Chapter 2612 Don't Bark
After Uncle Wang's reminder, the whole family subconsciously turned their heads to look behind them.

But there was no one behind.

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Mrs. Wang still standing at the door of He's house. When everyone looked around, they saw Luo Hua, He Xiner's personal servant girl, supporting her and turning her head to talk to her.

Knowing that they all looked over, Mrs. Wang patted Luo Hua's hand, "Go back."


Falling flowers saluted, "Take care too much, old lady."

The corners of Mrs. Wang's eyes were a little wet, "I'd like to trouble you to take good care of Xin girl."

"The maidservant will, don't worry, the old lady."

The old Wang looked at their interaction, and gradually there was hope in his eyes. Uncle Wang and Uncle Wang were also secretly excited. Feng Shi and Jiang Shi couldn't care less about fighting at this moment, and they all looked at the old lady eagerly.

When Mrs. Wang approached slowly, Mrs. Jiang was the first to lose her composure, and hurriedly approached, "Mother, what did that maid Luo Hua tell you? Did Maid Xin give you money? How much did she give?" ? We are penniless now, and we can't do business anymore. We can't live without money..."


Old Mrs. Wang didn't wait for her to continue, she raised her hand and slapped her.

Jiang's eyes widened in astonishment, and then she screamed, "Mother! What are you beating someone for?!"

Everyone didn't expect that the old lady, who was always soft and temperless, would suddenly become ruthless, and she would hit her as soon as she said she wanted to, without even a hint of a sign.

Not to mention Uncle Wang and others, even the old Wang was stunned, "Old woman?"

Uncle Wang came to his senses quickly, and pushed away Jiang who was yelling at You Zi, "Mother, don't be angry, she..."

Mrs. Wang raised her head and looked at her son who was a head taller than her expressionlessly, "She also gave birth to an heir for the Wang family, so she can't be left alone in the county seat.

After returning, notify the in-laws to come and pick up the person. "

Second Uncle Wang was startled for a moment, and then responded casually, "Okay, I will listen to Mother."

The two sons were watching, no matter how angry he was, he couldn't really beat that idiot to death.

Just let her go and settle the score with her later.

Mrs. Jiang didn't care when she heard the words, she has a son by her side, how can she just let her go, and besides, she didn't do anything wrong, why should she let her go?
As for offending the He family, she didn't do it on purpose. If a rich man loses his temper, he will turn his back on him. What can she do?

She, she wants to plot against girl Xin, isn't it for everyone's benefit.

That girl is so rich, just taking out a few thousand taels is enough for them to spend a lifetime, and it would be great for everyone to get rich.


But with the old woman around, I don't believe that girl can watch them starve and leave them alone.

Thinking of this, Jiang's heart moved, and she secretly gouged out a look at Mrs. Wang. It's different to have someone backing her up. She has been a face person all her life, but she will pick it up when she is old.


Mrs. Feng squeezed in front of Mrs. Wang, looked at her expression and considered her words, "What happened just now was so sudden, we were all in a daze..., and we didn't even have time to talk to Xin girl. I want to thank her well..."

Mrs. Wang said coldly, "She is now the daughter of the He family, and the serious Miss He Si. She has nothing to do with the Wang family, and it's not your turn to call Xin girl. Don't bark in the future."

Feng immediately became anxious, "That child was raised by the second sister, why is it not related to the Wang family?"

Uncle Wang also said, "That's right, the second younger sister treats her more affectionately than her own, and girl Xin is also filial, and the two of you are what people say..."

Mrs. Wang said impatiently, "Huijuan is Huijuan, and the Wang family is the Wang family."

"But the second sister is also from the royal family."

The old lady was completely annoyed, "Are you going to stand until dark? Do you want to go home?"

Second Uncle Wang glanced at the He Mansion mansion, and then said with a smile, "Go home, go home..."

His eyes rolled around, and he kept saying that he was going home, but his feet took root, and he stood there motionless.

Mrs. Wang bypassed him and left. Everyone was startled again. After realizing it, they quickly followed up. The group walked out of the alley in front of the He Mansion.

Turning into the north-south Qili Street, Mrs. Jiang couldn't bear it anymore, she rushed to the front of the line, trying to push away Mrs. Lu who was supporting the old lady, but failed, so she was very angry After turning around, Niu Shi, the nephew and daughter-in-law, was squeezed away.

"Mom, you see everyone is still hungry..."

Mrs. Wang waved her arms and refused to let her help, "If you are afraid of being hungry, go back quickly, or you will not be able to get home until dark."

Jiang groaned, "Mother wants us to go back?"

"What's the name of the ghost?!?"

The old lady Wang Yi yelled coldly, "Do you think the Wang family looks very good now, and everyone who wants to make a noise should look at it?"

Jiang is angry, this old lady is really arrogant today, look at this cursing posture is about to compete with Mr. He's, tsk, she is really majestic.

But even if he has this ability, why don't he argue with Mr. He, instead he will pick a weak persimmon and use her to shake his prestige.

Mrs. Jiang greeted the old lady's [-]th generation ancestors from the bottom of her heart before accompanying her carefully and said, "We've gone so far, the servants of the He family can't see it, mother, hurry up and get out the money, let's go and have a good meal first." , hire a few more carriages..."

Mrs. Wang said lightly, "I have no money."

"how is this possible?"

Feng Shi and Jiang Shi yelled almost at the same time, Uncle Wang and Uncle Wang looked at each other in blank dismay, Girl Xin didn't care if they would lose their legs after walking such a long distance, but she couldn't ignore her mother.

But what's going on now?

The old Wangtou hesitated, "Old woman?"

The old lady Wang Yi glanced at him indifferently, "Master He has sent a message to ask her to sever ties with us, as a child, how can you disobey your parents' orders?

So stop wishful thinking. "

Old Wangtou's heart was beating violently, making him dizzy, his hands and feet weak, and it was Uncle Wang who supported him in time to prevent him from falling.

Mrs. Wang never stopped, and everyone had to follow. After walking for a while, Mrs. Jiang was the most impatient, "Mother, if you don't love your son and daughter-in-law, you have to love your grandson, so don't be angry." , there is nothing to buy and eat when I leave the city..."

Mrs. Jiang babbled on and on, but Mrs. Wang just pretended she couldn't hear her.

Mother-in-law and daughter-in-law for many years, what kind of temper is she?

"Dad, dad, are you okay?"

After walking for a while, the old Wang, who was already mentally and mentally exhausted, was tired and hungry, and he couldn't hold on anymore, and he passed out when his eyes went dark.

"Quick! There is a medical center in front of you, take Dad to see a doctor."

"But we have no money."

(End of this chapter)

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