The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 290 It's so delicious that I'm about to cry

Chapter 290 It's so delicious that I'm about to cry

Farmers can’t eat meat a few times a year. Even if they buy meat, they only buy fatty meat, so they don’t buy ribs. Carrying bones weighs the weight, and the bones are inedible, and the meat on it is not fat. Then buy it and eat it leisurely!

Speaking of which, it was the first time for Lao Yetou to eat pork ribs. Although it is not fatty meat, it is still meat, right? much more delicious~
The ribs were rotten, he didn't bite hard, and the bones came off without any effort, and the taste of the meat was so beautiful, it was so fragrant, it was so enjoyable!

After swallowing the meat, Lao Ye slammed his head into his mouth with endless aftertaste. Looking at the meat in the bowl, he was a little reluctant to eat too fast, so he picked up a piece of potato.

Not to mention, the potatoes mixed with the meat are also delicious, completely absorbing the taste of the broth, the taste is no worse than that of the meat, and it tastes soft and sticky, especially suitable for elderly people.

Lao Yetou ate so much that his brows stretched, and even the crease on his forehead seemed not so deep~
Well, let’s have another dumpling, white and plump dumplings are rare to look at, and I’m not willing to eat pure white flour dumplings during the Chinese New Year, oh, the white flour is still delicious~
Alas, the dumplings are still stuffed with meat. The swollen dumplings are full of mouthfuls, and they are so delicious that I am about to cry. . .

Well, by the way, there is also wine, the dumplings are just wine, the more you drink, the more delicious they are~
It's such a beautiful day~
When He Xiner finished washing her hands and quietly slipped into the main room, she saw that everyone was eating with their heads down, and no one noticed her.

Of course, except for the eldest brother and her father and mother, she always subconsciously distinguished them from the rest of Lao Ye's family. The father, mother and elder brother belonged to her own family, and the others just lived in the same compound.

Oh, and Uncle, He Xiner respects Uncle's character very much, but Uncle is always busy with work, so he can't talk to He Xiner on weekdays.

Ye Xusheng had served He Xiner a bowl of ribs earlier, and just waiting for her to come back, Ye Laiyin and Wang Shi both signaled her to sit down and eat.

He Xiner nodded silently, quietly sat next to the big brother, and lowered her head to eat.

Oh, don't say it, her mother's craftsmanship is getting better and better, and the pork ribs are delicious~
The whole main room was quiet and no one spoke, and they were all immersed in the delicious food. Lao Yetou ate and drank even more happily, and the whole person was about to float with excitement.

Even the old Qian, who always loves things, can't take care of his heart. He eats pork ribs and then eats dumplings. He is so satisfied, really comfortable!

Well, do big families eat like this?

She deserves to live a life like this, eating white noodles and meat every day, as well as endless new clothes and endless new jewelry, ah, just thinking about it is beautiful~
The charm of food is endless, no one can resist the temptation of food.

It can drive people's emotions, make people feel happy, and bloom a happy little flower in people's hearts.

The hostile old Qian could get carried away with eating, not to mention Lao Yetou who was drinking a little wine, he was too happy to enjoy it!
The whole main room is warm and the atmosphere is unprecedentedly beautiful!Everyone enjoyed the sumptuous dinner with ease and pleasure.

Well, it would be perfect if no one bothered!

The dumplings were very big. He Xiner would not be hungry after stealing a few. The lobby brother filled her with a bowl full of pork ribs and potatoes. Normally, she couldn't eat them, but today's pork ribs are so delicious. How could she bear it, so He Xiner accidentally overeat, and she felt that her stomach was about to burst~
He Xiner had just hiccupped when she heard a burst of chaotic footsteps in the yard, hey, it's getting dark outside, who will come?
The sound of footsteps outside was dull and fast, which finally attracted everyone's attention. Lao Ye raised his blushed face and frowned suspiciously, "Look, Sheng'er, who's here."


Ye Xusheng agreed, and as soon as he stood up, the hemp curtain at the door was picked up, and a rough and old voice sounded, "Big sister, I brought your daughter-in-law back!"

(End of this chapter)

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