Chapter 227

He Xiner and her two friends happily followed Ye Xusheng all the way up the mountain. The three of them were just playing around and walked extremely slowly. Ye Xusheng had to slow down and lead the way in a leisurely manner.

"Wow, I saw a beautiful wild flower, so beautiful!"

The bouncing Ye Yuanyuan saw the flowers in the grass and cheered excitedly!
"Mmm, um, so pretty,"

"This flower is really beautiful, I don't know what it's called"

Guan Cuizhi tilted her head in admiration.

He Xiner also picked one, and said with a smile, "What do you call it, as long as it looks good?"

"Xin'er is right, come on, Xin'er, take the lead for me"

Ye Yuanyuan held the flower and placed it on the hair bag, gesticulating, smiling with crooked eyebrows, making her more charming and cute.

"Okay, come and put flowers on my little beauty"

He Xiner smiled narrowly. She held a flower in her left hand and put it on for Ye Yuanyuan. one!"

"Ah~ bad girl, I'm going to tear your mouth off"

Several people were stunned by He Xiner's ruffian-like face. When Ye Yuanyuan came to her senses, she blushed with anger, screamed and rushed towards her.

"Haha, catch me!"

He Xiner nimbly dodged, laughing wantonly while running~
Guan Cuizhi burst out laughing, her cheeks flushed slightly, "Where did this girl learn it from?"

The shocked Ye Xusheng was still a little confused, did he hear correctly just now?

"Haha~haha, come on! Catch me!"

"Bad girl, stop for me!"

Ye Yuanyuan was so angry that her willow eyebrows stood upright and her almond eyes widened. She chased and ran to catch He Xiner, and both of them got tired after a while~
Seeing that Ye Yuanyuan's speed slowed down, He Xiner giggled and also slowed down, pinching her waist with one hand and fanning herself with the other, giggling, "Sister, don't worry, I'll apologize to my sister."

He couldn't catch her, and Ye Yuanyuan had nothing to do with her. Seeing that she was still acting foolishly, she almost laughed angrily at her. She tried hard to put on a stern face, but still couldn't hold back her "puchi" laugh~
Guan Cuizhi also covered her small mouth and sniggered, her shoulders shaking uncontrollably.

Ye Xusheng was dumbfounded before seeing He Xiner like this before, could she be a fake cousin?

Taking advantage of He Xiner's relaxation of vigilance, Ye Yuanyuan leaped to her side, pinching He Xiner's small face with both hands, and grinned, "Run? Why don't you run away?"

He Xiner's small face was smooth and tender, and Ye Yuanyuan rubbed it on the spur of the moment, giggling, "Bad girl, now you know how good I am?"

"I know, I know, my sister is the best! I won't dare again!"

He Xiner begged for mercy inarticulately, blinking her big watery eyes with a pitiful look, and kept making bows with her hands~
"Haha, haha, the little face is so funny!"

Guan Cuizhi smiled with watery eyes and a smile on the corner of her mouth, she stretched out her hand to pull Ye Yuanyuan, "Okay, she knows she's wrong, let her go."

Seeing He Xiner's tender little face deformed by Ye Yuanyuan's hands, Ye Xusheng's heart ached, but he couldn't intervene in the fight between the little girls, so he opened his mouth and scratched his head anxiously.

Under Guan Cuizhi's reconciliation, Ye Yuanyuan finally let He Xiner go, and only squinted at her, "Let go of you this time, if you dare to mess with me in the future, just wait."

After being free, He Xiner rubbed her face with a smile, "It's so good that I didn't crush my face!"

Guan Cuizhi and Ye Yuanyuan both laughed again, and the laughter, which was as crisp as silver bells, drifted away with the wind, making those who heard it feel joyful.

Even Ye Xusheng, who was still anxious just now, curled up his thin lips, suddenly enlightened~
 I originally set the time to update, but I slipped my hand and clicked to send immediately, crying~
  The title of this chapter should be "Little Beauty Give Grandpa a Smile"

(End of this chapter)

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