Chapter 2376
He Jiaheng had a gentle expression and soft eyes.

At this time, the bright and beautiful girl was crying like pear blossoms and rain, her heart was broken, and there was a trace of melancholy between her brows, her black eyebrows were slightly frowned, and her thin lips were tightly pursed.

Xu Shi didn't expect him to be here, she was a little dazed, she stared at him blankly with moist eyes, tears filled her eyelashes, she was about to drip, she looked very pitiful.

He Jiaheng suddenly had the urge to hug someone into his arms to comfort him.

But I can't, and I dare not.

Not to mention that there is Ye Mancang who is eyeing him covetously, even if there is no such thing, he would not dare to make a mistake.

"It hasn't been cleaned up yet, I..."

"What? Young Master He is afraid that we will fail to get your He family's things? You actually want to personally supervise the work of the servants, and you are really careful enough."

Ye Mancang had a poisonous tongue, and fired at He Jiaheng unceremoniously, making him dumbfounded.

"The fourth sister's usual items are organized by the mother-in-law and maidservants. I don't know about those."

"Then you're not leaving yet?"

"There are not enough carriages, and the people who rented cars in the town have not yet returned..."

He Jiaheng said in a warm voice, "I'll leave when the carriage arrives."

Ye Mancang snorted coldly, but didn't say anything else.

After a while, Ye Yuanyuan started crying again, "Xin'er, did she really annoy us? She won't come back again, right?"

He Jiaheng sighed softly.

Brother Ye is clear and bright, elegant and dignified, how could he be with such an incomprehensible mother.

Based on what she did and what she said, no one would hand over their daughter to her.

Isn't that sending sheep to the tiger's mouth?

And when Wei Yu had an accident, the fourth younger sister was heartbroken, and she was afraid that it would be difficult to get out for a while.

"Fourth sister is sad, and she wants to be quiet for a while..."

Ye Yuanyuan cried even more sadly, "Wuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu..."

He Jiaheng was at a loss for what to do.

"Fourth sister won't piss you off if she pissed off anyone..."

Ye Mancang, who was already upset, felt distressed and irritable when he saw his sister crying sadly.

As soon as he opened his eyes, he was about to get angry at He Jiaheng, when his mother called out, "Come here, Yuanyuan, come to mother."

When Mrs. Bai learned of what Mrs. Qian had done, she gritted her teeth in hatred.

If Xiaoqian is in front of her, she must be rewarded with more than a dozen slaps.

It's a pity that no one is there, no matter how annoyed I can only endure it, that's called depression.

Not only depressed, but also distressed.

Feeling sorry for Wei Yu and He Xiner at the same time, my heart was about to be broken.

Alas, both children are poor.

A flower-like age has just passed away, and a person who has just lost his parents has not recovered, and something happened to the people around him, and he was also frightened...

Both the Bai family and the Cao family were full of worries, but there was nothing they could do.

I have to cheer up to help Tan Pozi and others pack their things.

I really hate them leaving~

Ye Yuanyuan pouted with tears in her eyes, and said aggrievedly, "Xin'er doesn't want me anymore..."

He Jiaheng, who followed by checking the cage, paused, and looked over quickly.

Seeing the lively, cheerful and bright girl in the past, now she is twisting and turning in Bai's arms like a three-year-old child, her soft and naive appearance is quite different from her frowning expression.

The little girl's demeanor was unobstructed.

There seems to be a breeze blowing, causing ripples.

He Jiaheng's heart twitched slightly.

However, he couldn't stay longer, so he was invited by Lao Yetou.

He also just found out that He Jiaheng was still there, so he hurriedly asked him to talk.

"Xin girl is really engaged?"

Lao Yetou, Ye Laijin, Ye Shitian, Guan Xiuyuan and others all stared at He Jiaheng, as if they would kill you if you dared to lie.

He Jiaheng's eyes flickered slightly.

"The fourth sister's marriage is decided by the old lady and father..."

"You just decide!"

Ye Mancang was in a hurry, and he couldn't listen to people's detours, so he looked at him eagerly, "You said it!"

(End of this chapter)

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