Chapter 2589

Although He Hongjin didn't like the style of Uncle Yongchang's mansion, he was still happy to see Uncle Yongchang's mansion be able to climb up to Prince Ding's mansion.

At that time, the He family and Prince Ding's Mansion will also be close relatives. With this relationship, they will have more confidence in dealing with people in the officialdom.

If he can take this opportunity to catch up with King Ding, he will no longer have to be afraid of that brat Ye Xusheng.

This is simply a pie in the sky.

Thinking of this, he was full of anticipation, hoping that Uncle Yongchang would marry a daughter soon, the sooner the better.

It is very likely that Prince Ding will come to welcome the bride in person.

This is his chance.

It is also an opportunity for the He clan.

He must seize this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to catch up with the priceless Prince Ding.

Of course, he still has self-knowledge, let alone meeting the prince in his capacity, even the people who serve the prince will not be able to see him.

So if you want to get what you want, you have to go through Uncle Yongchang, who is also his cousin.

It is not difficult to ask Uncle Yongchang to help build a bridge, but the difficulty is how to impress King Ding.

He Hongjin frowned, and knocked on the table again and again, "Go get ready, I'll go to Fucheng tomorrow."


King Ding is not in a hurry, he needs to plan slowly.

You can't just rush forward without knowing other people's sexual preferences or even their taboos.

Don't lose your life if you don't hug your thigh at that time, it will be a disaster.

So don't rush.

"Let He Da come to see me."


After a while, He Dashi strode in. He cupped his hands and asked, "What is the master looking for me for?"

"You go to the accounting room to pay 2000 taels of silver..."

He Hongjin thought for a while and said, "It's still 3000 taels."

The capital is expensive and everything is expensive, and it is even more necessary to ask for money to find out the way, so it is better to bring more, so as not to be stretched.

"You take a few clever ones to the capital..."

He told He Da about his request in detail. It is not easy to go to the capital, so this trip should not be wasted.

It never hurts to know more about things.

Of course, the most important purpose of this trip is to inquire about Prince Ding's preferences, but the news from hearsay may not be accurate, so he needs to collect more information.

The more the better.

Seemingly useless information should also be collected.

Anyone who has anything to do with Prince Ding's mansion must be written down.

There are also relatives in each house of the palace, as well as people who have close contacts, try to find out as much as possible.

and also……

He Hongjin thought more and more. Seeing that Butler He changed another paper record, he paused, lowered his eyes and thought for a while, "Forget it, that's it."

"Remember, you must be careful and don't provoke right and wrong."


"Go back and get ready."


Looking at He Da's tall and burly back, he frowned, feeling like he had forgotten something, but his head hurt from thinking about it, and he still didn't think about it.


Steward He called him softly, and He Hongjin came back to his senses instantly, "What's the matter?"

"Do you want to go to the Ye family..."

He pondered and said, "Is it time for the young master to come back?"

When mentioning the Ye family, He Hongjin panicked and became inexplicably irritable, "Let's let it go first, and we'll talk about it when I come back from Fucheng."

The whole family doesn't know how to praise things!
Is there really nothing he can do with them? Let's wait and see.

Sooner or later, he will let them understand that no matter how advanced the martial arts are, they are useless in the face of power.

Originally, they wanted to help the boss, and eliminate their worries by the way, killing two birds with one stone, but in the end they got their satisfaction, playing on the face of the He family, hmph!

He Hongjin clenched his fists so violently, he doesn't covet wealth, does he have backbone, does he have high ambition, well, then wait to be poor for the rest of his life.

In the early morning of the next day, before dawn, He Dashi set off in a hurry with his people. It would take more than 20 days to go to the capital at a fast pace. I have to plan bit by bit, who knows when the task will be completed, so the time is relatively tight.

They had to come back before the road was blocked by heavy snow, otherwise they would be stuck halfway. It would be a trivial matter if they couldn't make it back for the New Year.

The departure of He Da and his party did not attract the attention of everyone in the house, and no one knew their whereabouts except He Hongjin and He Butler.

Half an hour later, He Hongjin also set off in a carriage, accompanied by Housekeeper He and ten strong guards.

As soon as he left, the masters of the whole family knew about it.

He Hongjin often went out to discuss business, but they didn't think much about it. The Patriarch was at ease when he wasn't around, so he didn't care what he did.

At this moment in Songhe Hall, all the female relatives except He Xiner had arrived. After greeting the old lady, they were not in a hurry to leave, and all sat still.

As early as when banditry was rampant, He Chuer and He Qier stopped their classes, and now that they have reached the age of discussing marriage, they no longer ask their master to teach them.

In recent days, the two have been busy with blind dates, but they only visited a few, but they were not satisfied.

Isn't it the Double Ninth Festival in two days, so they started thinking again.

In the past two years, the world was chaotic, and Yongchang Bo's Mansion has not held a banquet, so they have no chance to get in touch with the young master of the mansion, but they are all anxious.

Previously, they followed the old lady to the uncle's mansion to visit the eldest son, but they said they were visiting the sick, but they stayed in the backyard all the time, and they didn't see the outsider at all.

Besides, it's useless to see it.

They're not He Xin'er, and they don't know how to hook their eyes, how could they have the ability to charm people.

And not everyone decides their own marriage like Fifth Cousin.

If you want to change to someone else's house, you won't let a fox come in.

So they dare not take that risk.

The two sisters, who were neither high nor low, sourly put He Xiner in their hearts, but racked their brains to make a big splash at the chrysanthemum banquet and attract the attention of all the young masters present.

Also no one.

However, they are doomed to be disappointed.

"My son is still ill, how can the uncle's house have the heart to hold a chrysanthemum feast..."

The old lady glanced at He Chuer and He Qier indifferently, "So don't think about what you have and what you don't have, and do what you should do."

She hoped that the two of them would marry well, but their identities were not enough. As a concubine of a merchant, it was fine to be a concubine or fill in a house, but not a regular wife.

Of course, it doesn't matter if the family is lower, but the two of them have higher hearts than the sky, and they only care about climbing high branches. If they want to marry into an official's family, it's best to be in a noble family, oh, it's a dream.

It's not some stunning beauty, who would lower their own value for you and make people laugh.

At the beginning, according to the old lady's thinking, He Qier was planning to make He Qier a concubine for Nan Gongze. He Chuer is more stable than her, and can be used as a fill-in house for someone, no matter how old the other party is, as long as he is a court official, he has As long as the real power can bring benefits to the He family, it is fine.

Now, with the marriage between He Xiner and Nan Gonghan, and taking advantage of Yongchang Bo's mansion to climb into the Prince Ding's mansion, she didn't bother to bother arranging it.

Don't look at the second child who is out of tune, but he loves children. He is definitely not willing to let them be young, so why should she be that villain.

So the marriage of the two is up to them. If they have the ability, they can climb to the top. If they don't have the ability, don't think too much. It is serious to find a good man to marry and live a good life.

(End of this chapter)

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