way, that day I heard Jiayu said that he gained a lot..."

The second lady looked at He Xiner eagerly, and smiled so pleasantly, she didn't know how deep their relationship was.

"Yes, the second lady didn't tell me, I almost forgot."

He Xiner was drooping her eyes and thinking about what expression the lobby brother would have when he saw the swaying earrings on her ears, whether he was surprised or pleasantly surprised~
There are some sweet little bubbles in my heart.

In the end, all the pink bubbles were blown away by the second lady's words, and she quickly sat up straight, "Xiao Xing, open the bag, let the second lady, the three young mistresses, and the two older sisters have a look."

She smiled and said, "These leathers have been processed, and they can be used to make a fur collar or a shawl. The colors are not too different, so you can choose by yourself."

Uncertainly, they excluded old Han, old Dong, He Yuru, and He Xiuxiu.

From He Xiner's point of view, they were outsiders in the first place, so there was nothing to be ashamed of.

She is not very close to the female relatives of the He family, let alone outsiders.

The second lady and others looked at it, and sure enough every piece of fur was not much different, and they were all satisfied.

That's good, no need to compare.

"Si girl has a heart."

"Thank you fourth sister."

A piece of fox fur is really nothing to the female family members of He Mansion.

However, it is very happy to pick up things for nothing without having to pay for it yourself.

"This fur is really nice, delicate and smooth, and feels comfortable to the touch."

"The color is also good. It will look good on my light brown satin cloak."

"I'll keep this one first, Dabai is so capable, he will surely hunt again, and when I have saved enough, I will make a fox fur blanket and put it on the imperial concubine's bed."

"Then I'll save it too."

"I still want to use mine for the cloak, and it's the same for making blankets when I save more in the future."



The first young mistress, the second young mistress and the third young mistress stroked their soft fur, and chatted with each other with smiles, and they seemed much closer than before.

He Xiner was sweating profusely.

According to what they said, Dabai had to dig out as many fox dens as he needed.

Everyone loves to take advantage~
She turned her head to look, and even He Chuer and He Qier, who had always been spotless, were discussing in whispers with smiles on what to do with the leather in their hands.

And the second lady was naturally the happiest. She said that she would take Dabai to the mountains every day after He Jiajie was on vacation, which made He Xiner very speechless.

She wanted to withdraw a little bit, but seeing that the big guys had no intention of leaving, she had to wait a little longer.

On weekdays, she, He Chuer, and He Qier would come and leave, she didn't care, but He Chuer and He Qier cared, they still wanted to show more performance in front of the old lady.

Although the old lady is not very close to the juniors in the family, they are all smiling around her, and they are in a good mood.

Turning around, she told Shao Yao beside her, "Bring us some new tea and some pastries."

(End of this chapter)

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