The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 2630 64 Carrying the bride price

Chapter 2630 64 Carrying the bride price
The long red team of Yongchangbo Mansion has attracted the attention of the whole city since it entered Lin'an City.

Nangong Han, who was walking in the front on a tall horse, had a dignified and elegant phoenix and dragon appearance, and an extraordinary temperament. He was really more handsome than the fairies in the paintings. Not to mention the young girls who admired Ai, it was the elderly women. Also look straight.

"Oh, whose kid is this? He looks so good-looking. I didn't know there was such a number one person in our county before. If I had known..."

"Oh, you don't have to dream about that dream. This person has a lot of background at first glance, so what's the use of you knowing it? No matter how good your daughter is, she can't climb up to others."

The woman who spoke earlier had a sharp voice, and said angrily, "Hey! How did you talk? Why can't my daughter be on the top? Why can't my girl be on the top?! Tell me clearly."

The obnoxious fat woman didn't fear her at all, "It has nothing to do with your daughter. Marriage is about being well-matched. Just because your family sells sesame seed cakes, you can't afford such a family."

The fat woman choked and had nothing to say.

She has eyes, so she can naturally see that this family is unusual, and there is a row of servants carrying the dowry behind them. Good guy, this team is really long, at least dozens of people.

Who can afford it for a small family, and the handsome boy right away, yes, she is really good-looking, and she is so greedy.

She also wanted to find such a good husband for her daughter.

I was so greedy and panicked that I didn't want to talk about it, but this fat man was disappointed and made her face in public, which made her mad.

I really want to grab the plate with that fat face!

Of course, she didn't dare to say that.

The fat woman's family is a butcher, and her husband is a well-known Hu butcher. He looks as black and strong as an iron tower, and he is extremely powerful. A pig of two or three hundred catties will be knocked down.

Who dares to provoke such a character.

She is not alive enough.

"64 betrothal gifts! This is a full betrothal gift! A whole set of betrothal gifts."

A brightly dressed young woman's eyes were full of envy, "Back then, the young He family didn't have so much dowry when they got married. Whose family is this person?"

"I know, he is the son of Yongchangbo Mansion in the prefecture city, and he is here to give the dowry to He's family today."

"From Fucheng? Or the son of Bofu? No wonder he is so rich."

"The He family is really powerful. They can marry their daughter to such a noble family."

"Uncle's mansion, rich and powerful, the most important thing is that the son of the family is handsome. This is what people say that his face is like a crown of jade. Ask me to say that he looks better than jade. It's really rare."

"Miss He Jia is really blessed."

"Oh, it's really enviable~"


Everyone in He's house was beaming with joy, smiling all over their faces.

Uncle Yongchang's mansion is strong, 64 carries the dowry, and there are two live geese, which has given the He family enough face. Not to mention the old lady and the Song family are happy, even the servants feel that their faces are bright, and they all beam with joy laugh.

Many people use big geese as dowry gifts these days, anyway, geese are not used in the county, so this pair of live geese is particularly eye-catching.

The first and second graders followed He Jiaheng into the yard full of dowry gifts, and looked at the betrothal gifts that were raised and raised, and sighed incessantly, "It's the first time I've seen someone give 64 dowry gifts, it's really impressive."

"Fourth Uncle really cares about Fourth Miss."

"I see, if it wasn't for the restriction of status, fourth uncle might prepare a lot of loads."

"What I'm talking about is that the fourth uncle is very fond of the fourth lady, so he naturally wants to give her the best."

The two murmured in low voices with red faces, they were so happy that they were right with the oil-stealing mouse, and their eyes were all smiling.

He Jiaheng didn't seem to have heard what they said, his eyes fell on a cage tied with bright red silk flowers, his face was thoughtful.

He had thought too much before, Nangong Han cherished the fourth sister so much, how could there be any changes.

During this period of time, my mind was a little confused and my heart was not calm, so I looked at things a little bit, and I couldn't help thinking about some bad things.

Call ~
He Jiaheng exhaled deeply.


All the relatives and friends of the He family have arrived for today's Nazheng ceremony, even the Huang family of the He family, where He Chuer and He Qier have just arranged a marriage, also came to give a personal presence to the future in-laws and make more friends by the way.

It would be even better if he could take the opportunity to climb up to Yongchangbo Mansion.

Even if they can't, it doesn't matter, with the relatives of the He family, they and the Yongchang uncle's mansion are considered to be their own people, are they afraid that they won't have the chance to get close.

In short, marrying the He family is a business that is sure to make money without losing money, and there are many benefits.

Therefore, we must establish a good relationship with them so that we can get more benefits from them in the future.

With this in mind, the He family and the Huang family took the initiative to help the He family greet the guests, doing their utmost to make the atmosphere more lively and festive.

He Hongzhang was very satisfied with this.

He was very complacent for a while, and he felt that he had a high vision for picking his in-laws, and then he thought that he had to satisfy them if the two in-laws gave him such good looks.

Only when there is coming and going can it last for a long time.

Well, when Chu'er and Qi'er accept Zheng, they have to act in such a grand manner.

But today there are many distinguished guests invited by the boss, he is not familiar with all of them, I am afraid that he will not be able to invite them.

Or, should I invite the boss to invite someone?

"What did you say? The fourth girl's wedding date is set on the eighth day of the winter month?"

Just when He Hongzhang was secretly struggling to give the two daughters such a magnificent and lively Nazheng banquet, the long attendant came back from the outside, bent down and whispered something in his ear, and he exploded immediately.

In desperation, he rushed to find He Hongjin to argue, "Didn't you promise me to postpone the fourth girl's wedding until the twelfth lunar month, why did you suddenly change your mind?"

"It's an auspicious day chosen by the Bofu..."

"They can't just pick an auspicious day..."

Facing He Hongjin's calm gaze, He Hongzhang's voice was much softer, "Chu'er has decided on Dongyue 28th, and Qi'er's on Dongyue [-]th, this, this is all agreed, but now the day when the fourth girl gets married If you change it, change it, I, I can't explain it to the two in-laws."

Originally, marriages were arranged in order from oldest to youngest. What a great thing, everyone can be satisfied, so as not to argue, but this was changed suddenly, and the elder sister was ranked behind the younger sister.

This is how he can talk to people.

He Hongjin had expected such an incident, "That's up to me."

After speaking, he asked the housekeeper to invite someone.

The result was beyond He Hongzhang's expectations. The He family and the Huang family were more talkative than expected on this matter, "The fourth girl was engaged first, several years earlier than our two families. Preface, there is no need to talk about it now."

"Yeah, they're all from our own family. Isn't it a stranger to say these things?"

"To tell the truth to my in-laws, the two children's marriage is in a hurry, and there are still many things that have not been prepared. I am afraid that I will neglect your girl. Why don't we move the date back? Well, we will wait in the next year." Let’s do it, the weather will be warmer then and it will be convenient to do things.”

(End of this chapter)

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