The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 292 Is this a group of bandits?

Chapter 292 Is this a group of bandits?

Ye Laijin, Ye Laiyin and others were already pushed away from the table, and they all stood around the table with bad expressions.

Whoever eats well but gets robbed of his seat will not have a good face~
Ye Xusheng gently rubbed He Xiner's head, and asked, "Does it still hurt?"

"It doesn't hurt anymore, thank you big brother."

There were chewing, swallowing, sucking, and snatching sounds in the room. "I'll get this piece of meat first. If you dare to snatch it from me, I won't kick you to death!"

"Wow, mother, he kicked me!"

"Woooooo, mother~ mother~"

He Xiner looked at the source of the sound, and saw that it was a seven or eight-year-old girl who was crying and calling her mother. She didn't know which one was her mother, but she didn't come to comfort her anyway.

He Xiner subconsciously wanted to go over and help her up, but just as she lifted her feet, Ye Xusheng grabbed her with quick eyesight and shook his head at her.

He Xiner struggled for two seconds, there must be a reason for the eldest brother not to let her care, and he must be right after listening to the eldest brother.

Just when He Xiner felt sorry for the child, she was surprised to find that the child didn't have a single tear on his face, but howled dryly twice. With a petite body, she squeezed to the table again, and regardless of the dust on her hands, she reached out and grabbed a handful of dumplings and stuffed them into her mouth.

He Xiner was dumbfounded...

Amidst the chaos, Xiaoqian's sharp voice sounded again, "Stop eating, this is from my family!"

"What's yours? It's as if you haven't eaten my food."

"Ah bah, these days when I'm back, you shallow-sighted people bully me every day in different ways, forcing me to work and not giving me enough to eat. How can I have the face to eat my white flour dumplings now?"

"Hmph, it would be nice for an abandoned woman to stutter for you so that you don't starve to death."

"Ah! Ah! Ah! Don't even eat, I'm not full yet!"


No one pays attention to her!
Even Ye Laicai, who has always been active in his mind, was dumbfounded. It is a pity that he eats fast, otherwise he will be taken away from his job if he is not full. It was taken away by his uncle.

In fact, Qian Dafa still cares about face on weekdays. If he is himself, he will definitely not do such a shameless thing. Of course, if he is alone, there is no need to rush to eat like this. Wouldn't it be good to put on airs and be a guest? ?

But today's bad thing is that he brought the whole family here, how could the children below see the meat, they couldn't bear it, they all rushed up and snatched it up, it didn't make sense for him to carry it anymore, why not Take the time to eat and drink, just to satisfy your hunger.

Ye Guihua rushed twice and was squeezed out. She couldn't reach out, so she stomped her feet and went back to her room.

Although Lao Yetou and Lao Qian were not squeezed out of the table, they were also pushed and shoved. They couldn't eat, and their faces were all livid, and Lao Qian was so distressed that he twitched.

The room was more lively than going to the market. He Xiner pulled Ye Xusheng and asked in a low voice, "Are these a group of bandits?"

Ye Xusheng...

This is his family, what are they doing?
What a shame!

It was Ye Laijin who was embarrassing about the same birth. The person who obviously retired came back and brought a whole family to the door to grab food. It was a joke!
He was really unlucky for eight lifetimes, and he came back after marrying such a thing!

"No! No! I haven't had enough!"

"I didn't eat enough either!"

"I still want to eat!"

"I still have to eat! I still have to eat!"

A shrill and high-pitched voice overwhelmed the other voices, "Big sister, go get some more food!"

Old Qian wanted to vomit blood, "Didn't you finish all the food? Where else?"

"Don't fool me! It's a big holiday and your elder brother and I are here, so hurry up and serve all the delicious food!"

 La la la la ~ ~ voting ~
(End of this chapter)

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