The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 259 1 Catty For You 5 Letters

Chapter 259

Ye Xusheng expressed his opinion on behalf of several people, saying, "We will not disappoint shopkeeper Zhao."

Seeing that shopkeeper Zhao had settled down, Doctor Dou laughed again, "They are all good boys and have done a good job. Old Zhao can't lose them."

Shopkeeper Zhao who was being teased laughed loudly, "With you watching, how can I treat them badly?"

With a joke, he asked outside the door, "How many catties?"

"Go back to the shopkeeper, five catties and nine taels of money."

Shopkeeper Zhao waved his hand, "It's calculated as six catties."

Then, looking at Ye Xusheng, he smiled and said, "I won't hide it from you, I'm going to sell these black goji berries to Fucheng. There are many rich people in Fucheng, so the price will naturally go up. It's really hard to sell first-class black goji berries. Cheap."

Ye Xusheng hurriedly said, "How much silver the shopkeeper Zhao sells has nothing to do with us. It is very good for us that Zhao Shanggui can give a few younger sisters a chance to earn money."

"Well, it's transparent."

Shopkeeper Zhao looked at Doctor Dou, and Doctor Dou nodded to him. The two had similar opinions, and they both liked these half-grown children.

"Our Huichuntang has always been fair, no one can deceive you. Besides, it is not easy for you to go to the mountains to pick them, and it is not easy to handle them carefully. Doctor Dou and I will give you five hundred Wen per catty."

After finishing speaking, he smiled slightly, but his eyes were carefully scrutinizing the reactions of several people.

Ye Xusheng's face was filled with joy, looking at He Xiner, He Xiner and Ye Yuanyuan almost didn't cry out, they covered their mouths and widened their eyes in excitement, Guan Cuizhi also covered her small mouth in disbelief.

Shopkeeper Zhao nodded calmly to Doctor Dou, these children are not greedy.

Don't underestimate the child, this kind of half-grown child has a fixed temperament, and it is basically impossible to change it. He has seen many greedy, selfish and dark children, and some have deep scheming, calculating people is no worse than adults. If you are careful, you will follow the Tao.

Ye Xusheng stood up first, and He Xiner and the others also stood up and thanked Shopkeeper Zhao, "Thank you, Shopkeeper Zhao, and thank you, Doctor Dou!"

Ye Xusheng was a student, so he bowed in a serious manner, and He Xiner and the other country girls didn't know how to perform blessings, so they all bowed to thank them.

Shopkeeper Zhao also stood up when he saw them like this, and gave Ye Xusheng a little help, "It's all because of your well-organized fruits, and the money is not free, so don't be polite."

As he spoke, he shouted to the outside, "Bring three taels of silver."

Doctor Dou also laughed and said, "Well, they are all good boys of Zhili, and they will come and go frequently in the future, so don't be restrained!"

"Oh, I see!"

The drug boy brought the money, and the shopkeeper Zhao asked him to give it to Ye Xusheng. Seeing Ye Xusheng put it away, he said, "You guys have to be careful with the money."

"Thank you, shopkeeper Zhao, for reminding me!"

"Haha, I will be called Uncle Zhao from now on. Doctor Dou is also a warm-hearted person. I like you guys from the bottom of my heart. They are all called Grandpa Dou!"

"Hey, Uncle Zhao, Grandpa Dou!"

Several people shouted happily, Dr. Dou stroked his beard and squinted his eyes with a smile.

The money was secured, and the two parties made an appointment to deliver the goods in five days. After the matter was settled, the four of them left, and the three of He Xiner suppressed their excitement, and walked out of the Huichun Hall lightly.

Looking at the sun in the sky, it is estimated that around ten o'clock, there are more pedestrians on the street, and the yelling of vendors can be heard from time to time, a bustling and lively scene.

The few people finally walked away from Huichun Hall, looked back at Huichun Hall's tablet in a very tacit understanding, and then looked at each other, and at the same time let out a cheerful cry "Ah~ so excited!"

"I am so excited!"

"very happy!"

Ye Yuanyuan was the most excited, hugging He Xiner and jumping with joy, "Xiner, Xiner, good Xiner, I'm so happy"!
The excited little face was flushed, and the eyes were amazingly bright. I couldn't find suitable words to express the joy in my heart, but I just kept saying 'happy, happy' over and over again~
Guan Cuizhi was equally happy, with a bright smile on her white face, and her eyes were as bright as stars~
If it wasn't for being on the street at this time, He Xiner would have screamed a few times, the joy in her chest would have burst her, her excited little mouth was almost behind her ears, and she stretched out her short arms to hug Ye Yuanyuan Jumping and jumping, my eyes are smiling like little crescents~
Although three taels of silver doesn't sound like much, it is a huge sum of money compared to Lao Ye's family who exchanged several thousand catties of grain for two taels of silver, okay?

(End of this chapter)

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