The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 232 Do you see that my mouth is still on my face?

Chapter 232 Do you see that my mouth is still on my face?
Ye Yuanyuan tilted her head, and looked up and down He Xiner suspiciously, "You're not lying?"


He Xiner clutched her heart in pain, and slowly fell to the ground, "My heart was broken by you, I vomited blood and died!"

Ye Xusheng, who just took a big bite of a pear, almost choked, and a helpless smile flashed across his eyes, this child is getting more and more mischievous~
"Haha, the bad girl wants to lie again, so she won't be fooled by you."

Ye Yuanyuan pointed at He Xiner who 'fell to the ground' and laughed wildly, while Guan Cuizhi covered her little mouth and kept laughing secretly.

"Nobody rescued me?"

He Xiner, whose acting skills were overwhelming, stretched out her hands towards Ye Yuanyuan with trembling hands, praying with eyes full of tears, "Those who die of heartache need to be revived by beauty with love."

"Elves and ghosts are going to be demons again"

The two little friends couldn't sit still laughing, they leaned forward and backward, making fun of He Xiner.

Ye Xusheng's face turned red holding back his smile, and he couldn't bear her lying on the ground to catch the cold again, so he asked unnaturally, "How can you be awakened?"

He Xiner half-closed her eyes, and said weakly, "Of course it's the beauty's kiss that can wake up my broken and cold heart~"

As soon as these words came out, countless fireworks exploded in Ye Xusheng's mind, leaving him dumbfounded...

"I'm going to die! The bad girl has no time to be serious!"

Ye Yuanyuan's face flushed with embarrassment, and she stretched out her small fist to beat He Xiner's body. Guan Cuizhi also blushed hotly, and shouted, "Squeeze her mouth!"

The super good Zhang Dongqiang heard every word clearly, his brain felt like an electric shock, his limbs were weak and his whole body was paralyzed, the shock made him dumbfounded, and he was dumbfounded with his mouth wide open~
Ye Yuanyuan and Guan Cuizhi were both ashamed and annoyed, vowing to tear He Xiner's little mouth apart. He Xiner covered her mouth with her hands and kept nodding and bowing to apologize, but she burst into tears. How could she really repent?

The two disagreed, Guan Cuizhi hugged He Xiner with both hands, Ye Yuanyuan scratched her armpit, He Xiner was out of breath from laughing, and didn't bother to cover her mouth, "I was wrong, I was wrong, never dare again"

Being caught by Ye Yuanyuan, she squeezed her small face, "I won't dare to say it again, and I will do it again!"

Poor He Xiner's face was so distorted that she cried out in pain, "Ouch, Ouch!"

Slightly calming his mind, Ye Xusheng's face was still hot, his eyes were covered with a layer of mist, and he became shy, which is rare for a young man, and turned his head to look into the distance pretending to be calm, not daring to look at the girls who were fighting.

It wasn't until he heard He Xiner's constant begging for forgiveness that he couldn't help but turn and look over. Seeing that He Xiner was about to be tossed so hard by the two of them that he couldn't breathe, it was both funny and heartbroken. He coughed softly, "Stop making trouble, I'll take you to find something delicious."

Guan Cuizhi was the first to recover among the three who were fighting, alas, what a shame!
Actually going crazy like this in front of Big Brother Ye, Guan Cuizhi hurriedly got up, covered her flushed face with her small hands, and couldn't lift her head shyly.

Ye Yuanyuan also let go of He Xiner, glared at her in embarrassment, and couldn't help lowering her head and giggling.

"Oh, brother hall, do you see that my mouth is still on my face?"

She almost died laughing at her!

This question made Ye Xusheng unable to hold back any longer, and burst out laughing loudly...

Even Zhang Dongqiang in the dark managed to keep from laughing, his handsome eyes were full of smiles, this girl is really funny~
"Haha, is the bad girl trying to laugh us to death?"

Ye Yuanyuan and Guan Cuizhi managed to be serious for two seconds, and He Xiner returned to her original form after saying a word, laughing and rolling into a ball~
Tired from the fuss, He Xiner simply lay down on the grass, put her hands behind her head, and looked at the blue sky with half-closed eyes, "This is our secret base, okay?"

Both Ye Yuanyuan and Guan Cuizhi were misled by He Xiner, they no longer cared about their image, and imitated her lying on the grass basking in the sun, and after hearing He Xiner's words, they all shouted happily, "Secret base! Secret base! "

(End of this chapter)

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