Chapter 2610
Uncle Wang, who was named by Mrs. Wang, was angry, angry, ashamed and ashamed. He knew that Mrs. Jiang was so disrespectful, so he couldn't make her follow him no matter what.

There is no need to be so ashamed now.

After being married for many years, he naturally knew Jiang's thoughts.

I also saw her winking at him before, but he had something on his mind and didn't bother to talk to her.

What could she do but covet He's family's wealth and let him try to cling to him.

Hmph, he's not blind, the He family's wealth is naturally seen in his eyes, he thought he wasn't tempted, and even used her to encourage him.

But the heartbeat is the heartbeat, but there are some things that cannot be rushed and need to be planned slowly.

Didn't you see that this old master He is more majestic than an official? How can such a person be taken advantage of in vain.

And their royal family is not related to others, so how can they make money?

This Mr. He is not a vegetarian, if he plays tricks in front of him, I'm afraid it will backfire and become annoying.

Don't take advantage of it at that time, but annoy people instead, then the gain outweighs the loss.

So there is no rush.

You and Xin girls will not look coldly at their hungry stomachs, so you don't need to worry about supporting your family. The most important thing now is how to win Master He's favor and leave a good impression on him.

Then step by step to get close to him.

In short, you can't act too hastily, which is annoying.

Especially right now, they have just saved their big family, if they don't appreciate it, and want to stick to the gold chaff instead, they will look ugly.

Not to mention someone like Mr. He, even if it were him, he would look down on him.

Besides, anyone would call them a bunch of white-eyed wolves.

So don't rush, be steady.

Just because of Mr. He's two polite words, you can't really think that you are one of your own, and you can hug your thigh openly and take advantage of it.

People say that's just a scene, and it can't be taken seriously.

Call ~
Hold on.

The shrewd Second Uncle Wang forced himself to be patient with his excitement, and was secretly thinking about how to win He Hongjin's blue eyes, when Jiang suddenly interjected. He immediately knew that this idiot was going to do something bad, but he never thought that she would dare to do something wrong today. Hit He Xiner's idea.

Uncle Wang was so angry that the top of his head was smoking.

This idiot!

Stupid, greedy and self-righteous, she imagined that she could hold girl Xin in the palm of her hand just by making excuses.

Everyone in the world was stupid that day, but she was the only one who was smart.

Uncle Wang was so ashamed and angry that he wished he could kick Jiang away, but even though he was so angry that his head was smoking, he didn't completely lose his mind, and he didn't forget where they were.

This is the He family.

Master He's territory.

Even if you want to teach this idiot a lesson, you can't be here.

It's not a small thing for this idiot to be ashamed, but he needs face.

With such thoughts in mind, Uncle Wang, who has always been shrewd and shrewd, hesitated how to dispel Jiang's words so as not to offend others, and cleverly avoided it.

However, no one would wait for him to slowly figure out a solution. He Jiajie jumped up and down and scolded people before Jiang Shi finished speaking. He was ashamed and angry. My mind was very confused, and then again, I didn't stand up to solve the problem at the first time.

With his appearance like this, he is a piece of wood in the eyes of others.

He Jiajie was very dissatisfied with his performance, and was about to scold him together and ask someone to kick out Mrs. Jiang, but Mrs. Wang had already asked him to divorce his wife. Arm looked lively.

Hearing the voice of the old woman trembling with anger, Second Uncle Wang came to his senses. He didn't care to scold Mrs. Jiang, and hurriedly stood up and said to He Hongjin, "This stupid woman is a little out of her mind after being stimulated in the dungeon. He said some nonsense, Mr. He must not take it to heart."

He Hongjin kept silent with a cold face.

Uncle Wang gritted his teeth and said, "Xin girl is good-looking, good-natured, capable, and prosperous in wealth and family. When she was a younger sister, there were quite a few people who got close to her, thinking of getting married.

This stupid mother-in-law is also very fond of Xin girl, and she mentioned it to the second sister, but the second sister said that Xin girl is still young, and the marriage is not urgent, so she put it aside..."

He Jiajie scoffed coldly, "The toad wants to eat swan meat!"

Wang Xiangbei, whose head was hanging down and was about to be pressed to his chest, felt even more embarrassed when he heard the words, and wished he could find a crack in the ground to get in.

Second Uncle Wang almost choked to death, and after a while, he continued, "So Xiang Bei has nothing to do with Xin girl, it's all because of this stupid woman who is confused and talking nonsense...

Don't worry, Mr. He, such words will never spread..."

He Jiajie sneered again, "You don't even believe what you say, do you? I really think we can't see what this woman is up to?"

Speaking of this, he suddenly smiled ghostly, "If you don't spread the word, how can you ruin the fourth sister's marriage and abduct her to your house.

Pass it on.

Go pass it now! "

He was laughing while talking, but the smile was very creepy, "She went to pass on the front foot, and then the young master accused her of slander."

Speaking of this, he smiled even more, "I'm afraid that all of you will go in again, but this time, the fourth sister will plead for mercy, and I will not withdraw the lawsuit..."

Old Wangtou and Uncle Wang couldn't help shivering, but Feng's and Niu's mother-in-law and daughter-in-law's eyes widened in horror.

Uncle Wang and Mrs. Lu exchanged glances, and continued to remain silent.

Wang Xiangdong's brothers are juniors, so they can't speak on this matter, so they can only bow their heads and listen silently.

But my heart was turning and turning, anxious.

They don't want to go into that wretched place to eat the rock-like buns again.

Ever since Mrs. Wang asked her son to divorce his wife, Mrs. Jiang has been wilting. Uncle Wang said that her voice was out of order in front of so many people and did not dare to refute, but now she couldn't help it anymore, "Fourth Brother He, you cannot……"

He Jiajie put away his smile and shouted loudly, "Come here! Throw this woman out!"

Suddenly, there was a loud promise from outside, "Yes".

It was the servant waiting in the corridor.

The housekeeper went to see He Hongjin, and the latter waved his hand to the servant who had already lifted the curtain to go out, "Jiajie was right, Xin'er worked so hard to rescue you, and before she could catch her breath, she started plotting against her, it's shameless Extremely unworthy of being a human being!"


Uncle Wang swayed and nearly fell to the ground.

Master He was angry.

It's over.

Regardless of his expression, He Hongjin even ignored the gazes of everyone in the Wang family, and said coldly, "The reason I stopped her from being kicked out was to make my words clear and it would not be too late to drive her out."

Jiang's face turned into a purple eggplant. She didn't do anything yet, but she was pointed at her nose and scolded by a junior. Didn't she just ignore the Wang family because of her family's wealth?

Really deceiving.

But the brat has a big temper, can she hide it if she can't provoke it, just go, there are girls Xin and Girl Ling around, she can come to the He family whenever she wants, the brat doesn't care.

What he said was farting, girl Xin would not just watch the Wang family suffer.

So she is not afraid at all.

But for the good life in the future, I have to endure him.

Jiang Shi, who thought she was wronged and asked for perfection, endured He Jiajie's scolding, but she couldn't bear He Hongjin's scolding her. She wanted her two sons to follow him to make a lot of money, so naturally she couldn't let him have prejudice against her.

"Master He misunderstood the little lady..."

"Come on!"

He Hongjin raised his voice, "Find two women to watch her, and don't allow her to speak. If she doesn't, she'll be tied up and thrown into the street."

(End of this chapter)

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