The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 214 Everyone Wants to Rebel

Chapter 214 Everyone Wants to Rebel

Despite the influence of their parents, the brothers of the Wang family are somewhat cautious and calculating, but they are still relatively united, and they can work together and unanimously to the outside world at critical times.

The eldest son of the second house, Wang Xiangxi, also took up the conversation, "It's not that we care about it, it's my cousin who wants to care about it clearly with us. We are not stupid, so naturally we will talk about it."

Aunt Wang was so angry that her hands were trembling when she was suddenly attacked by her nephews, "Is this how the children of the Wang family are brought up? Do you talk to the elders like this?"

"Oh, what you said, is it possible that my aunt eats too much tofu, and her mind is full of tofu dregs, and she even forgot her surname Wang?"

He Xiner, who was far away from the center of right and wrong, was almost offended by the second concubine's words, "My mind is full of bean curds", the second concubine is simply a talent!

The troublemaker Wang Jinling next to her burst out laughing and opened her mouth to speak, but He Xiner covered her mouth with quick eyesight and quick hands, "Shhh, children don't interrupt when adults talk, do you understand?"

Although she didn't understand why her cousin wouldn't let her speak, little Wang Jinling was a good and obedient child, staring at He Xiner with wide eyes and nodding obediently.

Seeing He Xiner blocking Wang Jinling, Mrs. Lu, who was watching the excitement in the kitchen, smiled happily at Mrs. Wang.

At this time, if her daughter said something surprising again, the elder sister would definitely pour all her anger on her.

As for the second room Mrs. Jiang was able to say those words, she was not surprised at all. Mrs. Jiang was a master who could not take advantage of it or suffered a disadvantage. After all these years, she had reached the limit of holding her elder sister patiently. There's no benefit at all, but doesn't it mean that if you turn your face, you will turn your face?
Aunt Wang, who always felt superior to others in her natal family, was repeatedly beaten in the face by her nephew and brother-in-law. Her face turned blue, red, blue, and finally swelled to purple.

There is also Cao Xinlan with a big pancake face, who has never received this kind of treatment. She felt very ashamed, angry and annoyed, and opened her mouth to yell at Mrs. Jiang, "Is the second concubine jealous of my tofu shop? I don't know who thought of it before." Kiss my mother's ass!"

"What did my aunt just say about the upbringing of the Wang family's children? Is this the upbringing of your Cao family's children?"

"What's wrong with me being a child of the Cao family? Don't try to take advantage of it if you have the skills. You forgot when you took the time to ask my mother for makeup? Seeing my mother wearing new clothes and using makeup on her face, I can't wait The eyeballs are glued on, so you still have the nerve to talk about me?"

Such words really peeled off Jiang's face, she almost fainted out of breath, Jiang stood up tremblingly, stretched out her hand and gave Cao Xinlan a slap in the face, "I'll kill you, you bastard!"

This slap was so hard that Cao Xinlan's body was tilted, her face crawled on the vegetable bowl, and the soup on her face was wiped. Cao Xinlan burst into tears with a "wow", "The poor family bullied me, I want to let the poor people bully me." My father and third brother demolished your Wang family!"

The Wang family brothers who had been keeping a cold face became even more angry when they heard her scolding. Wang Xiangdong sneered coldly: "No matter how poor my Wang family is, I never went to your Cao family to beg for food. Why do you look down on me?"

Wang Xiangxi also followed suit: "It's really loud, and you want to tear down my Wang family, why don't you go to heaven!"

Just now Cao Xinlan scolded his mother, how could he not be annoyed?
Aunt Wang was going crazy, she slapped the table and shouted: "Rebellion, rebellion, everyone is going to rebel!"

"Hey! Do you think you are the emperor? Are you still rebelling?"

The Feng family of the big house has not spoken all the time, she is still thinking about taking advantage of the Cao family in Bashang, who told her that her eldest son is already grown up, and the family doesn't even have the money to build a house, so how can they be close?

If the eldest sister is willing to borrow some money, there is hope for building a house and talking about kissing.

But seeing that her eldest son has repeatedly attacked his aunt, it seems that she has no hope of sticking to the Cao family.He simply stopped talking for the eldest sister and just watched the play quietly.

It wasn't until Aunt Wang said something about rebellion that Feng's was completely annoyed. He praised her a few times on weekdays and thought he was someone?Still rebelling?
Are you an emperor or a queen?

 Thank you for the book coins rewarded by the Taihang Mountains, thank you for the book coins rewarded by the wind last night, and thank you for the book coins rewarded by the past like the wind~~
  ah ah~~
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  Reed bows to you~
(End of this chapter)

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