Chapter 2123 Why is he not

The old lady was in a good mood when she heard the words, "They still know how to behave."

However, after blurting out He Hongjin, he remained silent with a sullen face.

At this time, the old lady's mind was already drifting away, so she didn't notice his abnormality.

"Hmph, Ye's grandson is good at studying, and our family is not bad."

He Hongjin felt bitter in his mouth, isn't Jiaming also the blood of the Ye family~
Speaking of which, the Ye family's children all have a very high talent for reading, unlike his descendants of the He family, none of them are suitable for reading.

He has a lot of thoughts at this end, but the old lady is still talking to herself.

On weekdays, she put on airs and seldom babbled.

After all, as a pampered old lady, she doesn't need to worry about those trivial matters.

It's just that Jia Ming's affairs are related to the future of the He family, so she is naturally very concerned.

"Jiaming was raised by our He family, not to mention the cost of food and clothing, but only in his studies, he spent a lot of thought. Even Mr. Enlightenment is a famous teacher you specially invited."

Speaking of He Jiaming, the old lady can be said to be eloquent.

Cough, it's also her fault for being careless for a moment, listening to the second child's urging, and pushing such an excellent grandson out.

"No matter how good the eldest grandson of his Ye family is, he only studied at Qingyun Academy. Our family Ming was admitted to Mingjin Academy..."

"Our He family has spent real money to cultivate Jiaming into a talent, so we can't let the Ye family go."

He Hongjin glanced at the old lady with a strange expression.

It is said that he is a parent who has no faults in the world, and it is not easy for him, a son, to accuse the old lady face to face.

But this old lady also...


He didn't even know what to say.

At the beginning when he was away from home, the second child was very busy at home. If the old lady could consider him a little bit, she would not send Jia Ming back to Ye's house while he was not at home.

As long as her old man can persist until he comes back, she won't be so passive now.

It's good now, the old man can't wait to take her home to understand.

Didn't he see that his leg injury is expected to recover, and then he can be admitted to the imperial examination?

The old lady's calculations are really clear enough.

I don't know whether to say that she is cold-hearted or that she is calm and rational.

Suddenly he thought of his wife Song, and He Hongjin was a little dazed.

He is busy with business matters throughout the year, and rarely puts his mind on the backyard. Not only does he seldom show up in front of his mother, but he also doesn't often go to his wife's place.

I often go to other places to stay for several months.

Even when the wife was about to give birth, she was busy with business and left as soon as she said it.

But she didn't think about her situation at that time.

Married for many years, with only one daughter under her knees as the head wife, facing the two concubines who are growing up and the two males in the second room, she must feel very uneasy.

The second room, Mrs. Liu, is a troublemaker, and she insisted on raising two grandchildren for the He family. She felt that she had a lot of face, and she often tripped her up behind her back.

And although his mother looked down on Mrs. Liu, she was partial to the second child. In addition, she always valued her grandson, so she had to treat Mrs. Liu a little bit less.

At that time, Mrs. Song did not suffer less from Mrs. Liu~
He Hongjin narrowed his eyes slightly, letting his thoughts go away.

His mother valued his grandson, but he didn't care much about his concubines, he put more thought into Jiaheng and Jiaxuan than his daughter...

No wonder the Song family wanted to steal the dragon for the phoenix without telling him.

In these years, he valued Jia Ming and focused on training him. Seeing this, Song must have been quite complicated in his heart.

As a mother, her own flesh and blood, who was conceived in October, is wandering outside, what kind of worry and longing should it be?

Now that I think about it, it is justifiable for her to spoil the big girl so much.

All of a sudden, He Hongjin thought more and more.

On weekdays, he is busy with business and doesn't care much about the affairs of the back house. It doesn't mean he doesn't understand.

On the contrary, his mind is sharp and insightful, as long as he puts his mind to it, there is nothing he can't understand.

In the past few months, he seldom thought of Mrs. Song, and for some reason today he thought about it a lot.

For a moment, he thought that after Mrs. Song was driven to Zhuangzi, he never visited her once, and he didn't know how she survived in the simple and simple Zhuangzi in this cold day...

Suddenly he laughed at himself.

Jiang Jiang still thought that the old lady had a cold temper, but why not him.

(End of this chapter)

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