The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 2587 Is Ye Shitian Crazy

Chapter 2587 Is Ye Shitian Crazy
The next day, Steward He came to Yejia Village with a large number of people, ten horse-drawn carriages, forty nursing homes, and twenty betrothal gifts.

The group caused a huge commotion before they even entered the village. After hearing about the incident, the people who were originally very busy ran out of their houses to watch the excitement.

I can't even take care of the work in the vegetable garden.

"The He family is here to propose marriage again! It seems that they really value that girl Yuanyuan. Look at this ostentation, it's too grand."

"After living for most of my life, it's the first time I see such a marriage proposal. It's really eye-opening."

"Hey, what do you think is in there?"

The speaker's eyes were glued to the cage hung with big red silk flowers, and he couldn't even peel it off. He wished he could develop a pair of see-through eyes to see what good things were inside.

"Gold and silver jewelry, silk and satin."

"Even if it's not all gold, silver, jewelry, silk and satin, they are all valuable and good things."

"Tsk, tsk, what a rich man, there is such a big battle to propose marriage, what a big show it will be when we come to welcome the bride one day."

"No matter how big the battle is, it won't impress Ye Shitian. He is not willing to let his daughter be an ordinary wife."

"That's not sure. He might disagree in the past, but it's hard to say now."

"Why is it hard to say?"

"If it were you, would you be able to watch crates of gold, silver and jewels entering your house before someone lifts them away?"

"Of course it's impossible, such a good thing doesn't happen to everyone, after all, even if the pie falls from the sky, it will fall on the taller head first.

If the ancestors accumulated good deeds and were really hit by the pie, I would be too happy, and I would not even think about taking Joe. "

"You mean that Ye Shitian and his wife took Joe on purpose?"

"I didn't say it."

"It's weird, it's sour, it's better to say it directly."

"You are not yin and yang, you are not sour, so what are you looking at here?"

"Let me see what's wrong? Isn't it just for people to show such a big battle? It's necessary to have a look.

Hmph, I'm not only here to watch, but I'll also go to Ye Shitian's house to watch it later, so I'll take a good look with my eyes wide open! "

"It's not yours anymore."


It was probably stimulated by the He family's generosity. They originally came to watch the excitement, but all of them suffered from eye problems. The pain that seemed to be pricked by needles was uncomfortable, and there was an inexplicable anger in my heart. , So I became restless.

Some of them couldn't hold back anymore, and started to choke while talking with others. In the end, they were so noisy that they didn't know what they were thinking.

"Oh, I want to quarrel with you. What are you talking about here? It will only delay our conversation."

"That's right, you won't be able to get those things if you keep arguing about them, so why bother?"

"Leave them alone, let's continue with ours."

"Do you think Ye Shitian will accept the He family this time?"

"Does it need to be said, the He family is so open, he has both face and benefits, what is there to be dissatisfied with, what are you waiting for if you don't hurry up and agree to this marriage, maybe he really dares to offend the He family ?”

"makes sense."

"Hey, why didn't we come across such a good thing? If I could marry the He family, I would wake up laughing from my dreams."

"Don't think about it, and don't look at how Ye Shitian and his wife raised their daughters, and how your family raises their daughters. Can you compare with others?"

"I don't think it's all due to this reason. Think about it. No matter how well-born and well-raised the girls in our ravine are, if they don't have the right way, they will be miserable even if they want to marry Young Master He. Talk about being a young lady.

In the final analysis, that girl Yuanyuan still owed He Xiner's blessing. "

"It makes sense. Ye Shitian's family was not much better than ours at the beginning. It is only because of the daughter's ability to come to this day..."

"My girl Yuanyuan is lucky if she is blessed, so don't be sour, it's useless to be sour about such things.

Back when He Xiner was still in the Ye family, it wasn't that our daughter didn't come to her. Who do you think she cared about? "

"Oh, that girl's eyes are too high..."

Someone at the other end was talking and arguing, and the people at the other end were talking and wandering away, but the group of people were more interested in watching the excitement, and you are arguing with each other. chaos.

"Look! The He family has been kicked out!"


Is Ye Shitian crazy? !
Everyone was taken aback, they didn't expect Ye Shitian to dare to insult the He family like this.

The scene, which was as chaotic as a market, suddenly fell silent. Everyone's eyes widened, and they looked at the group of people in the alley in disbelief.

The alley in front of the Ye family's gate is deep, but the road is not too wide. It is no problem for a carriage to get in and out, but this time the He family came with ten horse-drawn carriages, but it is not easy for them all to drive into the alley. Can't turn around isn't it.

So Steward He ordered the coachman to drive the carriage and park it on the North-South Street, and directed a group of strong guards to move the boxes and cages off the carriage, and then tidied them up. Only then did he take the lead into the alley of the Ye family.

Next to him was an iceman dressed in red and green make-up exaggerated, He Da and Chen You followed closely behind, and behind him was a long line of people carrying the bride price.

At this time, nearly the whole village came to watch. The streets and alleys were full of people, and the roads were crowded with people. There were also children following along to join in the fun, so they walked very slowly.

The melon-eaters at the entrance of the alley had been arguing for a long time before Butler He and his party reached the door of Ye Shitian's house.

Ye Mancang took Ye Mantun, Ye Manliang and other brothers stopped in front of the house, not allowing them to carry things in, He Butler had no choice but to bring the Iceman, He Da and Chen You in to meet Ye Shitian.

In the end, after being scolded by Ye Shitian, he pointed his nose and told him to roll.

Housekeeper He had expected that this trip would not go well, but he did not expect that the Ye family would be so strong that they would inevitably become a little angry, so he couldn't help arguing with him, which made Ye Shitian even more angry, "Get out now, don't get out again!" Don't blame me for being rude."

He Da and Chen You saw that he was about to poke Butler He's face with his agitated fingers, and they were already annoyed at him for not knowing how to flatter them, so they thought a little bit carefully.
The two didn't really think about what to do to Ye Shitian, after all, they didn't dare to destroy He Hongjin's plan, they just wanted to kill his arrogant arrogance, who made him ignorant of praise.

Seeing that the timing was right, the two of them moved slightly forward, ready to grab Ye Shitian's wrist from left to right, and set him up, but before they got close, Qiu Jiu swung him out with a palm.

People who practice martial arts are not afraid of being broken if they are rough-skinned and thick-skinned. Qiu Jiu didn't restrain himself, so the two flew directly over the high courtyard wall, and landed at the feet of Ye Mancang brothers with a loud bang.

"Yo ho, where did this come from?"

Ye Mangui patted his chest, "It's a good thing I ran fast, otherwise I would be crushed to death."

"How dare you hit someone?"

"So what?

The faces of the guards who carried the betrothal gift from the He family all changed drastically. They rolled up their sleeves and wanted to make a move. The Ye Mancang brothers also clenched their fists. Seeing that the two sides were about to fight, Steward He, who ran out in a hurry, held it down in time. The restless crowd of nurses.

Then people helped He Da and Chen You, and led a group of people back home in a little embarrassment.

Everyone in Yejia Village was stunned.

He Hongjin was not very surprised, "That person is Qiu Jiu?"

"Basically, it should be him."

He Hongjin was silent for a moment, "I'll go back in a few days and show the sincerity of the He family, um..."

Speaking of sincerity, it seems that it is not good to have no elders to come forward, but the Song family... can't do it, and the second room can't do it either. "Morrow, ask the third child to come."


He Hongjin has two concubines, the third master and the fourth master of the He family, who were separated by the old lady after the old master passed away, but the two of them have always been close to He Hongjin. Previously, He Hongjin was divided into clans, and now The He family is only a few of them, so the relationship is closer.

Moreover, both of them depended on He Hongjin to take care of their business, so they always obeyed his words.

Five days later, He Hongjin invited Xie Jikang, the head of the pavilion in Pingning Town, as a matchmaker, and accompanied He Hongqi, the third master of the He family, and his wife to the Ye family to propose marriage again.

This time, there was not such a big battle, there was already a lot of publicity, and there was no one in the far and wide villages who didn't know that the He family had taken a fancy to Ye Shitian's daughter, and the goal had been achieved, so there was no need to deal with those troublesome things.

But Housekeeper He still brought He Da and Chen You, someone had to lead the way, right?

Moreover, because they were reckless before, they were seized the opportunity to throw them out, which not only lost the face of the He family, but also almost ruined He Hongjin's arrangement, so the two were fined two months' monthly money, He was also ordered to come and apologize to Ye Shitian.

In this way, it can be regarded as being courteous and thoughtful, giving the Ye family enough face, and showing full sincerity.

However, Ye Shitian still refused the He family's marriage proposal unceremoniously, but because of the presence of the pavilion chief Xie Jikang, he didn't get very angry, but he refused firmly, leaving no room for it.

Everyone in Ye Family Village is going crazy!
Stimulated by Ye Shitian.

However, some people understood that Ye Shitian was really strong, and he really didn't care about the wealth of the He family.

What does this show.

In addition to showing that he is sincerely planning for the child, more importantly, it shows that the Ye family is really not short of money.

But it also shows that he is really not afraid of offending people.

So some people thought of the Jian family. Didn’t they say that the two families were about to get married? Why didn’t there be any movement afterwards, and since Ye Shitian was determined not to let his daughter be a concubine, in order to dispel the idea of ​​the He family, it shouldn’t be They got married right away, but why did they start to see each other again? They are still from farmers.

There must be something tricky about this.

The big family has a lot of talk, and those things have nothing to do with them, so there is no need to waste your mind on thinking about them.

But, with the He family acting like this, it might be difficult for a girl from the Ye family to remarry in the town. Those landlords and squires would not have the guts to rob the He family. After all, no one wants to be oppressed by the richest man in a county.

But farmers don't have these scruples, and they don't do business, they only live on a few acres of Susukida, so it's possible that they are afraid that someone will harm the crops.

People like that should disdain to do such indecent things.

Besides, if something happened, wouldn't the Ye family take care of it? Ye Shitian couldn't just watch his in-laws suffer, right? Even for his precious daughter, he wouldn't just stand by and watch.

Speaking of it, Ye Shitian is really a good father who loves his children. He would rather his daughter marry a farm boy than to be a dwarf in her status and suffer a little grievance.

Although in their view, that is not a grievance at all. A group of maids and women are serving them, there is no shortage of food or clothing, gold and silver jewelry, silk and satin, they can buy whatever they want, and wear whatever they want, they are simply gods Ordinary days, what is there to be wronged.

And even if Young Master He fell in love with her, it was impossible for her to be left out in the cold.

With the help of her good sister, He Xin'er, will she still suffer a disadvantage in He's residence?

Why wouldn't you be happy about such a good thing? Ye Shitian is really an idiot, why doesn't his mind turn around, he is really anxious to death.

Hey, no, Ye Shitian disagrees, okay, only if they disagree, their family has a chance.

Didn't he just want to tell his daughter a family with a lower family background that can be controlled, so that his in-laws won't look badly at his precious daughter?

As long as the Ye family is willing to take care of their own family and take care of the younger generation in the family, they will definitely treat his daughter well, treat her like a young lady, and not let her do any work.

Thinking about the fact that the Ye family school can study for free, those who are interested will become more enthusiastic, and they can climb up to the rich and powerful Ye family, let alone raising a young lady, even raising an ancestor is no problem.

There are not a few people who have this idea, so after the Ye family rejected the He family's marriage proposal again, the people who came to the Ye family to propose marriage almost broke the solid green brick courtyard wall of the Ye family.

Everyone in Yejia Village was stunned.

Chen Ping, who fell in love with Ye Yuanyuan a few years ago, clamored to marry Ye Yuanyuan more than once. Although his parents doted on him, they still had self-knowledge. They never responded to him.

Now, Ye Shitian has made things like this, maybe they will get what they want, but it is not certain.

Therefore, I also invited the Iceman to come to propose marriage, and almost killed Bai Shi. She would rather raise her daughter for the rest of her life than let her marry Chen Ping, that lazy and boneless thing.

Who knew there was something worse than Chen Ping, a family that didn't even have a fence in the house actually got the idea of ​​Ye Jiabao, and Ye Shitian and his wife were so angry that they almost vomited blood.

He hated the He family even more.

After much deliberation, the two finally decided not to talk about their marriage to their daughter for the time being, and wait for her to pass.

When the wind came out, the people of Yejia Village were stunned again.

Even He Hongjin didn't expect them to be so stubborn.

"This Ye family is really..."

Butler He glanced at He Hongjin with a dark face, "They are not afraid that Miss Ye will miss her wedding year, and no one will want her in the future."

He Hongjin snorted coldly, "I want to see how long they can last."

That's what he said, but he was still anxious, He Jiaheng couldn't keep coming back, his time was running out.

"Let's cool them off first, and we'll talk about it after ten or eight days."


Ye family!

It's really crazy that he doesn't even give face to the head of the pavilion.

After giving two points of color, I put my nose on my face and wanted to open a dyeing room.

He Hongjin was extremely angry.

If it wasn't for that brat Ye Xusheng, he wouldn't have the time to deal with a country boy.

(End of this chapter)

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