The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 2636 I will not be a flat wife

Chapter 2636 I will not be a flat wife

Dabai's behavior was so abnormal that He Xiner had to think, "Brother, is something wrong?"

He Jiaheng hurriedly said, "It's okay, you just need to rest well, I'm outside."

What is the flat wife, what is the owner of Fukang County, those things are not true or not, so naturally I can't tell her.

So as not to hear bad heart.

How Nangong Han treats her is seen by the entire He family, and they can't pretend.

He wished he could hold the fourth younger sister in his palm and protect her, so that he would never hurt her at all.

Those words are nothing but gossip.

Just some bastards who don't look good at people.

Right, that is it.

He Jiaheng chanted these words over and over in his heart, trying to calm down, so that he didn't write the word panic on his face.

The incident happened suddenly, even though he was always calm, he was also in a state of confusion at this moment, and he didn't know what to do for a while.

He could only do his best to suppress the turbulent waves in his heart, and tried his best to convince himself that Nangong Han would never abandon He Xiner.

But when he thought of the words that He Hongjin repeatedly told him earlier, he felt an inexplicable chill down his spine.

Thinking about it now, his father clearly meant something!
Could it be, is there really something hidden in this?
But, how is this possible?
He Jiaheng was tangled.

His task today is to send the bride to Nangong's house in a safe and sound manner, so in order for this wedding to proceed smoothly, all he has to do now is to keep silent.

Just pretend you didn't hear anything.

But, if this is true, what about the fourth sister?
No, he had to ask Nangong Han for clarification.

Never send the fourth sister to Nangong's house in such a muddle-headed manner.

Otherwise, her life will be ruined.

"Dabai, let the fourth sister have a rest and don't bother her, okay?"

He Jiaheng was anxious in his heart, but he didn't show it on his face, and coaxed Dabai very gently, that doting tone seemed to be coaxing a wayward child.

However, Dabai is very stubborn and insists on taking He Xiner away.

He Xiner, who was still a little confused at first, is now very sure that something happened, "Brother, what happened outside?"

"It's really fine, you trust Big Brother. I understand it... Maybe it's looking outside for fun, and wants you to play with it..."

"Big brother."

He Xiner interrupted him in a deep voice, "Dabai clearly wants to take me away."

He Jiaheng was silent for a while and then heaved a long sigh, "The servants of the Nangong family said something unpleasant, Dabai just listened to it, it, it was probably afraid that you would be wronged, that's why..."

He Xiner bent over and looked at Dabai, but asked, "What did they say?"

"... It's okay for the servants to gossip and not listen to what they say, they don't have to dirty their ears.

Today is your day of great joy, you just have to be your bride happily, there is a big brother for other things, and you won't be wronged.

I'm going to find Nan Gongze right away and ask him to take care of those things that don't know the door. "

He spoke vaguely, and no matter how smart He Xiner was, she would never have thought that such a strange thing would happen to her, so she thought that the servants of the uncle's mansion looked down on her as a merchant girl, and ridiculed her.

"Forget it, Guan Tian can't control other people's mouths, why should they be serious about what they say behind their backs, it seems that we are not tolerant enough.

It is an indisputable fact that the He family is a business owner. They were not wrong in what they said, so there is nothing to argue about. "

He Jiaheng's eyes flickered slightly, "What the fourth younger sister said is that it's better for you to think clearly, big brother."

"...Forget it, it's a happy day, if you don't feel happy, let them go first, and I'll talk to Nangong Han when I have time later, and let him restrain his servants so that you won't be wronged like this. "

"Thank you bro."

"Then you can rest, there are two quarters of an hour before entering the city, I also hurry up to rest up."

"Okay, brother, let's go."

He Jiaheng lowered his eyes and looked at Dabai, seeing that it had finally calmed down, he couldn't help secretly heaving a sigh of relief, but he didn't dare to provoke it, so he didn't say anything else, and once again told He Xiner to rest and walk away with windy strides.

As soon as he left, Luo Hua walked in, "It's not yet time to leave, what is Eldest Young Master doing here?"

He Xiner paused, "Where's Xiao Xing?"

"She just went to take a rest. Miss wanted to find her, so I called her right away."

"it is good."

After Luo Hua left, He Xiner directly raised the red hijab, "Dabai, come to my sister."

She silently stroked Dabai and said to Xiao Xing who was hurrying over, "You go and ask your cousin to come over."


Luo Hua stood aside and pursed her lips without saying a word.

She was sensitively aware of He Xiner's changes, and she faintly felt that something had happened, and she was very puzzled.

It was fine before, how can it change?
"Miss, miss!"

Just when Luo Hua's thoughts were flying wildly, Xiao Xing ran back in a panic. She seemed to have been greatly frightened, her face was pale and pale, "Miss, it's not good, uncle, he, he..."

"What's up with him?"


"Fourth sister!"

Nangong Han and He Jiaheng ran in one after the other, their faces full of uneasiness.

Dabai jumped up and stopped in front of He Xiner, staring at Nangonghan with an uneasy expression.

Nangong Han said anxiously, "Cousin, I have something to tell you, can you let them go out first?"

He Xiner glanced at Xiao Xing, who was anxious and hesitant to speak, then looked at He Jiaheng, and finally at Nangong Han, "These are all my closest people, there is nothing to shy away from, my cousin will take care of you if you have something to say. Just say it."

Nangong Han said anxiously, "Xin'er, give me some time, and I will explain things clearly to you."

Xiao Xing was so angry that her face turned red. Just as she was about to scold him, He Jiaheng said coldly, "Then tell me, what's going on with Princess Fukang?"

Hearing this, Nangong Han broke out in a cold sweat.

"Brother, things are not what you think."

"So what? Is it that you won't marry Princess Fukang? Or is it that the fourth younger sister won't be an equal wife?"

He Xiner was startled, "Ping Wife?"

Nangong Han was about to go mad with anger, didn't everyone say that He Jiaheng was mature and prudent, what kind of sophistication and prudence is this?
In anger, the noble and elegant son couldn't help but swear, but he scolded in his heart and no one heard him.

He Xiner took off the red hijab, looked at Nangong Han fixedly, "I'm sorry, cousin, I won't be an ordinary wife."

When Nangong Han was in a hurry, he didn't care about the taboo, and walked around it in two or three steps to grab He Xiner's hand, "Xiner, do you still remember what I told you?

In this life, I will definitely protect you and never let you be wronged.

Do you remember?

"If she entered the gate of your Nangong family in such a muddle today, it would be a great grievance."

(End of this chapter)

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