The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 252 I Have Been Waiting For A Long Time

Chapter 252 I Have Been Waiting For A Long Time
He Xiner gently knocked on the wooden door of Guan's house, and whispered, "Cuizhi, we are here."

The courtyard of the Guan family is not too big, the main house is built with bricks and tiles, and the east and west wing rooms are the same as the old Ye's house, with earthen walls and gray tiles on the roof.

But the wooden door of Guan's house is much higher grade than that of Lao Ye's. He Xiner doesn't understand wood, but just looking at the brown wooden door, it looks hard and sturdy. There is a copper knocker on the left and right doors, which is very old-fashioned.

He Xiner touched it with great interest, and whispered, "Brother Hall, this door knocker is quite interesting."

"Well, only the door of her house in our village was bought from the town."


Just as he was talking, the heavy wooden door creaked and opened from the inside, revealing Guan Cuizhi's excited little face, "You guys are here? I've been waiting for a long time."

He Xiner rubbed her nose with a guilty conscience, "Hehe, it's all because I didn't sleep enough and woke up late, which delayed the hour."

"It's okay, it's okay, it's still early."

Guan Cuizhi laughed and jumped out from behind the door, followed by Guan's mother Liu who looked helpless behind her.

Ye Xusheng hurriedly called "Aunt Liu"

The Guan family and the Ye family are not of the same family, and everyone called them more casually.

Ye Yuanyuan and He Xiner hurriedly called "Hello Aunt Liu"

Looking at the half-grown children in front of her, all of whom were going to do important things in a serious manner, Mrs. Liu suddenly wanted to laugh, "I wanted Brother Cuizhi to follow, but she strongly disagreed, saying that it was enough for you to be together."

The only boy among the four, Ye Xusheng, naturally stepped forward to make a promise, "Don't worry, Aunt Liu, I will take care of several younger sisters."

Knowing that he is safe, Liu nodded with a smile, "Well, I don't worry if you are here. Be careful on the road. When you get to the town, if you have something to do, go to Uncle Guan."

"Hey, I remember."

"That's good, you go quickly."

"Mom, come back, we're leaving."

"Aunt Liu, goodbye!"

He Xiner also greeted happily, and after she finished speaking, she was stunned, wondering if there was a word 'goodbye' here.

"Hehe, Xin'er will still say goodbye."

Mrs. Liu didn't think much about it, and waved her hands cheerfully to them, until she could no longer see them, then she sank her face and angrily went to find her son to settle the score.

The boy from the Ye family is also a scholar, and he can get up early to go to town with his cousin. The lazy guy in her family only knows how to sleep, and asked him to go to town with his own sister, but he said that after all the trouble, he should sleep late. , Life or death do not want to go!

pissed her off!

After a while, Guan Cuizhi's eldest brother, Guan Mingwei, screamed in the west wing of the Guan family, "It hurts, it hurts, mother, take it easy"...

The sun climbed out of the horizon, showing a shy red face, and the temperature also rose.

Several people had already left Yejia Village, He Xiner no longer felt cold after walking these roads, and it was inconvenient to fight around in her coat, so she simply took off her clothes and put them in the basket on Ye Xu's back.

Without restraint, He Xiner and her two partners became more and more quarrelsome. Ye Xusheng, who was leading the way, had a smile on his lips, and turned around and said, "Don't make a fuss, otherwise you won't be able to catch up with the ox cart."

Ye Yuanyuan, who was holding He Xiner, stopped her mischievous little hands, and her eyes widened in surprise, "Brother Dao, how can we ride an ox cart without money?"

Hearing this, Guan Cuizhi, who had just let go of He Xiner, tugged at the hem of her clothes, and hurriedly said, "I have money on me."

Ye Xusheng smiled, "Don't worry, I brought money, let's hurry up."

"Oh, where do you take the bus?"

Ye Yuanyuan had never ridden in a bullock cart before, so she was a little excited.

"Follow me, let's go to the entrance of Dazhai Village."

"Yes! Yes! Come on!"

Without saying a word, Ye Yuanyuan, who had a happy face, grabbed He Xiner with one hand and Guan Cuizhi with the other, and started running on her short legs.

"Ouch, almost dragged me down!"

"You slow down!"

"Haha, I've never been in a bullock cart, you two hurry up, what if the car is full?"

(End of this chapter)

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