The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 2584 How come I don't know

Chapter 2584 How come I don't know

"You heard wrong."

Ye Mancang looked at Zeng, the warning in his eyes was very obvious, "I just said to catch some grasshoppers tomorrow to feed the peacocks, they like to eat that."

He didn't dare to look at Ye Yuanyuan, but he could feel that she had already looked over, and he couldn't help feeling a little anxious, but there was nothing on his face, "They caught a lot of them in Mantun a few days ago, and they ate quite well. I have been so busy these days that I have not bothered to catch them. I only feed them some corn and vegetables. I think they don’t seem to have a good appetite.

So I thought about feeding some more grasshoppers and trying to see if I could re-support it. "

Zeng was dumbfounded.

She had already thought about how to use the two peacocks to create momentum for Qianqian, but the husband actually changed his mind.

What does it mean?
Want to continue to support those two ancestors?
Mrs. Zeng was a little unwilling, and wanted to argue with reason, saying that she heard correctly and that her sister's future was at stake, and she really didn't want to miss this opportunity, but under Ye Mancang's cold gaze, she didn't dare to refute.

Zeng blushed and whispered, "I, I, I made a mistake."

Seeing her flickering and wandering eyes, Bai's stomach hurts.

If she guessed correctly, this virtuous and capable daughter-in-law who the husband said was thinking about picking things up at her mother's house again.

Heh, she is a good sister, she always thinks about her when she has good things.

But it was a wrong idea.

No one can covet round things.

What's more, it was given to her and Ling girl by Xin girl. The two of them were so strange to each other. If something happened to them, they would cry to death.

Bai Shi glared at Ye Mancang angrily, blaming this bastard!

He didn't speak out of his own mind, but yelled at the top of his voice, for fear that others would not hear him.

Ye Mancang lowered his head guiltily, Bai Shi continued to stare, and his voice could not be lowered, it was a mountain battle.

"It seems that all birds like to eat bugs."

Ye Yuanyuan smiled softly, "They also know that meat is better than vegetables, and chickens are similar. If you feed it earthworms, it will lay eggs every day. If you only feed them vegetables, it will be unhappy. It will be fine after two days." .”

When Bai's gaze strayed away from Ye Mancang's face, sparks were still flying, but when it landed on Ye Yuanyuan's face, it was already dripping with tenderness, "Yuanyuan is right, these birds, chickens, etc. I'm about to become fine, and I have to pick and choose when I eat something, and I have a big mouth."

The mother and daughter chatted and laughed on this topic, Ye Shitian and Ye Mancang both breathed a sigh of relief.

The matter has already been revealed, Ye Mancang didn't show his face to Zeng anymore, it was true that he didn't pay attention to his voice when he spoke just now, in fact, he really can't blame others.

Thinking of this, his expression softened a lot, and he helped Mrs. Zeng put away the table together, removing all the dishes and dishes.

After putting the things on the stove, he turned and went back to the upper room.

Zeng bit her lips and looked at his back, instinctively feeling that there was something at home that she was hiding from her.

Suddenly she laughed at herself, it's not normal to hide something from her.

In this family, she was originally an outsider.

Thinking of this, she once again blushed with grievance.

"I don't know how Xin'er is doing now, I think..."

Ye Yuanyuan originally wanted to ask Qiu Jiu to go to He's house to check on He Xiner's situation quietly, but Ye Mancang was afraid that she would go to He's house, so he didn't think much about it, "Don't worry, Xiner is fine Yes, she has woken up..."

Ye Yuanyuan was overjoyed, and looked at him with bright eyes, "When did it happen? Why don't I know?"

"That's what the butler of He's family told me...uh—"

Ye Mancang didn't finish his sentence, and was trampled on by Mrs. Bai, his face was distorted in pain, but Ye Yuanyuan just pretended not to see, "Luo Huayang must have sent him to deliver the letter, that girl Didn't you say that sister Ling'er is still used to living there?"

Bai's reaction was very quick, "Well, Luo Hua is very considerate, knowing that we all miss Xin, so he sent someone to deliver the letter. He is really a good and considerate child."

After completing this sentence, she immediately changed the subject, "I heard from your brother that this year's harvest of black goji berries is very bumper, and there are a lot of fruit. Neither he nor Lao Wu picked the ones as quickly as they did. If you don't go up the mountain for two days, you can eat them. There was a piece of overripe and fallen fruit that attracted many birds to peck at it, and they ate a lot of it, what a pity..."

Ye Yuanyuan said, "How about making a scarecrow to scare those birds?"

"Hey? That's a good idea!"

When Ye Mancang was happy, his voice raised again, causing Bai Shi to stare at him again.

He didn't take it seriously either. He didn't say anything wrong this time, so there was nothing to feel guilty about.

On this topic, the family of four chatted, and soon talked about the farmer in the field from the wild fruit, and the mountain that was bought for logging. Those worthless miscellaneous trees had already been cut down. Now, the trees that can be used as furniture or beams are almost sold, and now they are basically newly planted fruit trees, which is the time for good management.

"That area is really big, and it's really difficult to enclose it. Otherwise, it would be good to buy some chicks to raise in it."

"Originally uncle had this plan, but in the end, he didn't care about this matter and that matter, so he put it aside.

Now that something like this has happened, I don't even care about that. "

Ye Shitian sighed, the idea of ​​buying that hill was given by Xu Sheng.

Because of his cryptic mention of Ye Xusheng, the originally harmonious atmosphere froze for an instant, and the moods of several people also dropped rapidly, like falling into a deep valley.

In the end, it was Bai who recovered first, and said to Ye Mancang, "Go and pick the two bunches of ripe grapes, and let Yuanyuan bring them to your grandfather."


Ye Mancang got up without saying a word and went to work.

After ordering her son to do things, she said to her daughter, "Girl Ling is not here, and that girl Feifeng has to take care of Xuyang, so you should pay more attention to those wild fruits. If you are really too busy, ask Cao and Ding for help." .

But don't bother them if you can. They also have a lot of things to do, and they are so busy every day that they don't have time to relax. "

Ye Yuanyuan nodded, "Don't worry, mother, I know."


"Then I won't stay any longer. Xuyang is taking a nap at this time, and Ye Feifeng wants to accompany him. I don't have time to do things. I have to go back and look at it. The sun is too big to burn it."

"That's fine, just go back, it's important."

"Let your brother send you off."

"it is good."

When Ye Mancang finished picking the grapes, Ye Yuanyuan smiled and waved to Ye Shitian and his wife, then hurried away.

"You said Yuanyuan..."

Ye Shitian asked thoughtfully, "Did she hear what we said?"

Bai Shi didn't know what to do, so she thought about it and said, "I probably didn't hear it, but..."

"But what?"

"I originally thought she came back to discuss seeing Xin'er, but she didn't mean anything at all..."

Bai frowned and said, "I was afraid she would mention it, but she didn't mention it, and I felt something was wrong."

When she said that, Ye Shitian couldn't handle it anymore, "What's wrong?"

"Maybe I'm thinking too much."

Thinking of something, Bai suddenly said angrily, "The eldest young mistress of the He family is like a mad dog, whoever catches and bites whoever, Yuanyuan is a big girl, of course she knows to avoid suspicion and stay away from that kind of mad dog."

She didn't intend to talk about what happened that day, but after Butler He came to the door, He Jiaheng's thoughts couldn't be hidden anymore, so she angrily talked about what happened that day to her husband and son.

Both Ye Shitian and Ye Mancang were furious, and they were even more annoyed by He Jiaheng.

It's insulting enough to have a flat wife, but in the end there is still such a former spouse, what kind of enmity is he with the Ye family, and he wants to abuse the daughter of the Ye family like this.

"As long as Yuanyuan doesn't care too much, it's fine. You can tell her a few words in the afternoon, don't go anywhere these days, and talk to uncle when you have time, so as not to let him think about it."

"it is good."

Bai Shi was also worried, afraid that Ye Yuanyuan should not have heard it outside, so she thought of a way to tell her not to run around in circles, and Ye Yuanyuan obediently complied. They don't go, they just concentrate on serving wild fruits, and they don't even go out.

Not to mention going to town.

Ye Shitian and his wife quietly breathed a sigh of relief.

Let’s hide it for a while, and let’s talk about it, those people in the town can’t stare at other people’s affairs every day when they are full. After a while, when they lose interest, no one will mention it gradually. One day it will be turned over.

(End of this chapter)

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