The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 2079 He has wanted to do this for a long time

Chapter 2079 He has wanted to do this for a long time
"Think about it."

He Xiner lowered her eyes and sighed softly.

The good mood before is gone.

How could Uncle Zhang not know that Uncle Guan and Big Brother Guan were thinking about Aunt Liu and Cuizhi, if Aunt Liu got better, he might not be able to send them back in person, he would also send someone to bring them back, or at worst he would send a letter.

"It seems that no miracle doctor has been found, and Aunt Liu's situation is not optimistic..."

She was a little worried, "It's been a few months since the accident, what if..."

"Will not."

Ye Xusheng comforted, "Uncle Zhang has always done things properly, since he took her away, he is sure to save her life."

That's right, Uncle Zhang is a great general, so it's still possible to find a few doctors with excellent medical skills.

It was not easy to save Aunt Liu's life back then.

"Speaking of which, Aunt Liu and Cuizhi are lucky to meet Uncle Zhang. Otherwise, the consequences would be unimaginable."

When it came to what happened to her friend's mother and daughter, He Xiner was distressed and scared, and her mood was a little low.

Ye Xusheng moved over, hugged her in his arms, and comforted her softly, seeing that she was finally happy again, he was also happy in his heart, and said with a smile, "The sun is so good today, it's disappointing to stay at home." , brother, how about going out with you?"

He Xin'er snuggled into his arms like a bird, surrounded by warm breath, and wrapped in strands of Su Hexiang. Her inexplicably restless heart instantly felt at ease, and she was extremely peaceful and peaceful.

Perhaps at the end of the year, she thought more, so she became restless.

"Lord Brother~"

She looked up at the person she trusted the most.


Ye Xusheng responded softly, pampering him gently.

The girl in her arms had a pair of slightly upturned apricot eyes full of water, clear and bright, just looking at him obediently, like a naive little beast.

His heart softened into a puddle of water.

I couldn't help but lowered my head and pecked at the center of her eyebrows, and then pressed against her forehead, blending with her breath, "Is there anything else you can't say to big brother? Hmm~"

His voice is deep and deep, full of magnetism, his tone is light and ambiguous, with an indescribable charm, sexy and provocative.

He Xiner's heart was beating like a deer bumping wildly.

The red tide that was about to subside flew back to her cheeks again, and even the tips of her ears were as if rouge had been applied, it was astonishingly red.

"Why is Xin'er's face red? But it's hot?"

His lips touched her scorching eartips faintly, and the warm breath blew on her ears, making them numb.

He Xiner's heart beat faster~
She leaned back slightly, pulling a little distance away from him.

A smile flashed across Ye Xusheng's eyes, "What is Xin'er hiding?"

While talking, he leaned forward again, gently encased her small earballs, and sucked gently.

Regardless of the fact that they are together every day and night, in fact he has not had a kiss for some days.

He was already ready to move.

Afraid of attracting the attention of interested people and ruining her reputation, he was always very careful. He didn't go to accompany her until it was quieter every day, and got up early to leave. He couldn't stay for two and a half hours in total.

It happened to be the time when He Xiner was fast asleep, so he would not disturb her sweet dreams and do something.

Just looking at her peaceful sleeping face is satisfying.

And now she was right in front of him, in his arms, and it would be logical to get closer.

He Xin'er's cheeks were burning hot, and her ears felt itchy and crispy, and she almost couldn't take it anymore, "Big Brother, don't... um~"

Just as she was begging for mercy, Ye Xusheng kissed her delicate cherry lips involuntarily, affectionately and lingeringly.

He already wanted to do this~
It's sunny outside and warm like spring inside.

A tender young man, a soft and shy girl, cuddling each other, lips and teeth intertwined~
After a while, the two separated.

He Xiner shyly buried her little head on Ye Xusheng's chest, like a little ostrich, cute and cute.

(End of this chapter)

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