The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 219 What Changed Your View

Chapter 219 What Changed Your View

Smart as Zhang Dongqiang, for a moment he couldn't figure out what kind of crazy that third brother was smoking, so he simply stopped thinking about it, and said with a smile: "What are you running? After practicing for so long, it's time to try your skills!"

Watching the fun is not too big a deal!
Ye Xusheng pursed his lips, and sighed softly, "It's all a family and there is no deep hatred, so avoid it if you can."

I knew this silly boy was kind-hearted!
As long as those people don't go too far, just let him go. If they go too far, he won't watch his friends being bullied!
"Are you going to learn boxing?"

"Well, Uncle Zhang said that he will teach me tomorrow, but he didn't say what boxing is called."

Speaking of this, Ye Xusheng laughed excitedly, his eyes were bright, and he rubbed his hands unconsciously, almost unable to sit still~
Oh, this kid...

"I practice like this every day, is my body able to bear it?"

The silly boy tosses desperately every day, and he is not too tired to panic.

"I only learned martial arts when I was so old. Naturally, I need to practice more. It's okay, I'm in good health!"

"You have already learned how to swim, or you can skip it at night, and you can sleep more."

"No, it's not enough to just do water, you have to keep practicing."

"How far can you practice?"

"I can't tell. Can't martial arts masters lie in ambush in the water for a long time? You have to practice to that level."

"Hahahaha, you!"

What a silly boy talking silly!

Zhang Dongqiang couldn't stop laughing, "Haha~haha~~"

Ye Xusheng touched his nose before seeing him laughing like this, could he be wrong?
"Still laughing?"

Ye Xusheng pretended to be angry and glared at him.

"Okay, don't laugh."

Zhang Dongqiang restrained the smile on his face, and asked solemnly: "Your goal is to become a martial arts master? And then dominate the martial arts?"

After saying "puchi", he laughed again, "haha~haha~"

Ye Xusheng was not annoyed, he glanced at him, and said quite seriously, "It can also be said that my goal is to become a martial arts master."

Zhang Dongqiang clenched his fist and coughed lightly on his lips, and said seriously, "You are too late to learn martial arts, and your bones have grown. If you want to reach the realm of a master, you will definitely suffer more than ordinary people."

"As long as Uncle Zhang keeps teaching me, no matter how hard I suffer"

Zhang Dongqiang sighed secretly in his heart, he knew it was a one-track mind!
With a smile in his eyes, his lips curled up slightly: "Do you trust my father that much?"

Hearing this, Ye Xusheng bowed his head in silence for a second, looked up at him sincerely and said, "I'm not afraid of your jokes, I used to think that it was Uncle Zhang who stayed in the barracks for a while, but since Uncle Zhang taught me martial arts, I changed my mind"

Zhang Dongqiang squinted at him with a half-smile: "What changed your opinion?"

Ye Xusheng smiled innocently: "Of course it's my opinion on Uncle Zhang's ability."

"Oh~ let's hear it"

"Although I haven't seen Uncle Zhang's skills, I can feel that Uncle Zhang is powerful and must be a master!"

“How come you see?”

"Well~ how should I say it?"

Ye Xusheng scratched his head, thinking hard about the words~
Zhang Dongqiang pursed his lips, a smile flashed across his handsome eyes, the idiot is not stupid at all, he is quite sharp~
"Well, on weekdays, Uncle Zhang is straightforward and straightforward, but when he taught me martial arts, Uncle Zhang was stern and cold, especially domineering, not angry and arrogant."

Ye Xusheng thought about it again, "That's almost what it means."

Shaking his head and smiling, Zhang Dongqiang had an unfathomable expression on his face, and joked, "He knows the magic of iron cows, you have to pester him to teach you"

"Iron Bull Magic Art! It sounds amazing! Could it be Uncle Zhang's ultimate skill?"

Ye Xusheng was amazed~

Zhang Dongqiang couldn't hold back any longer, clapped his hands and laughed loudly, the wanton laughter spread outside the house, causing Zhang Tieniu in the yard to grin too~
Ye Xusheng, who was being tricked, glanced at him quietly, and said unhurriedly, "Laugh, laugh hard, and stay with me for two hours at night!"

Zhang Dongqiang hurriedly stopped his unrestrained laughter, uh~ burped~
"Two hours? Are you afraid of getting wrinkled?"

(End of this chapter)

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