The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 2158 It's really a waste

Chapter 2158 It's really a waste
When he was planning to change the little girl's identity at the very beginning, he considered that people's words are scary, and he originally planned to let her stay in the He Mansion for an extra year or a half before getting married.

But as the relationship between the two heated up rapidly, he couldn't hold back his heart, and wished he could be with her day and night without being separated for a moment.

The Zhou family's unilateral engagement happened again, which made him vigilant.

Although he didn't pay attention to Zhou Zu'an's scoundrel, he felt a sense of urgency.

After all, she is the daughter of the He family now, and the marriage is in the hands of the He family.

If they can't wait for the little girl Jiji to arrange a marriage for her, then he will be passive.

What's more, the little girl's appearance is more and more outstanding, her pure and ethereal temperament is like a fairy who does not eat fireworks in the world, which is really amazing.

I'm really afraid that one day I will be missed again.

After thinking about it, he changed his mind and decided to marry her home before everyone else.

Only in this way can we feel at ease.

As for how to explain to his family, to be honest, he was a little shy and a little nervous.

I'm really afraid that the second uncle will beat someone up!
Second Uncle and Second Aunt loved the little girl the most, and they really loved her to the bottom of their hearts.

Closer than your own.

Moreover, the second uncle and the second aunt have always loved him, and are more affectionate than his own mother, and really treat him like a son.

Then, was suddenly told that the nephew, who was as loving as a son, was going to abduct his own daughter?

No wonder the little girl was so worried.

It is indeed a little difficult to speak.

Embracing the person in his arms tightly, the corners of Ye Xusheng's lips tightened.

The little girl is the most important person in his life, the one who will stay with him for the rest of his life.

For her, he would do everything willingly.

If you feel embarrassed, feel embarrassed. This matter must be explained to the second uncle and the second aunt.

He believed that with the love that his second uncle and aunt had for the little girl, he would agree with them to be together.

"Yesterday, I only cared about being happy, and didn't tell you about many things. It's my elder brother's negligence."

Ye Xusheng patted He Xiner, comforting her like a child.

"Brother understands how you feel. We used to be family members living together, cousins ​​who grew up together, and we are going to get married suddenly, so it is inevitable that someone will gossip..."

He Xin'er blushed and bit her lip in embarrassment, but Ye Xusheng found out in time, and lightly brushed her lips with his fingertips, "Hey, don't bite~"

His eyes fell on the little girl's pink and tender lips, and he was inexplicably thirsty~
A soft and slippery jade hand wrapped around him, intertwining his fingers, his heart suddenly softened into a puddle of water, and his tone became more and more gentle, with infinite warmth.

"Don't worry, brother will arrange it."


He Xiner raised her eyes and looked at him, full of trust, "I believe in the big brother."

Her words were deep and full of meaning.

Ye Xusheng's heart trembled, and he hugged her tightly, as if he wanted to rub her into his bones.

For a while, neither of them opened their mouths, they just enjoyed the quiet and warm time silently.

Until his throbbing heart finally calmed down, Fang Xixi told her about his plan.

They have lived together as cousins ​​for more than ten years, even if they are separated now, it is difficult to change other people's views for a while, this is not easy to force.

But in order to avoid embarrassment, the marriage was not held in Yejia Village.

And now, as a daughter of the He family, she is not suitable for getting married in the countryside, so he plans to buy a house in the county.

Naturally, they also got married in the county seat.

He Xiner was a little hesitant, mainly because Ye Xusheng had to rush for the exam after he passed the rural exam. In the future, he would either live in the capital for a long time, or be sent to another place, in short, he would not return to his original position as an official.

Isn't that house going to be vacant?

It's really a waste~
"Getting married is our business. I don't care if the villagers say a few gossips. Besides, we have nothing to be ashamed of being together. Why buy a big house to avoid them? There will be many places to spend money in the capital in the future." I'm going..."

"It's okay, let's just buy property, and leave it to Mu Laowu and his wife to take care of it when we're not around."

He wants to give the little girl a perfect wedding, spending some money is really nothing.

He Xiner thought for a while, then nodded her approval.

Well, they're not short of money these days.

(End of this chapter)

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