The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 2281 He suffered outside

Chapter 2281 He suffered outside

When Ye Feifeng was struggling to knock on the door of the second room, she realized that she was thinking too much.

He Xiner would not see her at all.

In fact, even Ye Yuanyuan didn't stay in the west wing all the time.

When Ye Feifeng arrived, Cao Shi, Bai Shi, Ye Yuanyuan, Luo Hua and Wei Yu, and even Daha and Erha were all in the dining room.

Cao's and Bai's were making clothes, while Ye Yuanyuan discussed with Luo Hua and Wei Yu to make a novelty doll to relieve He Xiner's boredom.

The three of them drew back and forth with paper and pens, but they couldn't make up their minds.

"Young girl Feng is here, sit in front of the stove."

Seeing Xiao Xuyang, Bai Shi and Cao Shi both smiled kindly. Bai Shi greeted Ye Feifeng casually, put aside the work in his hands, and hugged Xiao Xuyang with a smile.

Not in a hurry to take off her cloak, first touched Liang Sisi's little face, then touched his little hand, and said with a smile, "The little hand is quite warm."

Cao said with a smile, "It's all the big girl who took good care of me."

While talking, she started to untie the little guy's cloak, and was about to take it over and hug him, when she saw him wriggling around like a big wriggling bug, she couldn't help feeling amused, "What is Xu Yang trying to do?"

Erha had already come running over, and was circling around Bai Shi excitedly, rubbing against Xiao Xuyang's leg from time to time, Hei Liuli seemed to be looking at him eagerly, full of joy.

"I'm in a hurry to play with Erha~"

Bai smiled and bent down to put the little guy down, he immediately opened his arms and threw himself at Erha, his brows and eyes bent in joy.

Luo Hua, Wei Yu and Ye Yuanyuan were all amused.

As a result, the group of people continued their work in a relaxed and pleasant atmosphere, and teased Xiao Xuyang with words from time to time, even if he didn't respond, it didn't affect him at all, and on the contrary, he became more cheerful.

As if he is a pistachio yes.

Ye Feifeng stared blankly at the jubilant little man, feeling quite uncomfortable.

She wanted to ask if He Xiner's illness was better, but she couldn't open her mouth no matter what, and after trying her best, she asked Ye Yuanyuan, "Why didn't you stay with Ye Xiner in the West Wing?"

As soon as the words came out of her mouth, she clearly felt that the atmosphere in the room froze instantly. Ye Yuanyuan lost all smiles, frowned, and said in a deep voice, "Xin'er is asleep."

Ye Feifeng was slightly taken aback, then nodded to express understanding.

Afterwards, no one said a word, they all did things in silence, and it was a little deserted for a while.

Fortunately, with Erha and Xiao Xuyang around, he was not too depressed.

After a while, Da Ha, who had been lazy all the time, seemed to be interesting, and joined in, playing with Xiao Xuyang and Erha, which added a bit of excitement.

But still no one spoke.

And Ye Feifeng, who was used to being an invisible person, didn't feel bored, so there was nothing wrong with just staying so quietly, it was better than going home and listening to her mother-in-law swearing.

In the west wing room, He Xiner stood motionless in front of the window, looking fixedly at the snow in the yard through the open corner.

The biting cold wind scrambled to pour in, and the face was icy cold, but she seemed to be numb and felt nothing.

Such thick snow can cover all the gullies and ravines on the road, making it more difficult to sweep and drive, because the wheels are easy to get stuck in places with floating snow.

It is really difficult to travel in such weather.

He suffered outside.


Old Qian's family, in order to welcome Ye Laijin and his wife, none of the brothers Qian Jin went to the Yue's house to pay homage. They all stretched their necks at home and waited for the rich man.

But not the rich man.

Lao Ye's family is now extremely rich, no worse than the big families in the town.

Just pulling out a few hairs is enough for their family to live a good life.

With such precious relatives around, who cares about those poor people, all stand aside!
"Brothers cheer up, and today we will take Ye Laijin no matter what we say, and we won't let him go if we don't agree with our conditions."

"Don't worry, there are so many of us, one sip by one person can knock him out."

"No, without Ye Xusheng getting in the way, it's not a piece of cake to deal with him alone."

"Well, those things are ready, don't mess around then."

"What's wrong with this? When he drank into a ball of mud, wouldn't he be at our mercy?"

Qian Duo looked terrified, "Brother, just wait."

(End of this chapter)

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