The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 2638 The overall situation is important

Chapter 2638 The overall situation is important

He Xiner said calmly, "I'm sorry, I can't get married."

Both Nan Gongze and He Jiaxuan's eyes widened in disbelief, "Why?"

The fifth younger sibling (fourth younger sister) is a very dignified and stable person, how could he lose his temper at such a critical moment?
Nangong Han looked at He Xin'er sadly, "Xin'er, you can't be so heartless."

He Jiaheng sighed long, raised his hand and patted him on the shoulder, "It's true that you shouldn't be blamed for this matter, but you shouldn't hide it from Fourth Sister, and it's no wonder she's going to be angry, and besides..."

Nan Gongze became anxious, "No, big cousin, if you don't talk and persuade the fourth cousin to be petty, why are you still booing?! When is this? If you have any problems, you should put it aside for the time being and complete the wedding first. ?

Big cousin, the overall situation is the most important thing. "

He Jiaxuan also couldn't understand his elder brother's attitude, "Brother, did the fourth sister misunderstand the fourth brother-in-law?"

"No misunderstanding."

He Jiaheng looked around, and Xiao Xing went outside to watch vigilantly, but there were the first and second graders outside the gate of the courtyard, so no outsiders could come in.

He briefly explained the cause and effect of the matter, "Since the queen mother has issued an order, the fifth cousin is the Yibin of the Lord Fukang, and he is also the county matriarch..."

Nan Gongze's eyes widened in surprise, and He Jiaxuan's mouth also opened wide in disbelief.

He Jiaheng continued, "You said that under such circumstances, how can the fourth sister marry?"

Nangong Ze went to see Nangong Han, "Fifth, is this all true?"

Nangong Han nodded slowly.

No wonder the cousin of the He family is going to go back on her word. With her status, how dare she challenge the Princess Royal, not to mention Princess Fukang is backed by the Empress Dowager.

Isn't that self-inflicted, and if one is not done well, one's life will be lost.

It's no wonder people aren't afraid.

Nangongze silently complained about Nangonghan's love in the bottom of his heart. The queen mother made a decree. He dared to make such a big battle to marry a merchant's daughter. Isn't this a slap in the face of the queen mother and princess, and he is not afraid of being caught Stay in the pigtails and sue him for disrespect for resisting the decree.

Moreover, his wedding with Princess Fukang is scheduled for March next year, but now he is secretly married to the He family. Is this considered deceiving the emperor?
Against the decree?

deceive you?

Thinking of this, Nan Gongze's heart trembled, no matter which crime it is, it will kill people!

Nowadays, the court is governing the country with heavy codes, and it is very important that one person commits a crime and the whole family sits together. If he does so, it is very likely that the entire family will be implicated.

It was only a few breaths, but many thoughts flashed through Nan Gongze's mind, making his head buzzing and about to explode.

Nangong Han, this perverted bastard, is really harmful!

"...Then, what about now? Everyone outside is waiting for us?"

Just when Nangongze was about to shut himself up with anger, He Jiaxuan spoke weakly, reminding him.

That's right, the wedding is now halfway through, and everyone in Qingzhou Prefecture is waiting to see them get married. There must be no mistakes at this time, the Nangong family can't afford to lose that person.

But, but...

Forget it, this meeting is imminent, and I don't care about the future, so let's settle the current matter first.

The big deal is to drop He's status later.

In short, the future of the family cannot be set up because of a woman.

Nan Gongze gritted his teeth secretly.

"Fourth cousin, don't blame Lao Wu, it's not what he thought when he encountered this kind of thing..."

These words seemed unconvincing, he thought for a while and said, "There are so many young talents in the capital who are not in the eyes of Princess Fukang, but they just fell in love with him. This also shows that he is outstanding..."

No one refuted this point. Nangong Han is indeed excellent, otherwise he would not be able to attract the picky Princess Fukang.

"Hey, you have to be considerate of his difficulties. Although our family still has the title of earl, we have no real power. How can we fight against the blessed and generous Princess Fukang?

Besides, with the Queen Mother's order, he can't help it. "


The brothers and sisters of the He family were silent, which made Nan Gongze very angry, but this is not the time to be arrogant, "The former emperor was still the prince, so he was forced to marry a daughter of the Qin family with a strong background as his wife, the beloved woman Can it only be used as a side room?"

Nangong Han frowned, "Second brother, don't be confused, Xin'er is not a concubine."

Nan Gongze was so angry that the veins on his forehead twitched, "Yes, yes, I made a mistake.

But what I mean is that people can't look at the moment, they have to take a long-term view..."

Speaking of this, he glanced out treacherously, and then said in a low voice, "Let's just talk about the Queen Mother. At the beginning, she succeeded in becoming a prince and concubine by virtue of the Qin family's power, but so what, the late emperor In the eyes of the Lord, there is only the first emperor and noble concubine. The eldest prince can ride a horse and shoot arrows. The queen mother has nothing to do. She couldn't bear the loneliness of the empty house and nothing to do, so she raised the princess Fukang who lost her parents by her side..."

"Cough, cough, look I'm talking too far.

In short, no matter how strong a woman is, she still doesn't depend on the man's face to live her life. So whether life is good or not depends not on how many women he has, but on how he treats you.

Fourth cousin, you know how the fifth treats you, so you don't have to be afraid, even if he marries Princess Fukang, he won't let you be wronged.

Like the late emperor, he belongs to the infatuated type.

The late emperor is the emperor, there are not many young and beautiful women, but he only has one person, the first emperor and the noble concubine, and he has never liked the new and hated it..."

He Jiaheng interrupted him in a cold voice, "But now the queen mother's son is the emperor, and she is the most noble woman in the world, powerful and majestic, but the former emperor and concubine passed away early, and His Royal Highness Prince Ping also stayed away from the court. For many years, I have been hiding outside and cannot return to Beijing."

Nan Gongze blushed from choking, "You're just kidding!"

"Besides, how can the situation of the fifth child be compared with that of the royal family?"

"But Princess Fukang is a noble daughter of the royal family, and was raised by the Queen Mother alone."

Nan Gongze didn't want to talk to him anymore, so he turned to He Xiner, "Don't worry, Fourth Cousin, we are far away from the capital, even if Princess Fukang's power can't reach here, the fifth child will protect you wholeheartedly , you just need to live with him in peace of mind, and outside things won't affect you."

Before He Xiner could speak, He Jiaxuan became unhappy, "After the Chinese New Year, Nan Gonghan will transform into a county matriarch. How embarrassing is the identity of the fourth younger sister?"

"...Don't worry, nothing about Lao Wu's stay in the capital will be reported back. No one in Qingzhou Mansion knows that he is the Lord of the County. The fourth sister is the Fifth Young Mistress of our mansion. No one talks about it. My servants don't even dare to be disrespectful to you..."

"Heh!" He Jiaheng sneered, "Do you dare to be disrespectful?"

"of course."

Seeing Nangongze's swearing, He Jiaheng was too lazy to go around with him, and just said what he heard earlier, so angry that He Jiaxuan yelled, "What do you mean my father begged my uncle to let him accept Nangong Han's fourth sister as a concubine?!

Who is this bad?

How could it be possible for the daughter of my He family to be a concubine?

The fourth younger sister is the eldest daughter of my He family and my father's own daughter, let alone being a concubine.

The person who said this is really vicious, this is the Mai Tai He family who has changed his ways and despised the fourth younger sister.

Which bastard bastard said that?
I'm going to tear his mouth out! "

Nangong Han looked at He Jiaheng fiercely, "Brother, are you serious? Did someone from Chuang Tzu say that?"

"They didn't say, how could I know about Princess Fukang?"

When he went to ask Nangong Han before, he was interrupted by Xiao Xing before he could reach this point, so Nangong Han still hasn't figured out how he got the news.

Nan Gongze frowned and said, "I don't know anything about Princess Fukang, how could the subordinates of Zhuangzi know?"

"Then it's up to you."

Angrily, Nan Gongze ran out to ask the manager who was guarding the outside to investigate, and soon the result came out, "Zhang Dali has a distant cousin who works in the Da Furen's courtyard. Mother Fu is a godmother..."

The following words are not used.

It was spread by Mrs. Yongchang, who was Nangong Han's mother.

But if she hadn't said those words, how would the people below dare to belittle the master for nothing.

(End of this chapter)

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