The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 230 Thinking About One Very Important Thing

Chapter 230 Thinking About a Very Important Thing
He Xiner's big eyes fluttered, she turned her head to look at Ye Xusheng, and said excitedly, "Brother Hall, shall we give this lake a nice name?"

"Name it? Didn't you say that there is a master here?"

"It doesn't matter if you have a master! He calls his, we call ours"

He Xiner waved her small hands and shook her head and said, "Everyone sees the scenery differently, I want to give it a name that is unique to me."

Ye Yuanyuan cheered in the distance, "Wow, these flowers are so beautiful."

Afraid that she would pick them, He Xiner hurriedly waved her hands and shouted, "Don't pick the flowers!"

In fact, needless to say, Ye Yuanyuan was also reluctant to pick it, the flower was so beautiful that she couldn't do it.Smiling and waving at He Xiner.

"Hehe, I was worried for nothing, how could Yuanyuan have the heart to pick that flower after seeing it?"

Ye Xusheng pursed his lips and chuckled, "The flowers, plants, stones, and trees here are so beautiful that people dare not desecrate them."

"Yeah, the big brother is right, I really want to build a log cabin to live here."

Zhang Dongqiang on the tree was so frightened that he almost fell off again. The little girl didn't want to praise her. She thought she was a good person, but she turned out to be a greedy one. She just wanted to have fun, and she wanted to occupy his place...

Ye Xusheng laughed softly, "Brother, Xiumu will play with you from now on, that's good."


"Well, have you thought of a name yet?"

"Yes, the name, I have to think about it, what is the best name"

Ye Yuanyuan and Guan Cuizhi ran over holding hands, and before they got there, Ye Yuanyuan couldn't wait to shout, "Xin'er, you are right, this place is so beautiful that I don't even want to leave."

"Haha, then you can stay here tonight."

"I really seem to live here"

Guan Cuizhi also beamed happily, "Xin'er, I like this place so much."

"I knew you two would love this place"

He Xiner clapped her hands and smiled lightly.

Ye Yuanyuan pulled Guan Cuizhi and sat down on the ground. The two of them were wearing old clothes when they entered the mountains today, so they were not afraid of getting dirty. Besides, there was soft grass on the ground, so it was quite comfortable to sit on.

Seeing the flushed cheeks of the two excitedly, and fine beads of sweat on the tip of their noses, He Xiner smiled and handed the bamboo tube to Cuizhi to "drink some water"

He took another bamboo tube and handed it to Ye Yuanyuan.

Oh!I brought a total of two bamboo tubes, how does the lobby brother drink water?

Patting his head, he looked at Ye Xusheng apologetically, "Brother Hall, are you thirsty?"

"Brother is not thirsty, you guys drink, don't run around here, I will pick some wild fruits"

"Oh, I see"

Ye Xusheng walked away, and He Xiner turned her eyes back, staring at the blue lake in a daze.

"Xin'er, what are you thinking?"

Ye Yuanyuan stretched out her hand and waved in front of her, seeing that she didn't even blink, she moved towards her curiously, "Why are you in a daze?"

He Xiner pretended to sigh deeply, "I'm thinking"

"Thinking about what?"

Guan Cuizhi was also aroused by her strong curiosity.

"Ah! Thinking about a very important thing"

It was rare to see her serious look, Ye Yuanyuan was very curious, carefully put the bamboo tube on the ground, hugged He Xiner and shook her, "Hurry up and say something important."

Guan Cuizhi also smiled and put the bamboo tube away, hugging the other arm, "Let's hear it."

Being shaken by the two of them, He Xiner's eyes were still empty, in a state of emptiness.

"I have seen through the world of mortals, I no longer miss everything in the world of mortals, and I just want to escape into Buddhism~"

Not to mention, her empty eyes stared blankly at the front, her little face was tense and serious, she really looked a little hopeless.

The smiles on Ye Yuanyuan's and Guan Cuizhi's faces froze, and they subconsciously stopped their hands, not daring to shake her anymore. They looked at each other, feeling uneasy.

Ye Yuanyuan gently embraced He Xiner's shoulder, patted her comfortingly, and whispered softly, "Xiner, what's wrong with you? Did you encounter any difficulties? Tell me, we will help you"

(End of this chapter)

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