The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 216 Jealous of Our Family Living Well

Chapter 216 Jealous of Our Family Living Well

Cao Xinlan was still clamoring for her father to avenge her, but her father-in-law and mother-in-law were all there. No matter how self-righteous Uncle Cao was, he was still somewhat rational. He first asked the reason of the matter, and then showed his own attitude.

Things have become like this, and the brothers of the Wang family have also seen through the essence of the Cao family. They don't regard them as relatives at all. The more they support them, the more they look down on the Wang family. They have humiliated them so much. with a face?

Seeing Uncle Cao's question, the head of the room, Sun Wang Xiangdong, stood up as a matter of course, and explained the cause and effect of the matter clearly and plainly.

Including what everyone said, without adding or subtracting, and without adding any personal emotions, the scene just now was completely restored to everyone present.

After listening to Uncle Cao, the cause was actually because his mother-in-law bragged about eating white flour steamed buns at home every day, and he almost fainted out of breath.

I was about to be pissed off by that stupid woman!
It's all right for you to brag to outsiders, but to brag to your own natal family, won't someone catch you?

What people said is true, your family is so rich, but you eat white flour steamed buns every day but don't honor your parents, you don't care what the matter is!

Cao Xinlan said to herself: "Father, listen to me, right? They are just jealous of our family's good life!"

"To shut up!"

Uncle Cao scolded his daughter viciously, and then gave his daughter-in-law a hard look: "The troublemaker is bragging in her mother's house!"

Aunt Wang was reprimanded face-to-face by her husband, and she felt her face fell to the ground, she was ashamed and angry, her eyes turned black, and she wished to faint and hide, but she was as strong as a cow, so she didn't faint~
Cao Daxing and Cao Erwang still wanted to make a fuss with their sister, but seeing their father scolding their mother and sister uncharacteristically, they dared not speak out for a moment.

After glancing at the eldest daughter, Mrs. Wang sighed helplessly and said nothing.

Everything was cleared up, Uncle Wang and Uncle Wang also died of currying favor with their eldest brother-in-law, and kept silent with cold faces.

All the Wang family were silent. Seeing that no one was smoothing things over, Uncle Cao couldn't hold back his face. He pulled the flesh on his face and said to Mr. Wang, "Father, it's hard for my family to quarrel. The spoon does not touch the edge of the pot." Yes, we're still a family after the quarrel, don't you always say?"

It's rare to see the eldest daughter-in-law subdued by the younger brother, Mr. Wang has a very complicated heart, why doesn't he want to help the eldest daughter's life in a better life!But the reality slapped him in the face!

Maybe he didn't correct the attitude that his father-in-law should have at the beginning, and he also misled his children and grandchildren. They hummed in front of the Cao family one by one, so that the Cao family became more and more uptight and didn't look straight at the Wang family.

Hehe, today the Wang family is the Yue family of the Cao family, but they are directly scolded as poor ghosts by others!
Such a humiliation!Such an embarrassment!It's all because he, the head of the family, didn't straighten his spine!
Mr. Wang even thought to himself mockingly, "people are poor and short-sighted", the old saying is true!

Hehe, those petty calculations are simply big jokes!

It's really fooled by lard, it's not as clear as the little granddaughter, if the girl is a good girl, why should he, a father, be so focused on calculating?
Forget it, it's fine if you tear your face...

Disappointed or lost in his heart, Mr. Wang is an old man, and he refused to show half of it on his face, but his eyes dimmed, and he waved his hand lightly, "I've eaten my meal, you go back."

What does father-in-law mean?
In the past, no matter how arrogant and noisy the children were, didn't he just smile indifferently?
Don't give me any face now?
Uncle Cao held his breath in his chest, unable to get up or down, it made his chest hurt~
(End of this chapter)

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