The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 2632 There is a chapter to speak slowly

Chapter 2632 Have something to say slowly

Qiao Sisi's interruption made He Xiner quietly heave a sigh of relief, she hugged her chubby ball and smiled lightly, "I'll see you off."

"No need, they are all my sisters, why are you being polite? You are tired after a day of trouble, so don't talk about these vain rituals, go back to your room and have a rest."

Qiao Sisi raised her chin slightly, signaling her to entertain Nangong Han first.

He Xiner pretended not to notice and insisted on sending it off, but Qiao Sisi only thought that she was shy, so she didn't give in any more.

But in order not to delay her too much time, Qiao Sisi walked very fast like the wind, so fast that He Xiner almost failed to keep up, "Cousin, walk slowly, watch your steps."

Seeing that she was struggling to hold Qiuqiu, Qiao Jiaojiao quickly took it over, "Give me the little meatball."

"That's great, this greedy cat is about to eat itself into a pig, holding really heavy hands."

He Qingqing, He Shuling and the others couldn't help laughing, "Xin'er despises it so much, why don't you give it to me, I'm so rare."

"Okay, if you don't think it's stupid, just take it back."

"Really? Are you willing?"

"What is there to be reluctant about, isn't it just a cat? My cousin likes to just take it away."

"Farewell, I'm afraid I'll make it thin, and then you will feel bad about it."


Several people were chatting and joking with each other, very affectionate, like close friends for many years, without any sense of unfamiliarity.

He Qier followed at the back of the team with her head slightly lowered, and she remained silent. He Chuer beside her was also silent.

After a while, Qiao Sisi, Qiao Jiaojiao, He Qingqing, He Shuling, and He Xin'er in front had left the yard, followed by sisters Tang Baoqin, He Zhiying, and He Shuwen, who also stepped over the threshold one after another.

He Chu'er, who was walking to the gate of the courtyard, paused slightly, hesitated for a moment, but did not stop, squeezed her hands hard, and she resumed her previous speed, and walked out quickly.

But He Qier couldn't hold it back. After stepping out of the threshold, she suddenly turned her head to look at Nangong Han, and saw the always noble and distinguished young master bending over to hug Dabai, and smiling very, very...stupidly.

Yes, silly.

He smiled foolishly, like a fool, which was quite different from his usual image.

He Qier felt her eyes hurt.

She turned around sadly and took a deep breath.

Well, it was a delusion after all.

It's time to let go.

The Huang family is her home.

When He Xiner, who sent away the little sisters, returned to the yard with Qiuqiu in her arms, Nangonghan had already let go of Dabai. He strode over to greet her, staring at her with foggy eyes, and softly called, "Xiner son~"

He Xiner turned her head and told Xiao Xing, "Let Mama Tan cook a bowl of hangover soup."


Xiao Xing responded with a crisp voice, and trotted to the small kitchen.

Nangong Han looked at her quietly, his gaze became more gentle.

He Xiner invited him to drink tea on the porch, while waiting for the hangover soup.

"Xin'er, this is for you."


"Red coral bracelet."

Nangong Han took out a bunch of red and bright coral bracelets as a trick, and then held He Xiner's hand with the amazing kung fu, "Xiner~"

He Xiner was a little surprised, she hurriedly pulled her hand back, but it didn't work.

She was still holding Qiuqiu with her left hand, so she didn't dare to use force, but the most important reason was that Nangonghan refused to let go.

"Cousin, let me go first, and speak slowly if you have something to say."

"Xin'er, we will be husband and wife soon..."

He Xiner's movements paused, and then she didn't struggle anymore.

Dabai, who had been lying quietly on the blanket, closed his eyes and rested his mind, suddenly jumped up, startled Luo Hua who was struggling, and before she could figure out what to do, she had already jumped on it, "Dabai, Dabai Let's go, my sister will take you to eat some snacks."

Dabai stared at Nangonghan quietly.

Nangong Han subconsciously let go of He Xiner.

"Okay, let's go."

So Dabai happily went to the small kitchen to find something to eat, and Luo Hua trotted after him, without even looking back at He Xiner.

Afraid of embarrassing her.

"Xin'er..., my cousin will put it on for you, okay?"

Nangong Han's voice was very soft, as if he was afraid that it would disturb her if he made a loud voice.

He Xiner was silent for a moment before she nodded lightly, "Okay."

Nangong Han was ecstatic.

But this time he didn't dare to be reckless.

"Coral nourishes the body and hydrates the skin, which is great for you."

He gently held He Xiner's hand and looked at it carefully, "The coral is bright in color, which makes Xiner's complexion even whiter."

He Xiner pursed her lips and remained silent.

Nangong Han suddenly left the seat and squatted in front of her, "Xin'er..."

He Xiner said anxiously, "Cousin, get up first."

As she said that, she was about to get up to pull people away, but Nangong Han stopped her. He put his hands on the armrests of the armchair and looked at her firmly, "Xin'er, do you trust my cousin?"


He Xiner turned her head to look in the direction of the small kitchen, wondering if the hangover soup was ready.

Originally, she wanted someone to remind her, but only then did she realize that there was no maidservant around, and she didn't know where they were all hiding.

It is very mysterious.

It really made her dumbfounded.

"Xiner look at me."

Nangong Han suddenly put out his hands to hold her face, startling her, "Cousin, you are drunk."

"I am not sleeply."

After he straightened He Xiner, he let her go, and continued to support the armrest of the armchair, "Xiner, I will definitely protect you in this life and never let you be wronged."

"Do you trust your cousin?"

"Well, I believe it."

(End of this chapter)

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