Chapter 250

"Big brother, have you brought an oil lamp?"

"Bring it, you light the kang carefully, I will light the lamp"

Ye Xusheng first put the back basket on the ground, and kept holding the oil lamp with his left hand, took out the torch from his pocket, blew on it and lit the oil lamp.

There was no furniture in the room, so Ye Xusheng could only put the oil lamp on the edge of the kang, lowered his head and put the oil lamp, Ye Xusheng turned his back to He Xiner.

Little girl He Xiner yawned again, she didn't notice the big brother's discomfort, and she didn't feel that there was anything wrong with the middle coat on her body that was wrapped tightly like pajamas.

He took out the clothes her mother changed from the kang cabinet. This is her only decent one. It is a must-have for going out. He Xiner smiled slightly. When she has money, she will definitely buy a lot of beautiful clothes and dress up beautifully~
"Xin'er, what are these fruits used for?"

Ye Xusheng never looked back, staring at the black goji berries on the ground. He Xiner just put on her skirt and yawned as she tied her belt.

Wen Yannuo replied, "It's best to use a softer cotton bag. We don't have any at home, so we can only make do with sacks. It won't take half an hour to reach the town. It's fine."

Ye Xusheng thought for a while, "There are not many fruits that have been dried, so use a bag and wrap it tightly so that it does not spread out and scatter the fruits."

"Well, the big brother is right, then use a bag, wrap it up and tie it up with a belt."

"Then I'll go find something."

"it is good"

Ye Xusheng's speed was extremely fast, and after a while he took the burden, wrapped up the sun-dried black goji berries, and carefully put them in the basket.

He Xiner was dazed with her hair loose and her eyes wide open. She didn't come back to her senses until Ye Xusheng was ready, "Brother Lobby, comb my hair."

"it is good"

Like serving a young lady, Ye Xusheng combed her bag, tied her hair band, and tied it into a beautiful bow, and went to the backyard to bring her warm water, "Come here, wash your face."

"I am a mother?"

"Well, Second Aunt has just finished pouring hot water, and the bamboo tube has also filled the water."

He Xiner yawned and muttered, "My mother is so nice"

Ye Xusheng was holding her toothbrush, waiting for her to brush her teeth after washing her face, it was a little funny to hear her say that, "Of course my second aunt will be fine."

"Well, the big brother is also good."

He Xiner washed her face, smiled and winked at Ye Xusheng. Ye Xusheng, who had a sour stomach, immediately felt sour, as sweet as eating honey, the corners of his lips curled up, and his eyes were full of smile~
King Moji He Xiner, little friend, finally washed up, Ye Xusheng took out his coat from the pannier, "It's cold outside, I'll put on my brother's first, I'll go to town today and buy you two sets of thicker clothes."


"Let's go."

"Didn't talk to my mother"

"I will go to the backyard to get the burden. My second aunt is in the kitchen trying to post pancakes. I told her no and let her go back to bed."

"That's good, let's go."

Ye Xusheng put his back on his back, blew out the oil lamp, and led He Xiner out of Lao Ye's house.

"Big brother, how long will it be before dawn?"

"It probably won't take two quarters of an hour."

"Oh, is this the dark before the dawn now?"

"Hehe, you can say that."

He Xiner is not used to walking, she was bumpy when walking, Ye Xusheng was afraid that she would fall, so he simply took her by the hand, "Don't fall."


The two went to Ye Yuanyuan's house first. He Xiner knocked on the door and called out "Yuanyuan". She didn't dare to speak loudly for fear of disturbing others, but Mrs. Bai called Ye Yuanyuan up early in the morning. Ready.

Hearing the knock on the door, Bai quickly came out of the room and opened the door, "Are you here?"


Seeing Mrs. Bai, Ye Xusheng immediately called someone. He Xiner was a little confused. She had never called anyone before. Just as she was about to follow Ye Xusheng and call her auntie, Ye Xusheng poked her, "Call me auntie."

Oh, it looks like her father is younger than Yuanyuan's father.

He Xiner changed her mind, and sweetly called "Auntie"

"Hey, it's great to finally be called Auntie again!"

 la la la ~ la la la ~
  Guys, vote~~
  ah ah~~
(End of this chapter)

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