Chapter 2657 Finale ([-])
When Gu Mingde walked in, Yuan Shi was very excited.

They live in the same mansion, but they rarely see each other, not to mention that he has been away for three years, and he has never seen anyone.

More than 1000 days and nights, she thought and hoped every day, hoped and hoped, and finally hoped for him to come back, but he was even busier, and he didn't even eat the New Year's Eve dinner at home.

It's not that she can't understand that he wants to spend the festival with the soldiers. Those soldiers have accompanied him through life and death to make great military exploits and helped him ascend to the position of Duke. They really need to be more sympathetic.

Winning people's hearts, she understands.

But she hoped that he could stay in the mansion and celebrate the new year happily with the whole family.

As for those subordinates, it is enough to reward them with more drinks and money, why bother to condescend to accompany them in person.

No need to break the rules.

When she learned that Gu Mingde had such an arrangement, Yuan's first reaction was to persuade him to stay in the mansion for the New Year, but he didn't even see his people, the other party just sent someone back to tell her, let her prepare No chance to say more.

Forget about Yuan's depression.

It's been a boring day today.

But the moment she saw Gu Mingde, all her dissatisfaction and complaints were immediately thrown into the sky.

"Quick! Go to Chuanshan!"

"Bring hot water for the Duke to wash up."

"Make a cup of Yuqian Longjing, the Duke likes to drink that."


For Yuan's attentive and thoughtful service, Gu Mingde not only didn't appreciate it, but also frowned impatiently, reluctantly patiently had dinner with her, and he couldn't sit still anymore.

But he didn't come here to accompany her, but he had something to explain.

"...I have already arranged for the He family to be in Ningxiangyuan. Tomorrow, you can choose a few people to send there. Well, forget it, let her choose by herself, lest the people she sends don't meet her expectations, and you will still be able to send them over by then." To change again..."

Hearing that he brought a woman back again, Yuan Shi immediately overturned the jar of jealousy, but she didn't show it on the face, she still looked at him with a smile on her face, dignified, gentle, generous and decent.

There's no need to be separated from the Duke of the country for a thing that can't be seen on the stage.

She is Fu Guogong's wife, super first-rank imperial order, her status is so high here, how can she be compared with those coquettish sluts, no matter how favored they are, they can't surpass her.

So she didn't really care about who the woman was, but she was an Israeli servant, and she didn't need to make any calculations. The Duke threw it aside after two days, so there was no need to waste time on that kind of person.

The most important thing right now is to keep the Duke.

Yuan's mind was all about how to keep people, so she lost her mind. Gu Mingde's face darkened, "...Madam, are you listening?"

Seeing his uneasy expression, Yuan Shi didn't bother to ask carefully and hurriedly said, "I'm listening, I've written down everything the Duke said."

Gu Mingde's expression softened slightly, "Ms. He's body is a little weak, and he caught cold on the road, so he needs to take care of him for a while... Well, let's excuse her for the time being, and we'll talk about it when she gets better..."

"Also, tell other people not to disturb her..."

The more Yuan Shi heard it, the more she felt that something was wrong, "Master Guo wants to help her to be an aunt?"

What qualifications does a lowly merchant girl have to be a concubine?

Not to mention now, even in the past, when the Grand Duke was still the Marquis, he never paid attention to this kind of woman.

What's the matter today?
Gu Mingde narrowed his eyes dangerously, "He Shi is a concubine, and also Mrs. Ru..."

Yuan's brain exploded.

That vixen actually wanted to be equal to her? !
Where's the face!

"Accordingly, the entry into the concubine should be a big deal. There must be a letter of appointment, a dowry gift, etc., and an ancestral hall should be opened to inform the ancestors, and it should be recorded in the genealogy..."

Gu Mingde paused angrily, "But I'm going to Beijing soon, and I still have a lot of things to do, and it's too late to hold a banquet, so let's wait until the capital is settled down, so as to save my parents from running back and forth..."

Yuan Shi hated it very much.

side room!

Who is he going to hit in the face?

What Gu Mingde said again, Yuan Shi didn't hear clearly at all, she was already mad, and would explode on the spot if she was not careful, if she didn't still retain the last sliver of reason, she might have jumped up and grabbed Gu Mingde's face up.

"... Madam rested earlier, I left."

Gu Mingde strode out, the maid guarding the door hastily lifted up the thick curtain, and the biting cold wind rushed in instantly, making Yuan Shi shiver from the cold.

She regained her senses suddenly, and overturned the table on the warm couch. The cups, saucers and bowls that hadn't been taken away were smashed to the ground, and the vegetable juice and tea flowed everywhere, ruining the expensive cashmere carpet. Dirty.

The sudden change frightened all the maids in the room to turn pale.

In the next breath, they knelt down, "Madam calm down!"

Yuan became even more angry, "A bunch of useless things! What use does my wife want you for? Come!..."


Yuan's nanny Jin hurriedly stopped her, "Don't get angry and lose your temper on the first day of the new year."

Seeing her shouting, Nanny Jin knows what she wants to do

When she said this, Yuan Shi really stopped, but became even more angry, "New Year's Day? Heh! He really knows how to choose the time!"

Nanny Jin winked at Yuanyang, the eldest maid, and signaled her to quickly take someone to clean up the things on the ground, and then quickly avoided it.

When they finally withdrew, Nanny Jin persuaded her earnestly, "...Don't you know the temperament of the Duke? No matter how beautiful a woman is, it's only a rarity for a while, and this He family can compare with those Where are women so strong..."

"It's different, it's different this time. He said he wanted to marry a concubine, nurse, did you hear that? He said he wanted to marry a concubine, and he wanted to make a big deal out of it. He wanted to tell his ancestors..."

Yuan Shi was provoked by Gu Mingde, and directly made He Xiner the number one rival in love, wishing she could strangle her to death with her own hands.

"... Ma'am, you heard from this old slave that at this time, we can do nothing. The Duke is in a hurry. If something happens to her, the Duke will definitely investigate..."

Nanny Jin said, "You can't mess up on your own, you must be steady, don't confront the Duke, otherwise you will be the one who suffers, and when his enthusiasm is over, what do you want to do to deal with it?" Human can't do it?"

Yuan Shi gritted her teeth, "Then let her be proud for two days."

"You're right to think so."

But Yuan Shi was still not reconciled, "The medicine will be sent over tomorrow morning, and you will keep an eye on it yourself."


When Gu Mingde returned to Ningxiang Garden, He Xiner and Luo Hua were eating.

One serving of shredded pork with cabbage, one serving of clear tofu, and one serving of egg custard, all of which were not even warm.

The white rice was even frozen into a lump, making it impossible to eat.

Seeing such a meal falling into flowers, I almost died of anger.

She managed to find out where the big kitchen was, bought a pot of hot water with money and boiled the rice, and the two of them drank it as porridge.

The other dishes were left untouched.

(End of this chapter)

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