Chapter 2665 Extra Story: ([-])

On a bitterly cold night, He Jiaheng walked with difficulty on the quiet street.

He was kicked out of the He family.

In addition to the ancestors, in addition to the ancestors.

In this world, people without ancestors are like duckweeds without roots, drifting with the tide, helpless and helpless.

As the most capable, practical and powerful one among his peers, He Jiaheng has been recognized by everyone as the next head of the family and the next patriarch since he was recorded as the son of the Song family and wants to take over the entire He family. Such a person originally had a bright future, but he didn't want to end up like this in the end.

It's really miserable and sad.

It is difficult for anyone to accept such a big gap.

He Jiaheng didn't feel much, but his heart was empty.

For a moment, he was in a trance, feeling that the past 20 years were just a dream.

Now that he wakes up from the dream, it's time for him to leave.


Meng Chun didn't know when he came after him. He shook off the ink fox cloak in his hand and put it on He Jiaheng, "I was worried about you getting cold in the first and second grades, so I specially asked me to bring it to you."

He Jiaheng didn't speak, but his cold heart gradually warmed up.

"If you stay outside for a long time in this cold weather, Pyro can freeze into a lump of ice, let alone your body..."

Seemingly feeling that the words were inappropriate, Meng Chun abruptly stopped talking, "Hey, what I mean is that you still have injuries on your body..."

He Jiaheng said in a deep voice, "I'm fine, you can go back."

In such a situation, how could Meng Chun ignore it, "I will send you to Master Wei. Now, don't think about anything, let's talk about recovering from your injury first."

He Jiaheng pondered for a moment and said, "Alright then."

Seeing his gloomy expression, Meng Chun wanted to say a few words of comfort, but after thinking about it, she gave up.

The eldest young master may feel very uncomfortable at this time, so it's better not to quarrel with him anymore.

Besides, there are some things that can't be easily taken away with just a few words. There is still a process for the wound to heal, not to mention the hurdle in my heart, how can it be easily crossed.

Meng Chun secretly sighed in his heart, but he didn't show it on his face, as usual.

But when the two of them appeared in front of Wei Shaoxuan, he was shocked, "It's so cold, what are you doing here in the middle of the night instead of lying in bed and sleeping comfortably?"

Although his house was burned with fire, and he didn't feel cold in single clothes, but the feeling of being dragged out of the warm blanket was really irritating.

He stared at He Jiaheng with a displeased face, "Tell me, what is the reason why you don't sleep at night and come here to disturb people's dreams?"

He Jiaheng said flatly, "Stay overnight."


Wei Shaoxuan raised his eyebrows and smiled, "What? I was kicked out, so I have nowhere to go?"

He was used to playing around with He Jiaheng, so he didn't pay much attention when he spoke, and he continued to tease as usual, without thinking deeply at all.

But as soon as the words fell, he felt that the atmosphere was not right.

Because He Jiaheng was very calm, while Meng Chun was filled with righteous indignation.

"What happened?"

As soon as Wei Shaoxuan closed his smile, he became serious in seconds.

He Jiaheng remained calm, "I'm tired, I'll borrow a place to rest and leave tomorrow morning."

Seeing that he didn't want to say more, Wei Shaoxuan didn't ask any more questions. He knew better than anyone else what kind of temperament this person had.

He didn't want to say it, and it was useless to ask.

After Zhang Luo settled He Jiaheng, Wei Shaoxuan finally couldn't help the curiosity in his heart and asked Meng Chun.

"What kind of madness did Mr. He go to drive the eldest son out of the house?"

Because of Meng Chun's status, no matter how dissatisfied he was with He Hongjin, he couldn't say anything.

Wei Shaoxuan pondered for a while, "Go back, Jia Heng will be fine here. In a few days, when Mr. He's anger subsides, I will ask my father to intercede with him, and then let Jia Heng bow his head Acknowledge your mistake, and this matter will pass.”

There is no overnight feud between father and son, Mr. He really can't let this son go.

But it's just angry words.

The contract signed by Meng Chun and the He family has not yet expired, so naturally he still has to go back to work, just in time to collect information for them, so that they don't know anything.

Wei Shaoxuan, who wholeheartedly wanted to help his friend return to the clan, regain the power, and regain the position of the young master, was so angry that he didn't feel sleepy. His mind was full of how to deal with He Hongjin so that He Jiaheng could go back with dignity. not be slandered by others.

He thought and thought, the more he thought, the more he thought, the more he lost sleep.

In desperation, he had to close his eyes and count the sheep over and over again, and after counting for an unknown number of times, he finally fell asleep.

As a result, I slept until noon.

"Jia Heng left?"

Holding the letter in his hand, Wei Shaoxuan's eyes widened in disbelief.


"You still dare to come?!"

Seeing He Jiaheng abruptly, Ye Mancang was stunned and then furious, shouting, "I don't dare to kill you, am I!", and he has already rushed forward and punched him hard.

He Jiaheng fell into the snow nest with a thud, and remained motionless.

Ye Mancang stepped forward and grabbed him by the lapel of his clothes and lifted him abruptly, "Dead? Just in time, the few wolfhounds raised by my grandfather haven't tasted human flesh yet, so today they are lucky."

Ye Shitian, who came over after hearing the news, saw this scene, his face darkened immediately, "What's going on? Why is he here?"

At this moment, Ye Mancang already sensed that something was wrong with He Jiaheng, and he couldn't help saying, "The shitty things have blackmailed people to my head..."

Ye Shitian slapped him on the head, "Speak well!"


Ye Mancang said resentfully, "This kid was knocked unconscious by my punch..."

"But it's not my fault! He did it on purpose..."

When the city gate was about to open, He Jiaheng went out of the city, rented a simple carriage with the few taels of silver that Meng Chun gave him, drove all the way in the dark, and finally arrived at Yejia Village before the sun rose. .

Sitting in a car with air leaks everywhere is no different from being in an ice kiln. He Jiaheng was frozen into a lump, and with injuries on his body, he couldn't stand it even if he was beaten by iron, let alone He who was used to being pampered. Big or small.

He was sick, feeling light-headed and weak.

It was not his intention to see people sick.

And he will not take the opportunity to show his weakness to gain sympathy.

That's not his style.

But others have already come, so there is no reason to give up halfway.

In any case, he will see her today.

So he cheered up and held on, so as not to let people see the clues.

But he didn't expect that he was so vulnerable that he was knocked down by Ye Mancang's punch.

If he knew that this would be the result, he would never allow himself to be so ashamed.

Ye Shitian looked at the empty street with a sullen face, "Let people come in first."

No matter how you say it is a human life, you can't just watch him die.

The father and father settled the person in the side room, and then they were busy all the time, burning the kang and inviting the doctor. Naturally, they couldn't hide Bai and Zeng's actions.

Seeing this situation, Mrs. Bai naturally rushed to save people first, and said after what happened, while Mrs. Zeng was a little overthinking, but she was always careful and thoughtful, so it wasn't a big deal.

Because she has never dared to think or dare to do.

But this time, she somehow found the courage to sneak the news that He Jiaheng was recuperating at her home to Ye Yuanyuan.

(End of this chapter)

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