The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 210 3 Brother Xi Doesn't Know Me Anymore

Chapter 210 Brother Sanxi Doesn't Know Me Anymore

The little chatty cousin was still chattering non-stop, He Xiner just agreed, and arrived in the backyard after a while.

The backyard was bustling, and a large group of children appeared out of nowhere, all gathered around the kitchen door waiting to eat.

I only listened to Sanjinzi's instructions: "To the east, to the south, to the west, to the north, and to the center, go and borrow two bowls and two pairs of chopsticks by yourself, and come back quickly, but you can't run, and you can't beat the bowl."

"Oh, I see"

Five boys, big and small, responded and ran out.

Seeing that He Xiner was dumbfounded, if there was another male, what name would it be?

Suddenly, I remembered what the third concubine said just now, she wanted to go out to borrow the bowls and chopsticks, it seemed that her grandma's bowls and chopsticks were only enough for her own use, and every time someone came, she had to borrow them, and the cousins ​​took it for granted.

No, that's not the point, the point is to borrow the bowls and chopsticks for them to use, He Xiner felt a little nervous~
Suppressing the awkwardness in my heart, and constantly doing psychological construction, eating out is not the same as the bowls and chopsticks that many people have used, why is it hypocritical?

Thinking about it this way, it's really better. In this era, the poor and fastidious are waiting to starve to death!
There is also an advantage of having a chatty cousin, that is, she won't stand in the cold, she will keep talking in her ear, and He Xiner can just lower her head and act like she is listening carefully.

There were three young men at the door of the kitchen, and she didn't know them, so she didn't dare to speak. Fortunately, the talkative little cousin resolved her embarrassing situation.

Although the little chatterbox chattered endlessly, he still had the consciousness of a little master, and took a ladle to scoop up a basin of water: "Miss Xin'er, wash your hands"

"Well, thanks"

"Miss Xin'er, you're welcome."

Little Wang Jinling giggled and was very enthusiastic.

The three brothers of the Cao family felt strange, looked over, and Cao Sanxi asked, "Jin Ling, who is this?"

"Sister Xin'er from the second aunt's family, brother Sanxi doesn't know her anymore."

"Your second aunt's? Hmm~ This is Ye Erni?"

After turning a corner, Cao Sanxi finally understood what Wang Jinling said, with a look of astonishment, that girl Ye Erni is so good-looking?

"Well, Sister Xiner said that Erni is a small sentence, and Ye Xiner is the real name."

Brother Sanxi?
I don't know if the above is Daxi or Erxi?
"Daxing, Erwang, Sanxi, do you also watch Xin'er grow up?"

Mrs. Lu came out of the kitchen with a big basket of pancakes and smiled.

There's no need to guess, it's not about being overjoyed and overjoyed, He Xiner is really happy in her heart.

Cao Daxing and Cao Erwang looked down on the poor Ye family just like his father and sister. Of course, his grandmother's family was even poorer, so the two of them had the same virtue as his father. Chaotian, how could he look at He Xiner rightly?

Only Cao Sanxi was polite, and returned to the Lu family with a smile, "What the third concubine said was that she hadn't seen Ye's cousin for more than half a year, so she almost didn't recognize her."

Mrs. Lu knew the temperament of the Cao family brothers, but she was not easy to show anything as an elder. Although she called the third brother by name just now, she didn't expect the two nephews to return to her. She just talked to Cao Sanxi.

"Sanxi is right, I almost didn't recognize it just now."

Lu's good-tempered face still maintained a smiling face, and said, "You three brothers have washed your hands and go to the main room to sit."

"Ah, I see, Sanjin."

He Xiner stepped forward, "I'll carry it for the third concubine"

"Oh, this big basket has some weight, you can't do it with small arms and legs."

Being kind but being rejected, He Xiner smiled embarrassingly.

Cao Sanxi was enthusiastic, "Give me the third concubine, I am strong and can carry it steadily."

"Okay, be careful"

"Third concubine, how did you do this? It smells delicious!"

Mrs. Lu smiled before she could speak, when she heard a disdainful voice, "Old Sanyue has let out a sigh, isn't it something made of corn flour, and it's not white flour steamed buns, where can it be delicious!"

Lu's face froze, she pursed her lips and said nothing.

"Brother, how can you talk like that?"

"What? Are you trying to teach me a lesson? You can!"

(End of this chapter)

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