The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 2369 Why Don't You Say Xian Fang

Chapter 2369 Why Don't You Say Xian Fang
"I beat you to death, you bastard!"

Ye Laijin was so angry that he couldn't even care about his own father, he just thumped his feet when he stepped forward, and Xiaoqian twitched in pain.

"Lao Ye's family is today because of girl Xin! If it weren't for her, how would you have a good life?"

Ye Shitian was also very angry, "If you are a girl like Xin, you will stare at that little money?"

Xiaoqian was breathing in the pain, but she did not forget to say back, "Of course she is not only concerned about money, she also wants to dominate the workshop..."

"You know shit!"

Ye Mancang cursed, "Without Sister Xin'er's secret recipe, how could there be a workshop? Without the guidance of Sister Xin'er, which of us peasants would be able to do business?"

Qian Dafa, who watched his daughter being beaten coldly and remained indifferent, suddenly heard the word "Secret Recipe", immediately lifted his spirits, and looked at He Xiner with burning eyes.

It turns out that the secret recipe is hers...

And Xiaoqian only thought that Ye Mancang was putting gold on He Xiner's face, "Bah! Don't fool me, what does Xiaobizi know, and the secret recipe, why don't you talk about fairy recipes?"


Meng Chun stepped forward and slapped Xiaoqian, who yelled, "Ahhhh! Killed! Killed! Help!"

Old Yetou was about to faint from anger, he felt that his eyes were going black, and his body was about to fall, so scared that Guan Xiuyuan hurriedly supported him, "Uncle Dahe, be careful!"

Seeing this, Ye Laijin, who was about to make another move, hurriedly turned around to help, "Father, are you alright?"

"Stop arguing, just gag and tie him up and send him back to Qian's house."

Although he wished he could kill her, he couldn't.

I can't explain to a few children.

Not to mention that Xu Sheng was still running around outside, the people from Xuyang were in the room, and there was also the big girl, so they couldn't beat and kill their mothers in front of them.

Furthermore, killing people is so simple, they are not murderous villains.

"Okay, listen to Dad."

"No! This bitch must be sent to an official."

Meng Chun was so annoyed that she secretly wanted to kill her, so she was not willing to let her go easily.

Xiaoqian is a hob meat who has never known what to be afraid of, but now that he is swept by his knife-like gaze, he suddenly feels chills in his heart.

"Sanggong, Xianggong, you can't listen to him..."

She rushed to Ye Laijin in a hurry, asking him to protect her, and it was not the time to gnash her teeth and scold him.

It's just that Ye Laijin didn't let her touch it at all, and kicked the person before he got close, "Get out!"

"You are a vicious and smoking bastard, you can't even take charge of your own family affairs, call a dog slave here, drink five and six... um--"

This time it was Ye Laijin who blocked her mouth, and by the way wanted to kidnap someone, Xiaoqian struggled desperately, Ye Mancang and others couldn't step forward to help, but she was very strong when she was angry, and there was a lot of noise It got a little bigger, and led Xiao Xuyang out of the upper room.

"Dad, dad!"

The little guy seemed to be frightened, and he stood timidly at the periphery of the crowd, looking at Ye Laijin with a puzzled face.

Under such circumstances, how could Ye Laijin do anything.

He paused, and Xiaoqian took the opportunity to escape.

Ye Mancang and the others glared at Ye Manliang who ran out after him, he scratched his head in embarrassment, he didn't do it on purpose, okay?

"Xuyang, come here, Grandpa hug."

Xiaoqian suddenly had a flash of inspiration, and regardless of the pain all over his body, he rushed towards Xiao Xuyang, "Son, good son, are you reluctant to part with your mother? Tell your father quickly, you want a mother! Tell your mother quickly! , Say it quickly!"

"What are you doing? You're not afraid to scare the children!"

Ye Laijin was furious, and wanted to rob people, but Xiaoqian's suffered a lot and finally became smarter. He picked up Xiao Xuyang, and even caught Ye Feifeng who was quietly approaching Xiao Xuyang.

She pushed the two children in front of her, and looked at Ye Laijin angrily, "Don't come here if you are afraid of scaring the children!"

If eyes could kill, Ye Laijin had already chopped her in half.

"Do you think it's okay to hold the child?"

Xiao Qian supported Xiao Xuyang with one hand, and strangled Ye Feifeng's neck with the other. After a while, she felt her arm was so sore that she couldn't lift it up.

She hasn't held the baby for a long time, and she's used to being lazy, so it's really hard to do this kind of physical work all of a sudden.

She also knew that she couldn't hold on for long, and would fall into the hands of the other party sooner or later, but she couldn't think of a good way for a while, so she could only yell, "Don't come here, don't come here!"

(End of this chapter)

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