The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 2297 Divide us into half

Chapter 2297 Divide us in half

Even Xiaoqian has a thick skin, but he couldn't stand being scolded by someone pointing his nose in front of his face, and trembled all over his body angrily.

It's just that after all she was wronged, she inevitably lacked confidence, "I, I am not in charge of the family, even if I want to be filial, I have no money."

If it weren't for the fact that there was no other way, would she be willing to deal with a poor man?

Xiaoqian secretly gritted her teeth, and waited for her to get the money from the second room before she came to settle accounts with you.

"Short description..."

Qian Jin sneered, "Old Ye's family is very rich, even if you are not in charge of the family, you don't lack good things..."

His gloomy eyes fell on Xiaoqian's hairpin, "It's natural to be filial with sincerity."

Xiaoqian was angry, "I only have two or three silver objects, and you still want to make up your mind. I'm also the eldest daughter-in-law of Lao Ye's family, so it's possible that I'm naked..."

Qian Jin was impatient to hear what she said, so he waved his hand directly and said, "Okay, don't talk nonsense. I won't talk nonsense with you, we will share half of the money left by Ye Laiyin, and I will take care of things for you."

"What! Why don't you grab it?"

Little Chan screamed loudly.

"Why? Don't you want to? Didn't you keep saying that you can't be filial to your parents because you don't have money in your hands? Now that you have money soon, why don't you want to be filial to your parents?"

"You are clearly extorting money!"

"If you are rich, you don't help your mother's family. I think you are a wolf!"

"Who are you scolding?"

"Calling you."


Qian Dafa's face sank like water.

The two brothers and sisters quarreled like Wujiyan, wishing they could eat each other, and those who didn't know thought they were enemies.

Xiaoqian quarreled with Qian Jin for a long time, but he didn't get anything cheap, and was scolded bloody by him, with smoke coming out of his head.

At the same time, the throat will also smoke.

She was really lost, and said in a hoarse voice, "Help me drive Ye Xiner away first, and I guarantee that your benefits will be indispensable."

Qian Jin sneered, "Half."

Xiaoqian immediately wanted to blow his hair again, but his throat was very uncomfortable, so he didn't dare to yell loudly, and he forcibly suppressed the words that were about to blurt out.

She swallowed with difficulty, got up by herself and went to the kang hole in the inner room to take out a dark kettle, poured herself half a bowl of water, sipped it, and her throat finally felt more comfortable.

The anger seemed to have been extinguished a little.

This made her calm down a lot.

She rolled her eyes and thought for a while and said, "Okay, half is half..."

It's not up to her to decide how much the second room has, and she will just give them 20 taels of silver at that time.

Qian Dafa, who hadn't spoken for a long time, suddenly said in a deep voice, "No way!"

Xiaoqian was stunned, and immediately screamed, "Why not?"

Qian Dafa said quietly, "The risk is too great. If someone gets caught, the old Qian family will be finished..."

Hearing this, Qian Jin almost didn't jump up, but facing his father's expressionless face, no matter how much he said, he could only hold back.

Xiaoqian was about to go crazy. After arguing for a long time, he finally came to an agreement. Why didn't it work?

"Where can I catch it? If you really want to make a noise, just run, and you can just stand there and wait for someone to catch it?"

"No, two legs can't run faster than four legs. If you are bitten by a dog twice, you will die of pain."

"It's not easy to handle, just add some medicine to kill those two stupid dogs."

Qian Jin immediately interjected, "Buying poison? We have no money."

Xiaoqian was about to die of anger, gritted his teeth and said, "I'll pay the money."

Qian Dafa's eyes flickered, "I still can't run away when I meet someone who knows kung fu."

"Xu Sheng is not here again."

Hearing this, Qian Dafa said unintentionally, "Old Ye's family has just had an accident, why don't you be more careful? How can anyone touch the house again?"

"I think I have raised a few more wolf dogs..."

Xiaoqian snorted, and with an expression of finally understanding, she casually revealed the situation at home.

Qian Jin took a deep look at his father, and swallowed back the words that were almost blurted out.

"What's the use of the puppy, and Lao Ye's family is not short of money, why don't you hire a few nurses to guard the house?"

Qian Jin's heart tightened, and he raised his head suddenly.

"There are bodyguards who don't need money, so why spend that money?"

Xiaoqian didn't think so.


Qian Jin almost fell to the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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