The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 2634 Hijab cannot be lifted by oneself

Chapter 2634 Hijab cannot be lifted by oneself
The news of He's family's concubine's daughter's marriage has already spread, and everyone in Lin'an County knows about it.

And the name of the bridegroom Nangong Han is well known, many people want to see this noble son of the Bo Mansion with their own eyes, but the sky just turned white today, and the street in front of the He Mansion is crowded with people. boisterous people.

One is to see the groom's official, and the other is to see the dowry of the He family's first daughter with his own eyes.

Having seen the generosity of the Nangong family earlier, the big guy was a little curious about how many good things the He family can marry.

In order to occupy a good place, many people came in the dark, and had been standing for a long time with the cold wind blowing.

I have to say that it is really not easy to see how busy this is.

"Here we come! Here we come! The bridegroom is here!"

"It's so early, it's just dawn, it's too early to hurry."

"You don't know that, Mr. Nangong arrived in the county yesterday..."


The music of beating gongs and drums came from afar, and the shivering people suddenly regained their energy, and they didn't care about rubbing their hands, let alone stomping their feet. Stretching his neck and widening his eyes, he watched the approaching team without blinking, lest he miss a little bit.

Nan Gonghan, who was riding a steed, was wearing a bright red wedding dress, which was auspicious and festive, making him even more handsome and elegant, like a fairy descending to earth.

The little daughters-in-law and the big girls who were crowded in the crowd all looked straight at him, "The groom is prettier than the people in the painting, Miss He family is really lucky."

"Oh, it would be great if I were Miss He's~"

"If you want to dream and go home, don't squeeze us here."


He Jiajie brought He Jiajun, He Jiajin, He Jianing, He Jiazhe, He Jiayou, who had three and four bedrooms, and Nangonghan brothers, who blocked the door and refused to welcome their relatives, into the mansion.

These boys were all ghostly and weird, and they asked some weird questions, but they didn't open the door, which forced the brothers of the Nangong family to almost climb over the wall.

In the end, it was Nangong Han who quickly and wisely threw out a handful of red envelopes to break the predicament, and he was able to enter the mansion smoothly.

The auspicious time for the wedding is at dusk, so there is plenty of time, but the capital city is far away, and the wedding procession can't move fast, so we need to start early.

So after the He Mansion warmly entertained the new guests, the wedding team was ready to set off.

"Xin'er bid farewell...Father, mother."

He Xin'er wore a bright red wedding gown, she was slim and elegant, she looked more delicate than a flower, bright and moving, but her face was calm, her eyes were clear, she lacked a bit of the shyness of a newcomer, and she appeared a little cold.

But she has always been like this, everyone is used to it, and there is nothing wrong with it.

If she suddenly turns into a little girl with shy brows and affectionate eyes, it will make people uncomfortable.

At this time, Song's eyes widened in disbelief, and then she became emotional, tears welled up in her eyes, and her words choked up, "Good boy, get up."

He Hongjin, who was sitting on the other side, did not expect that He Xiner would call him father. He was caught off guard and his mood was a little agitated. No matter how calm he was, he still showed something on his face, and he asked a few words in a hoarse voice. , He Xiner agreed to each of her and Nangong Han's words to live a good life.

Seeing their father's kindness and filial piety, He Lan'er gritted her teeth in annoyance.

But no matter how angry she was in her heart, she dared not show it.

Don't look at her father's loving and gentle appearance now, but his six relatives don't recognize him when he turns his face.

With red eyes, Song personally put on the red hijab for He Xiner, "Remember, you can't lift the hijab by yourself."

"Oh, I see."

The scarlet hijab isolated He Xiner from the outside world, and she could only see the red in front of her eyes.

Beside Song's whispered voice, Wang's smiling face appeared in his mind.

Her heart hurt like a needle.

Mother, your daughter is getting married...

He Jiaheng sent He Xiner to the sedan chair with his back on his back, Luo Hua and Xiao Xing helped her sit up, and arranged the skirt for her, and waited until everything was settled before getting off.

"Miss, don't worry, Xiao Xing and I will always follow the sedan chair, even if we leave the city, we will not separate, we will just follow behind the lady's car."

"Well, where is Dabai?"

"I was coaxed away by the young master."

He Xiner couldn't help but laugh, the eldest ancestor can't be coaxed away by everyone, it's just to give the eldest brother face by cooperating so much.

Amidst the sound of festive drum music, Nangong Han rode a fine horse at the front of the team, followed by a red sedan chair carried by eight people, and then a long wedding procession, and the people in front had turned out of the road. Street, and the He Mansion is still carrying out continuously.

"Oh my god! How much dowry did the He family buy? I can't even count."

"The ten miles of red makeup mentioned in the book is not a lie."

"The He family is really rich."

"He is the richest man in Lin'an County, so of course he is rich."


After the mighty team came out of the city, they saw the horse convoy that had been waiting here for a long time. With the support of Luo Hua and Nan Gonghan, He Xiner changed the carriage, sat down, and Dabai jumped up with a whoosh.

He Xiner caressed its back, her heart softened.

Under He Jiaheng's command, all the dowry was moved to the carriage, and all the family members also sat on it. Luo Hua and Xiao Xing even sat on the carriage behind He Xiner early, and set off after everyone settled down.

"Set off."

He Jiaheng gave an order, and the long team set off again.

The wedding car drove steadily, and the speed was relatively slow. It took two and a half hours to arrive after the original two-hour journey.

(End of this chapter)

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