The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 2148 The son is so kind to the lady

Chapter 2148 The son is so kind to the lady
Standing at the second door, Mu Laowu looked at Ye Xusheng, who was standing in the bright sunshine with a solemn and murderous air, secretly wondering.

If he was not mistaken, the young master would be very happy when he stepped out of the house, the corners of his lips were raised high.

Why did he change his face in such a short time?
Mu Laowu who doesn't know why is really confused.

"Miss is here?"

"Aunt Ding."

There was a voice behind him, and Mu Laowu was overjoyed, and subconsciously looked around, and saw He Xiner walking towards the bright sun with Dabai at a leisurely pace.

Mu Laowu was immediately happy.

Just as he was about to tell the Young Master that the young lady was coming, he felt a shadow flash past his eyes, making him take a step back in fright.


"Brother in the lobby."

Mu Laowu slowed down, Dingqing looked, and saw Ye Xusheng smiling gently at He Xiner, that smile was like the first thaw of winter snow, and the warmth of spring, and the flowers bloomed, compared to before, he was a completely different person.

The son is so kind to the lady~
Mu Laowu secretly sighed that it was over, and hurried to work.

He was going to the antechamber to add firewood to the stove burning the fire wall, but when he saw Ye Xusheng standing there with a cold face, he hesitated.

It's all right now, with the young lady around, he doesn't have to be afraid of the young master's cold face anymore.

Ding didn't see Ye Xusheng's appearance before, so she didn't know how different he looked before and after, but she was also happy to see the two brothers and sisters happy.

After the two had greeted each other, they stepped forward and said, "Master, miss, you bought fresh mutton at the vegetable market early in the morning, do you want to eat the pot at noon?"

Although the sun is as bright as spring in March, the temperature is so low that a drop of water can turn into ice.

In such a cold weather, sitting on the warm couch and eating pot is simply a kind of enjoyment.

He Xiner looked at Ye Xusheng and said with a smile, "It's good to eat a pot, it's warm."

"Well, then eat the pot."

Ye Xusheng looked at her tenderly, the pampering in his eyes almost turned into substance.

The most important thing is that the little girl likes it, so I will go out to eat next time.

Ding got the right words and went to prepare immediately. .


"not cold."

Ye Xusheng raised his hand to touch He Xiner's small face, feeling a little cold, he couldn't help frowning, "Go, go inside to warm up."

He Xiner chuckled, "I'm really not cold. After wearing so much and holding a hand stove to keep warm, I feel hot after walking all this way."

She's about to make rice dumplings, okay?

The two maids were afraid that she would catch cold, so they put on more clothes for her, one layer inside and one outside, so that they were tightly wrapped, and they were really not cold.

However, after walking all the way against the cold wind, it is true that his face was a little frozen by the cold wind.

That can't be helped, you can't cover your face too, can't you?

"Well, if it's cold, you should wear more clothes, don't catch a cold."

Ye Xusheng glanced at the quiet Dabai, took He Xiner's hand, and led her into the second courtyard.

Dabai rolled his eyes silently, and went to the kennel obediently.

Stepping into the main room, the heat was blowing towards her face. He Xiner couldn't stand the heat immediately, so she reached out to take off her hat. Ye Xusheng thoughtfully untied her cloak, and took her hand stove to put it away.

Then fetch water to wash her hands.

"Xin'er's hands are so beautiful~"

Taking a cotton towel to wipe off the water stains for her, Ye Xusheng held a white jade-like hand and couldn't help but put it to his lips and kiss it lightly.

He Xiner's ears felt hot.

"Big Brother..."

Seeing that the little girl was getting shy, Ye Xusheng curled his lips into a smile, and kissed her forehead affectionately, "Xin'er has beautiful hands, and a person is even more beautiful."

The sudden love words, like the scorching sun in summer, brightened He Xiner's heart, and her whole body seemed to be bathed in an ocean of sweetness, until it reached the bottom of her heart.

She raised her eyes to look at the handsome young man, and smiled brightly, "Brother Datang is also pretty."

Ye Xusheng choked for breath, his heart throbbing like a deer bumping wildly.

"Second sister has such a sweet mouth..."

His eyes were fixed on her pink and tender lips, and his deep voice was provocative, "Brother, try it..."

The cotton towel in his hand had already fallen to his feet. He hugged the girl's slender waist tightly, bowed his head and kissed her.

(End of this chapter)

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