The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 246 I Can Hear Your Stomach Growling

Chapter 246 I Can Hear Your Stomach Growling

Seeing that He Xiner closed the door, Ye Xusheng hurried back to Dongkua courtyard, and jumped out of Lao Ye's house.

The moonlight is like water, the bright and soft light covers the earth, the mountains are quiet, only the occasional sound of insects chirping, in the hazy mountains, a figure is running fast, the speed is extremely fast, awakening the birds resting on the tree One after another, they spread their wings and flew away.

Standing on a high place, Zhang Dongqiang had a calm and handsome face, hum, if you don’t take him with you during the day, and you don’t arrive at the appointed time in the evening, he is very angry, very angry, if you want to get his forgiveness, you have to call him Turn chicken into food~
Just as I was dreaming, I suddenly saw a frightened bird flying up, the silly boy is here?
Zhang Dongqiang decided to ignore him, and stood proudly with his hands behind his back, facing the Sapphire Lake, giving the late Ye Xusheng a head back, um~ that's it.

On weekdays, it takes an hour to walk the mountain road, but Ye Xusheng arrived at the bank of Lanbao Lake in less than half an hour. He didn't notice Zhang Dongqiang's abnormality, and he thought he was enjoying the night view of Lanbao Lake. He took a breath, calmed down and was about to Heart pounding, "Dong Qiang, sorry for keeping you waiting"

The two never called "Brother Zhang" or "Brother Ye", they always called each other by their first names, which made them more intimate.

Zhang Dongqiang...

"Have you been here long?"

"Some things have delayed my work. It's too late to go out from home. I'll run up quickly."

"Hehe, after this period of training, I'm running faster and faster."

Ye Xusheng stood beside Zhang Dongqiang, talking to himself without winking.

Isn't this silly boy really stupid?
Haven't seen anything wrong yet?
"Dong Qiang, are you hungry? I'll go to the trap to see if there are pheasants, I'll make you something delicious, just wait!"

Before the words fell, the person ran away like a gust of wind.

Hey, did the idiot not realize he didn't say a word?
Forget it, for the sake of his sense of humor, forgive him~
Zhang Dongqiang covets beggar chickens, and there will naturally be pheasants in the trap. He just wanted to see if the fool has a conscience. Fortunately, the fool has withstood the test~
That night, the two of them didn't go swimming in the lake, but talked about things around the fire. Ye Xusheng didn't hide anything from him, whether it was a family dispute over renting a cow, or wanting to make a beggar's chicken recipe, he would tell his friends After a while.

"Are you sure the mud lumps in the fire are delicious?"

Zhang Dongqiang wanted to tease him, and raised his eyebrows, "Is this the delicious food you said?"

"Hehe, it's not eating mud lumps, it's the beggar chicken inside, okay?"

"Beggar Chicken? The name is really ugly."

"Haha, I had the same thought when I first heard it."

"Why such an ugly name?"

"Hey, I really don't know. Maybe Xin'er called it on a whim. The name can be changed. The most important thing is whether the taste is good or not."

"That's right, it's just that this method is too unique, right?"

"It will be fine in a while, you can taste how it tastes, and give me some advice,"

Speaking of the taste, Zhang Dongqiang couldn't help but rolled his eyes, hum, dare to mention this, thinking about the tragic experience of only being able to smell the smell but not eat, a burst of anger surged in his chest, so he didn't want to talk to the idiot again ~
Ye Xusheng still didn't notice anything, because he was busy peeling the mud lump, "I guess it's ripe, just break it open after a little cold and eat it."

Adding some more firewood to the fire, Ye Xusheng didn't speak for a while, looking at the dark mud bumps in thought~
It's already three o'clock, the moonlight is soft and bright, gently shining on the mountains, the lake near the distant mountains is as beautiful as a fairyland on earth, the autumn wind blows, and the unique fragrance of orchids wafts faintly, which makes people feel refreshed.

Zhang Dongqiang was slightly distracted, staring at the blue lake, wondering what he was thinking~
It wasn't until a strong fragrance penetrated into his nose that he came back to his senses suddenly. The smell was even more enticing near him, and his stomach was growling uncontrollably. It's so useless when you're so embarrassing.

It was as if he hadn't eaten anything good, and it was a good thing the fool didn't hear it.

"Are you hungry when you smell it? I can hear your stomach growling."

Zhang Dongqiang...

(End of this chapter)

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