The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 2074 It's Not Boring

Chapter 2074 It's Not Boring
"In my opinion, Fourth Younger Sister must be earning a living. Compared with our shop and Zhuangzi's income, I don't know how many times. If not, I would never dare to spend it like this."

Third Young Mistress's tone was positive and unquestionable.

She is a person with a dowry, two Zhuangzi with [-] mu of land each, four shops, and many jewelry, jade articles, exquisite silk and satin cloth, and silver at the bottom of the box.

She is the legitimate daughter of the family, and her mother is the wife of the family, so naturally she will not treat her badly, and the money at the bottom of the box is enough for her to spend many years.

But if we talk about the income of Zhuangzi and the shop, after a year, even after taxation, labor, etc., they will not earn much.

Of course, the interest of three or four hundred taels of silver is quite a considerable income for ordinary people.

But in the eyes of everyone in the He residence, it was nothing.

Especially for He Xin'er who needed 500 taels of silver for a cloak, that little interest might not be enough.

So, what the third young lady said was true.

Everyone looked at He Xiner with stern eyes.

The second wife couldn't believe it, "The fourth girl really has a way to make money?"

As soon as she became more cautious, she stopped calling her fourth girl.

The eldest young mistress, Jiang Shi, was torn between not wanting to believe, but having to believe. Her mood was complicated, and her eyes were also complicated.

"What does the fourth girl do to earn so much money? Let's hear it, so we can open our eyes."

The second young lady's eyes flickered, she didn't dare to say the words that rushed to her lips.

He Chuer and He Qier didn't speak, but they looked eagerly. They wanted to know how she, He Xiner, made money.

He Xiner didn't have any intention of confessing to them.

"Where can my little things catch the eyes of everyone? After talking for a long time, the third young lady just made fun of me."

She stood up and said, "I've been gossiping for so long, and it's getting late. I still have something to do, so I'll take my leave first."

The second lady's eyes are full of silver flying around, how can she let her pass by with such a light sentence.

"Fourth Miss, don't leave in a hurry!"

"That's right, what's fourth sister doing in such a hurry? We haven't finished talking~"

The Third Young Mistress didn't want to reap the benefits, she was simply curious.

A little girl who stays at home, how can she earn money.

She can't figure it out~
And it's not been a day since I thought about it, that's why I made today's move.

I really have been staring at He Xiner for a long time.

"The fourth girl is afraid that we will stick to gold chaff~"

Jiang's tongue was sour when he opened his mouth.

He Xiner completely ignored her, walked into the hall, and was about to salute the old lady, when the little maid who opened the curtain said, "The fourth young master is here."

Before the words fell, the door curtain was raised high, and He Jiajie strode in wearing a black fox cloak.

"Fourth brother didn't go to college?"

When He Xiner, who was standing in the hall, turned around, he was already in front of him, and they both said at the same time, "Fourth sister told me to wait."

He Xiner was slightly taken aback, then smiled and said, "Is something wrong with fourth brother?"

"It's rare to take a rest, so naturally I want to take Dabai out to play."

While replying to her, He Jiajie bowed to the old lady on Luohan's couch, "Grandmother."

The old lady still liked this grandson very much, and said with a smile, "It's really cold today, you should wear more clothes when you go out to play, don't catch cold."


Seeing He Xiner standing still, Wei Yu called her softly, "Miss, don't you want to go back?"

He Xiner immediately came back to her senses, she couldn't laugh or cry in her heart, she actually forgot that today was the big brother's holiday, it was really inappropriate.

Simply confused.

"Fourth brother, when is your school closed?"

"The day of Laba."

He Jiajie said happily, "In a few days, brother will be free, and he can bring Dabai into the mountains every day."

Then he let out an oops, and became even happier, "Let's go and call your big brother, he's boring to be alone."

He Xiner really wanted to say how did you know he was boring?
With her by my side, it won't be boring~
(End of this chapter)

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