Chapter 285
The people in the room didn't seem to be in a hurry to eat, and they didn't know what they were talking about so stickily, so He Xiner just kept going and stuffed a dumpling for both parents.

Oops~ Why does it feel so good to steal food?

Mrs. Wang was dumbfounded by her daughter's actions, and was afraid that her mother-in-law would see it, so she ate it quickly. Oh, this dumpling is really delicious. It was the first time I ate such a delicious dumpling, and my daughter fed it to her mouth. I'm so happy~
Not to mention Ye Laiyin, who was also fed by his daughter. While lamenting that the dumplings are delicious, he is also full of emotions. The daughter is really a caring little padded jacket, much better than Pi Xiaozi~
Hey, the people inside still haven't moved, He Xiner rolled her eyes, it seems that her third uncle is very good at coaxing people, coaxing her to the point where she doesn't even know how to eat.

Regardless of them, if you don't eat, you won't be hungry, but she is very hungry, so she won't be polite!

So, He Xin'er moved her two little hands quickly again, this time she took two and stuffed them into her parents' mouths first, and then she and the eldest brother.

The three people who were fed were all dumbfounded, and it was hard to talk about her. All of them had bright eyes in the shadows, and they were smiling and eating the dumplings in their mouths quickly.

The taste is very good, the taste is very good!

What's the matter with being happier than eating openly?

Just after He Xiner fed the third round of dumplings, there was finally some movement in the room. First, old Qian's voice came, and he shouted loudly, "What time does dinner start?"

The few people outside were busy swallowing the dumplings in their mouths, but no one answered.

Then I heard a rough man's voice, "Mother, get off the kang slowly, and fall carefully!"

"The youngest is still filial!"

He Xiner hiccupped and was disgusted by her milk~
Cooperating with her father and uncle, they are tired and sweaty in the field every day, but they are not as filial as the lazy third uncle! ! !

It really makes no sense!

So angry that the dumplings in her mouth couldn't smell fragrant, He Xiner clenched her small fist and pounded her chest to show her anger and dissatisfaction.

"Xin'er, what's wrong with you?"

Hearing the movement, Mrs. Wang was a little puzzled and asked softly.

"It's okay, a little disgusting"

"Ah? Could it be that it's hot today? It's very hot at noon."

Ye Laiyin and Ye Xusheng's brains turned a little, and they understood what He Xiner meant, and they almost couldn't help laughing out loud.

"Mom, I'm fine, I'm fine."

As soon as he finished speaking, all the people in the room came out. Old Qian walked in front with an oil lamp in his hand. The air flow brought by his walking made the oil lamp dim and bright. Old Qian didn't see the food on the table clearly.

Only to hear Ye Guihua's exclamation, "Ah! Dumplings! There's still meat!"

Old Qian was shocked, Dingqing looked at the table, just saw it clearly, opened his mouth wide in shock, and opened his mouth to scold, but was pushed by Ye Guihua, almost fell, the oil lamp in his hand was also tilted, and the burning lamp It burned her hand.

The pain made old Qian grin his teeth, and he was reluctant to throw the oil lamp out, so he frantically set the oil lamp back up. A cannon was already burning in his hand. He was so angry and hurt that he wished to catch someone and beat him up.

But the person who pushed her was her favorite old girl, who wanted to get angry but was reluctant.

The anger in my heart immediately sprayed towards Mrs. Wang, "Second brother, you are a dead man, you have to wait until midnight for a meal, and it doesn't cost money to light an oil lamp?"

Ye Laiyin's face darkened quickly, thinking to himself that he shouldn't have expected his mother, although he knew his mother's temperament early, but when the delicious dumplings came out of the pot, he couldn't help but There is a glimmer of hope, looking forward to being praised by his mother. Although he is a 30-year-old man, he also wants to be recognized and praised by his mother.

Hehe, after all, it's just his wishful thinking, his mother only has the third child and the younger sister in his heart.

The scolded Mrs. Wang was a little at a loss. The good mood just now was so gone that she couldn't feel it. She said cautiously, "It will take some time to make dumplings."

"Dumplings? What dumplings?"

Old Qian's mouth trembled, his triangular eyes widened and he looked at the table, "Ah! You prodigal woman, this is killing me!
As he said that, he wanted to go up and hit Wang, but he still had an oil lamp in his hand, so he was reluctant to drop it, so he put it on the table first, and before he could free his hand, Ye Osmanthus, whose mouth was full of dumplings, said vaguely "It's delicious, it's delicious, mother, this dumpling is so delicious!"

Old Qian's nose twitched, the taste was indeed very tempting, and he didn't care about beating Wang, he reached out and took a dumpling and stuffed it into his mouth, it tasted "sweet, fragrant"!
He Xiner's eyes were about to roll to the sky, she was speechless.

(End of this chapter)

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