The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 294 Where Did Our Family Buy Mooncakes?

Chapter 294 Where Did Our Family Buy Mooncakes?

"I want to eat mooncakes!"

"I want to eat mooncakes too!"

"Grandma, bring me mooncakes!"

The corners of He Xiner's mouth twitched, it turned out she was crying on purpose.

Hey, what did the old lady say just now?
The former aunt had it in her stomach?
He Xiner subconsciously looked at Xiao Qian's stomach, but didn't see anything. . .

The noisy voice became louder and louder, and could not be ignored. Old Yetou knocked on the cigarette pouch and raised the volume, "Old lady, go get the moon cakes!"

He doesn’t feel like asking for other old Yetou, but mooncakes. Although he can’t eat refined grains on weekdays, mooncakes are made of flour, but they are as hard as a stone egg. Hurry up and send this group of debt collectors away~
Hearing the old man's words, old Qian's whole body froze. How could there be any mooncakes? Her mother and father had already eaten them up...

"Oh~ oh~ my aunt is taking the mooncakes!"

"I want to eat too!"

"I want it, I want it too!"

"Damn girl, let's start watching movies!"

"Mom, my brother bullied me again, wow~"

Crying, making noise, screaming, and two monkey-like children running around the room, the room was full of noise, but old Qian sat motionless, as steady as Mount Tai.

Also motionless was Ye Xusheng, he was standing still, he was a little confused by his grandmother's words, he has a younger brother again?

The two Ye Laijin brothers looked at each other silently, wishing they could run away with oil on their feet.But their uncle is here, and it doesn't make sense for both brothers to leave.

At this moment, Ye Laijin has not heard the news that Xiaoqian is pregnant.

Having a headache from a group of rambunctious children, Lao Yetou and Heitou yelled in a deep voice, "Hurry up and get it!"

"Oh~ my aunt has some delicious food!"

In front of a room full of people, being scolded by the old man, old Qian couldn't hold back his face, but felt guilty, lowered his head and said, "The old man remembered wrongly, where did our family buy moon cakes?"

Old Ye was so angry that he fell on his head!

A catty of moon cakes!

The gluttonous mother-in-law ate it all!
The old Cui family of Qian Dafa, who is also the sister-in-law of old Qian's, his face sank after hearing what old Qian said, "Hehe, big sister is not willing to give it to us!"

"Yes, auntie, if you are not willing to say so, why bother to find such an excuse?"

"It's just that our family is too poor to eat meat, and we bought a catty of moon cakes. My aunt's house has both meat and flour dumplings, so it's rare that I'm short of the money for moon cakes?"

"Big sister, your nephew and grandnephew all have the same surname as you, and they are very close to each other, but as a family, don't be reluctant. If you have something to do in the future, you can still count on your natal family!"

Hehe, not to mention nephews and grandnephews, even grandsons, old Qian is not willing to give him food, how comfortable it is to stuff all the good things in his mouth~
Hey, I'm done talking~
He Xiner wanted to leave again, not only did she think but she took action. She grabbed Ye Xusheng's clothes and was about to run away, but there was a loud "pop", "You are not allowed to leave, let me make it clear today!"

Hey, you guys are talking nonsense, she still has business to do, He Xiner frowned in annoyance.

The noise in the room did not stop, but became even more chaotic.

Ye Xusheng frowned, he didn't want to interfere at all, he just wanted to leave quickly, but as soon as he lifted his foot, his grandma called him, what was the meaning?
"Crack, crack, crack!"

There was a continuous slap on the table.

He Xiner really wanted to ask her if her hands hurt.

Needless to say, this time the effect is really good.

The bear children finally didn't dare to make a fuss, shut up their mouths when they cried, stopped their tears when they were crying, and stopped running. Suddenly, the room became strangely quiet.

Old Yetou's complexion turned even darker, who would he show his majesty to when he ran to his house?

Qian Dafa, the head of the Qian family, had a glint in his eyes, and the old man sat upright without saying a word.

Seeing everyone's eyes staring at him, old Cui was triumphant, and coughed pretendingly, "Don't talk, so as not to cause confusion."

(End of this chapter)

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