Chapter 2145 So Sweet

Suppressing her anger, the second lady pulled a long face, as if someone owed her money, yes, she gave the second master a secret look, then got up and walked out angrily, He Chuer and He Qier followed silently .

The eldest maid, Su He, hurried forward and opened the door curtain. When the second lady saw the big blue and white porcelain altar with critical eyes, the expression on her face finally eased a little.

Bazhen Nourishing Soup is a health tonic made from eight kinds of medicinal materials, including rehmannia glutinosa, angelica, Chuanxiong, white peony root, Atractylodes macrocephala, Poria cocos, Codonopsis pilosula and licorice, with chicken, duck and fish meat as raw materials.

Although these herbs and ingredients are not the most expensive things, they are very particular about the ingredients. If you want the soup to be good, you must use high-quality ingredients. In this way, this big pot of soup also costs a lot.

Furthermore, according to He Xiner's temperament, naturally she would not use cheap things, just looking at the medicinal materials sent earlier, one can see how generous she is.

This girl is a rich master.

He is also open and bright, and it is not a loss to have a good relationship with him.

Therefore, the second lady who loves to take advantage of things, looked at He Xin'er and became more pleasing to the eye when she saw He Xin'er again, and spoke a little more politely, beckoning her to sit down and drink tea.

Because she was still annoyed by the second master, she got angry and didn't want to talk to him, and sent Mother Jiang to serve the soup, but she sat still and chatted with He Xiner casually.

Seeing this, He Jiayu took the soup bowl and carried it to the inner room himself.

He Jiajie had ordered someone to bring pastries and fruits, and was busy feeding Dabai.

He Chuer and He Qier sat down quietly by their side, their gazes drifting towards He Xiner from time to time, seeming to pass by her ears unintentionally, but they couldn't help staying there.

The magnolia flower carved from the best suet white jade is translucent and pure, white and flawless, and the ice crystal jade is extremely elegant~
The girl in the cardamom age, with icy muscles and bones, is so beautiful, the aura between the brows is compelling, and she is so beautiful.

It is as clean as lotus and not stained with dust, and its color is like creamy and tender catkins.

Looking at the smiling girl, the brocade handkerchief in He Qier's hand was almost torn in two.

I haven't seen you for a few days, is He Xiner more beautiful?

The sudden thought made He Qier sour, she tried her best to keep her face calm and looked away, lowering her head to compete with herself.

However, He Chuer, who was also attracted by the pure and pure white magnolia, had no time to feel sour.

Before, He Xiner didn't use jewelry much, and her clothes were simple and elegant. Although she had an outstanding appearance and a good temperament, compared with her sisters, she was a little immature.

But since she got her ears pierced, she started to like wearing jewelry, especially the swaying earrings, which added a bit of enchantment to her, and the innocent little girl grew into a pretty girl in a flash.

Really amazing.

Thinking that in more than ten days, they will go to Yongchangbo's mansion to worship the New Year together, He Chuer's heart is heavy.

With such stunning beauty in front of them, how easy is it for the sisters to attract the attention of several young masters?

Thinking of Nangong Han again, she felt even more depressed.

Do you want a way...?
Her father, a big man, would accidentally break his leg. Thinking of her, He Xiner, walking on the slippery ground, it wouldn't be so surprising if she accidentally twisted her foot or broke her leg, right?
But what to do to achieve the goal without arousing suspicion?
"Do you want to try this persimmon cake, Dabai? It's so sweet!"

He Chu'er on the other end secretly calculated that He Xin'er must not be asked to go to Yongchang Bo's mansion again, while He Jiajie on the other end fed Dabai with a smile, happy to see his teeth but not his eyes.

He Chuer, who was immersed in her own world, racking her brains to think of a way, came back to her senses in an instant, her eyes subconsciously swept towards Dabai, and her heart felt inexplicably tense.

She took it for granted.

With Dabai around, no one can hurt He Xiner.

He Chuer secretly sighed, it turned out that she wanted to go wrong.

If you want to marry into the uncle's house, you have to rely on the old lady.

After going around for a long time, He Chuer, who finally figured it out, felt refreshed after sweeping away the previous boredom.

Putting aside the dirty thoughts, naturally he will no longer feel guilty, his eyes calmly glance at Dabai, and he can't help squinting slightly.

She also wants such a smart, courageous and capable dog.

(End of this chapter)

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