The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 237 Pick some grass to cover it up?

Chapter 237 Should I Pick Some Grass to Cover It Up?
The farmer's children were not squeamish, they nodded after hearing He Xiner's words, and began to work swiftly.

Don't look at them laughing and laughing when they are playing, but they are very careful and attentive when they are doing business. Ye Yuanyuan has a sullen little face and is very serious, scanning every fruit on the branch with piercing eyes, trying not to let go of any ripe fruit. fruit.

Guan Cuizhi also opened her eyes wide, only picking ripe and plump fruits, not a single bad one.

Not to mention He Xin'er, she was afraid that picking bad fruits would affect the overall quality. Since she wanted to do it, she had to do it well, and the price of good-looking medicinal materials would be relatively higher.

Ye Xusheng was taller than them, and he picked high places where they couldn't reach.

All four of them were concentrating on what they were doing, and couldn't talk for a while, and the surroundings were quiet, only the occasional birdsong in the distance~
This dense forest is huge, and the wild fruits are not picked all year round. The seeds fall to the ground, and new fruit trees continue to grow. Year after year, more and more trees grow, and it is impossible to count how many trees there are. He Xiner reckoned that she could continue to pick until it snowed and closed the mountains.

When there were more fruits in the basket, He Xiner spread another layer of leaves. After doing this three times, the basket was full.

Seeing the fruits of her labor, He Xiner grinned happily, stretched out her hand to beat her sore waist, raised her hand to wipe the sweat from her forehead, and was ready to call it a day.

Looking left and right, only the eldest brother was there, and the two of them couldn't go far with the same backpack.

The place is so big, they were all focused on picking fruit, Yuanyuan and Cuizhi gradually separated, looked up at the sun in the sky, the sun was about to set, and when they were serious about their work, time passed very fast.

"Yuanyuan, Cuizhi, let's go"

He Xiner put her hands around her lips and opened her mouth to shout.

There was a response from the two in the distance, and after a while, both of them searched for the voice and came over.

"Look, my pannier is full"

"Me too, I picked it up before I knew it"

Both Ye Yuanyuan and Guan Cuizhi were so happy to show it to He Xiner, Ye Xusheng also pursed his lips and chuckled, "Are you tired? Do you want to take a break before leaving?"

"It's getting late, let's go back early"

He Xiner was worried that so many fruits would be spoiled, so she wanted to go home as soon as possible and spread them out to dry.

"Xin'er is right, thinking that so many fruits can be exchanged for silver, I feel energetic all over my body, and I don't feel tired at all."

Ye Yuanyuan said that she wasn't tired, but she still raised her arm and wiped her sweat with her sleeve.

Guan Cuizhi also sweated from the heat, and wiped it lightly, "Should I pick some grass to cover it up?"

"Well, Cuizhi is right"

Taking care of rest at the moment, everyone picked up enough grass and put it on the basket to cover the fruit inside.

Look at each other, there is nothing wrong, they all look at each other and smile.

"Let's go, I'm afraid it will be late when we get home"

"Yeah, let's hurry up"

"Xin'er, is it important to dry the fruit?"

Several people walked quickly, Ye Yuanyuan asked He Xiner curiously.

"Naturally, it is particular, and it is the most critical step. If the drying is uncomfortable and the tide turns black, it will be a waste of these fruits."

"Ah? Then what should we do? We picked it so hard, we can't waste it."

"Don't worry, that doctor Dou is very enthusiastic. He explained to me how to dry it in detail. Moreover, I have another treasure, which can prevent the fruit from sticking together due to moisture."

"What magic weapon?"

"Haha, I won't tell you"

It's not that He Xiner is hiding something. Since she asked her friends to go with her, she didn't intend to monopolize it by herself. It's just that she hasn't tried it, and she isn't [-]% sure that it will succeed.

"Okay, don't tell me if you don't tell me"

Ye Yuanyuan didn't care, "Then we don't know how to dry the fruit, what should we do if the fruit gets wet?"

"This is what I want to say. In order to prevent everyone's fruit from being dried in an improper way and with different quality, let's put them together and put them all in my house. I also have a place to dry them in Xikuayuan."

"Then don't you have to suffer more?"

Guan Cuizhi, who had been quiet all this time, couldn't help feeling sorry to see He Xiner take over all the drying work.

"I have my cousin to help me, you two can come over during the day and we'll be together, how can you get tired?"

(End of this chapter)

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