The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 2103 Miss is the most generous

Chapter 2103 Miss is the most generous

Braving the biting cold wind, the old Han hurriedly rushed, and finally arrived at Songhe Hall, where he saw He Yuru being held up by two rough envoys and dragged along.

"Let me go! Let me go! I want to see my uncle!"

He Yuru struggled hard.

The old Dong Shi and He Xiuxiu who were forced to accompany them almost lost their voices.

Old Han was dizzy and dizzy from anger.

Useless stuff!


In the early morning of the next day, He Xiner went to Songhe Hall to pay her respects as usual, and was quite surprised to learn that the patriarch and his party had already set off for home.

Then He Yuru didn't make trouble anymore.

From her point of view, that person's temper is that of a master who will not give up until he achieves his goal.

He is also selfish and greedy, and will definitely cry and beg to stay.

Actually left quietly.

It is also strange.

He Xiner drank tea and ate snacks silently, keeping a low profile as always.

She wasn't interested in He Yuru's affairs, so she put it aside as soon as she thought about it.

It's the end of the year, there are many affairs in the office, and the second wife has many things to ask the old lady, so Jiang, Yin, Chai and He Chuer, He Qier, and He Xiner's sisters left first.

Everyone separated outside the gate of Songhe Hall, took their own maids, and went their separate ways.

After walking a few steps, He Qier stopped and turned to look at He Xiner's back.

He Chuer, who was walking with her, also stopped silently when she saw this, and looked over with complicated eyes.

A pretty and bright girl, with a majestic big dog, walks unhurriedly in the slightly desolate winter garden, calm and peaceful, comfortable and leisurely, warm and peaceful.

Both of them had some indescribable feeling in their hearts.

At the beginning, the person they disliked in every possible way, now makes them admire him with admiration.

He Xin'er, who had already gone far away, didn't know what they were thinking, so she took Dabai back to Qingxin's secluded house slowly and leisurely, read a book for a while, and when the sun rose and the temperature warmed up, she brought a group of maids and Dabai went shopping.

The people around her followed her, busy chattering every day, and hardly had much leisure, but the money they earned went into her pocket.

She couldn't treat everyone badly.

Just take the opportunity of the Chinese New Year to reward the big guys and buy more things.

With a shopping mentality, He Xiner walked on the most prosperous Qingque Street, seeing the dazzling array of New Year's goods in various shops, she waved her hand in a great mood, "If you like it, just buy it, Luohua brings enough money !"

Xiaoxing and the others responded happily, all beaming.

Wei Yu and Luo Hua also looked at each other and smiled.

Miss is the most generous.

In the end, they still underestimated He Xiner's generosity.

She enthusiastically led the crowd to visit for three days in a row, and every shop was not left behind. She really bought from the street to the end of the street.

It is only said that the cloth ruler bought by a few maids and Tan's mother is enough for them to use for several years.

I also bought a set of silver-headed noodles for each person, another golden hairpin, and a lot of other things such as perfume, hair oil, handkerchiefs, and sachets.

The gatekeeper of He's mansion and the woman who guards the inner house ran to Qingxin Youju without seeing the sky.

Every store delivers goods to the door, and they have to send a message.

Miss Si is very generous in rewarding servants, at least there are dozens of copper coins, and sometimes silver beans and silver peanuts, in short, she will not run errands for nothing.

As a result, the doormen on duty all scrambled to show their courtesies. After receiving the reward, they did not forget to show off to others, which attracted countless envious praises.

The disturbance became so loud that the masters of all the courtyards knew about it.

In the early morning of the fifth day of the lunar new year, when I went to Songhe Hall to pay my respects as usual, the second wife ran on He Xiner with a few sour words, but she didn't dare to say too much. After all, she earned her own money and didn't use the money from her company. There's no reason why it shouldn't.

He Xiner didn't care much about a few words that were neither painful nor itchy, so she didn't say anything.

After shopping for several days in a row, she was also tired, so she didn't plan to go out today, she was going to bask in the sun, read a book, and go to Ye's house in the early afternoon.

(End of this chapter)

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