Chapter 2339 What Did Dad Say?
This master surnamed Jiang lived up to his reputation. He was indeed a Feng Shui master with super professional ability, calm and capable, decisive and straightforward, and very reliable, not perfunctory.

At his request, the crowd led the way and turned almost half of the mountain. Everywhere he went, he would take a compass to observe carefully, and he was still chanting, extremely serious and rigorous.

Seeing this, everyone held their breath, not daring to make any noise to disturb his tranquility.

Fortunately, before turning around the entire mountain, he finally designated a wide area.

The slope is gentle, the front is open, the rear is tall, the surrounding vegetation is lush, and the scenery is excellent.

This place is perfect for Ye Laiyin and his wife's private residence.

Both Lao Yetou and Ye Laijin were very satisfied.

Ye Dayou and others all agreed.

All thanks to the master.

As soon as Lao Yetou was happy, he ordered Ye Laijin to double his reward as a token of gratitude.

"Okay, listen to Dad."

Ye Laijin didn't refuse to agree, so naturally he readily agreed.

It made Lao Yetou feel a little bit sorry.

Just shouldn't be impulsive.

This is the kindness of the boss, if it were someone else, he would have been unhappy by now.

Old Yetou took a deep look at his son and lowered his eyes in thought.

He didn't have much money in his hands, and all he had used these days was the private money of the big house, and the sum of all kinds of things was not a small number.

And there are a lot of places to spend next.

"The place has been selected, and it happens that tomorrow is the first day of February, so we can hire people to start construction, and it won't cost much money.

The May [-]th ritual is the big one..."

There is no need to mention the sesame oil money donated by the eminent monks down the mountain.

But the next thing, I am afraid that the cost will be indispensable.

"Xin girl has honored me with a lot of good things, such as old mountain ginseng, high-quality tea, silk and satin, I don't need them even if I keep them there, why don't I exchange them for silver..."

"What did Dad say?"

Ye Laijin didn't think much about it at first, but Lao Ye had already talked about this, so there was still something he didn't understand.

He blushed immediately.


His father was simply embarrassing him by saying this.

"The son's success today is all thanks to the help of the second wife, and the old Ye family's success today is also thanks to the second wife's blessing. Now that the second son and his wife are gone, this is the only thing I can do for them as the eldest brother. How can you care about a little money?"

If possible, he is willing to exchange all his wealth for his second child and younger siblings, even if it costs his life, as long as they can live well.

One life for two lives, steady profit.

The second child is much more capable than him. With him around, Lao Ye's family will get better and better.

He has nothing to worry about.

But the reality is so cruel that the second child will never come back.

never come back.

There are only these things he can do for his second child.

Mentally hinting that the second child will have a good life there, he can feel better in his heart.

How can you care about money.

As long as the second child is good, he is willing to spend more money.

When his father questioned him on this matter, it was like stabbing him in the heart.

Old Yetou saw that his eyes were red, and he also felt that what he said was inappropriate. These days, the boss ran around without saying anything, and even took out a lot of money, which can be described as affectionate.

But what he said made people who didn't know it listen to it, and it seemed that the boss cared about money.


It's like living more and more.

Thankfully there are no outsiders here.

"Don't think about it too much. Dad has no other intentions. He just thinks that the recent flowers are too expensive, and I'm afraid you won't be able to bear them."

"Dad, don't worry, our family is no better than before, these flowers are still available."

"That's good……"

Old Yetou was quite relieved, and then said, "If it's not enough, just tell me."

Ye Laijin thought it was time to find out with his father, otherwise his father would still be worth a few hundred taels of silver, which would be a huge amount, and he was so frightened that he hesitated to arrange it.

At first, he and his second child had arguing about keeping private money, just to guard against the third child, and also because he was afraid that his mother would use all the money to make up for his daughter.

The hard earned money of the two brothers couldn't be lost by themselves, but instead they raised two lazy people.

But now he is the only one left in Lao Ye's family, why should he be so clearly divided.

His is public.

"Father will be in charge of the accounts from now on, and I will hand over the money to you later..."

(End of this chapter)

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