The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 287 The Day of Family Reunion

Chapter 287 The Day of Family Reunion

"The third one is right, if you can't stop your mouth with delicious and delicious food, why can't you have a happy meal?"

Old Yetou's interest was interrupted again and again, and he was very annoyed. On a happy day, there would be good wine, good food and hot dumplings. If he didn't eat, he would make endless noises, and everyone would be annoyed!
The main reason is that Lao Yetou believed in his son and knew that the second child was not a fool and could not do such stupid things as stealing money.

"Old man, are you blind? The second family is a prodigal! I was clutching the white flour and waiting for the Chinese New Year to eat, and she ruined it all for me, as well as the meat and wine, didn't they steal it?" Silver, what did the second child use to buy it?"

After finishing speaking, she glared at Mrs. Wang bitterly, "It's all about you, a prodigal bitch, who instigated my son to harm my mother. If you don't piss, what kind of virtue do you have, and you deserve to eat flour dumplings?
Nonsence!Go back to Wang's house, I don't want you, a prodigal son! "

Lying on grass!

He Xiner's face was flushed with anger, and she clenched her fists and wanted to go up and give the old godmother a few times. She had never seen such an unreasonable person who didn't know anything, and poured dirty water on her mother!
As soon as Old Qian's words fell, Ye Laiyin stood up suddenly, the tall and tall man cast a long shadow on the ground, the room became much darker immediately, even the air in the room seemed to freeze, The atmosphere was unprecedentedly tense.

Ye Laiyin exudes low air pressure all over his body, his face is ashen, his eyes seem to be bursting into flames, staring at his mother with the last ounce of reason and refraining from uttering harsh words.

Seeing his son's ferocious face suddenly, Lao Qian's pupils shrank suddenly, his heart tightened, and he couldn't help but take a step back. After he reacted, he became angry in an instant, and he dared not be filial to his old mother when he crawled out of his intestines. Don't kill him!
"Second, if you still recognize me as a mother, divorce this prodigal mother-in-law!"

Seeing that his father's eyes had changed, and the anger in his eyes was about to burst out, He Xin'er was afraid that her father would get a bad reputation if he became angry. But he can't contradict his mother.

Her mind was running fast, and she couldn't let her father be scolded by someone pointing at his spine.

He Xiner tried her best to pull a smiley face, and said crisply, "Grandma, you misunderstood your parents. I'm all to blame for today's incident. I didn't let my father tell grandma. I just wanted to surprise grandma, but I ended up making trouble." Such a big misunderstanding”

The silent Ye Laicai glanced at He Xiner in surprise, and then quietly observed his second brother. The anger in the eyes of the second brother whose eyes were red just now subsided unexpectedly.

The second girl is interesting!

It's slow to say, but it didn't take more than a minute for all of this to happen, and when everyone in the room had just a few thoughts drifting by, He Xiner made a sound.

Old Yetou glanced at Old Qian with heavy eyes, secretly annoyed, did this stupid woman think that both her sons would be single?

He Xiner also blurted out the words in a hurry, she simply didn't do anything else, she stood up hurriedly, and ran to old Qian Shi in two or three steps.

Suppressing the embarrassment in his heart, he pulled old Qian's sleeve, and said sweetly, "Today is the Mid-Autumn Festival, the day of family reunion, and my father is also kind enough to let grandpa and grandma celebrate the festival happily.

As for the money and food, Grandma is at home every day, so she knows exactly where the things are kept, how could my father go to get them?

Besides, my father is not that kind of person either! "

Old Yetou said in a timely manner, "The second child is not that kind of person, the old lady can't wrong him."

Although old Qian uttered harsh words just now, he was also terrified when he saw his son's angry eyes wide open, but he couldn't bear face and refused to show timidity in front of everyone easily.

Now that He Xiner took the initiative to stand up to smooth things over, and now that she had stepped down, she was no longer stubborn, and still asked arrogantly, "Where did the money and things come from?"

(End of this chapter)

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