The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 2641 You Are Really Heartless

Chapter 2641 You Are Really Heartless
"Cousin, I'm leaving."

He Xiner whispered to Nangong Han who was slumped on the ground, "Take care of yourself."

He Jiaheng sighed deeply and patted him on the shoulder, "I'm sorry."

Nangong Han stared blankly at the ground without any response.

Luo Hua and Xiao Xing tightly surrounded He Xin'er and walked out with her in their arms. He Jiaheng patted Nangong Han again and turned around with a sigh.

Dabai followed unhurriedly.

"He Xiner!"

Just as He Xiner's master and servant were about to step through the threshold, Nangong Han suddenly asked loudly, "Are you glad you finally found an excuse to regret the marriage?"

He Xiner turned around and looked over, "I never thought about it that way."

"Didn't think about it? Didn't think about it."

Nangong Han smiled desolately, "Even if you didn't think about it before, but you said you regretted it on the way to get married, and you regretted it. You didn't care about the face of the two families, and you didn't care about my feelings... You are so ruthless."

"...Cousin, let it go. This is the end of the matter, it's useless to think about it."

"lay down?"

"Easy to say!"

"It's not you who gave your feelings, so naturally you don't have back pain when you stand and talk."

He Xiner's eyes were dim, she pursed her lips tightly and did not speak.

Nangong Han pointed to her left chest, "I give you my heart, but have you ever had me in your heart?"


He Xiner remained silent.

"No! You have no heart."

"You are a stone on the Ten Thousand Years Glacier, cold and hard, you won't melt no matter how you cover it..."

Tears fell down again, which made Nangong Han very annoyed. He felt that he was even more ashamed in front of He Xiner. He quickly wiped his tears and said in a hoarse voice, "Everyone says that infatuated women betray their lovers, but they don't know that women are more unfeeling than men. A hundred times more..."

Seeing him like this, He Jiaheng sighed again.

Deep down in his heart, he was actually looking forward to the smooth progress of today's marriage, because he was optimistic about Nangong Han and believed that he would take good care of He Xiner and slowly heal her pain with his true feelings.

The fourth younger sister looks deserted, but her heart is extremely soft, she is easily moved, even if there is someone hidden in her heart, she will live a good life with him.

The two are good together, no better than anything else.

With this kind of thinking in mind, He Jiaheng was busy with their marriage, but he didn't take too much trouble, but in the end, he got into trouble like this. It would be a lie to say that he did not regret it.

But he couldn't ignore He Xiner.

After all, closeness is different.

Furthermore, he, Nangong Han, was the one who lied first, so he can't blame the fourth sister for being unfeeling.

"Let's go."

He Jiaheng sighed silently and patted He Xiner, "It's getting late, if you don't hurry up, you won't be able to return to the city."

He Xiner turned around, "Then let's go."

"He Xiner, I have something to ask you!"

Hearing this, He Xiner paused and turned around again, "What does cousin want to ask?"

Nangong Han approached step by step, "You are so decisive, is it because you can't rub the sand in your eyes, or is it because I am the one who lied to you?"

He Xiner frowned, "Cousin..."

"If it were him! In the same situation, would you leave so heartlessly?"

He Jiaxuan, who had been dumbfounded all this time, widened his eyes suddenly, "Nangong Han! What do you mean?"

"What do you mean?"

Nangong Han sneered, "Just ask your noble fourth sister and you will know."

He Jiaxuan went to see He Xiner in disbelief, and saw that she had a calm face, as if she didn't care about Nangong Han's accusation, and seemed to be tacitly acquiescing to his words.

This, what's the situation?
He Jiaxuan looked at this and that, and was surprised to find that although He Jiaheng, Luohua and Xiaoxing were slightly surprised, they were all very calm. What, what is going on?
He Xiner looked at Nangong Han fixedly, her tone was gentle but firm, "He will not lie to me, nor will he let me be a concubine."

Nangong Han was deeply hurt by her words, "Is that why you trust him?"

"I trust him. In this world, he is the person I trust the most."

"But can you guarantee that he will risk the lives of the whole family for you and disobey the Queen Mother's order?"

He Xiner said slowly, "I believe he can properly solve this problem."

After finishing speaking, she turned around and strode out, Luohua and Xiaoxing followed her side by side, Dabai followed unhurriedly, and He Jiaheng rushed ahead of her like the wind under his feet, the situation outside was unknown, he had no choice but to Be less cautious.

He Jiaxuan hurriedly chased after him, he didn't dare to stand alone if the trouble was like this, if he was caught by Nangong's family, he might not die or he would have to peel off his skin.

However, who is Nangong Han talking about?

"No one dares to openly disobey the emperor's order!"

When the group was about to walk out of the yard, Nangong Han's unwilling voice suddenly came, "Even if he loves you again, he won't take the whole family, and his own future and life!"

He Xiner kept walking and continued walking without looking back.

Seeing her like this, He Jiaxuanyu became curious about who "he" really is.

"Master, Nangong Ze ordered to close all the doors."

When the first and second day of junior high school heard the news, the people in Zhuangzi had already surrounded Lu Da and the others, and they were not allowed to leave a step.

They still don't know what happened, but such a big fight in Nangongze must not be a good thing.

He Jiaheng had expected it a long time ago, "With Dabai here, no one can stop us."

Having said that, he was still a little worried. After all, they did not have an advantage in their territory.

He Jiaheng was worried.

But Dabai didn't keep him worried.

There are not many people in the Zhuangzi, there are about 200 people including servants, nurses and cooks. Among them, 100 people were specially transferred from the city to entertain the He family send-off team, otherwise there would be fewer people.

However, the aura of these 200 people is not trivial, at least in He Jiaxuan's view, the sense of oppression is very strong.

He was terrified of being beaten to death.

As a result, when he was wondering whether to persuade He Xin'er any more, Dabai suddenly let out a lion's roar, which scared the guards with swords out of their wits and panicked.

The servants of the He family were also shocked, but they could barely hold on. After all, they were their own people, and Dabai would never hurt them.

Taking advantage of the panic in Zhuangzi, He Jiaheng directed Lu Da and others to put the dowry that had been moved down into the carriage again, and then drove the carriage away from Zhuangzi mightily.

Lu Da and the others couldn't figure out why they wanted to go back to Lin'an County, but no matter how many questions they held in their hearts, they didn't dare to open their mouths to ask.

When they came here, they were so obedient that they turned against the cat when they told Dabai to turn their backs, and they were so fierce that they turned against each other like a tiger. It was really frightening. Their legs were still trembling, so how could they have the strength to ask for gossip.

Nan Gongze fainted from fright, when he woke up, the brothers and sisters of the He family had already left.

He was angry and annoyed, "Has the person who reported to the city come back?"

(End of this chapter)

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