The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 299 Dad, I'll see you later

Chapter 299
The family is poor, and she has never worn new clothes since she was a child. All the clothes her elder sister can't wear are thrown to her, and it is impossible to have jewelry.

When they got married, the husband-in-law took two hundred cash as a dowry gift, but her mother held all of it in her hands and kept it for her third brother to marry a wife.I only made her a decent set of clothes, and it was the first time she wore new clothes when she was so old.

Her sister-in-law took the red cloth for the coat, and her mother kept only a small piece, twisted it into a flower with scissors, and put it on her head.

After getting married, the mother-in-law is in charge of the house, and it would be nice to be able to make clothes all year round, so how dare you expect anything else?
After 30 years, it was the first time someone bought her jewelry, but she was still a daughter who hadn't grown up.

She is still a half-grown child, and she earned money by herself without the help of adults. She bought a lot of food for her, and even bought her jewelry. She was so considerate, and she was so touched!

Wang's heart softened into a puddle of clear water, and she looked at He Xiner softly. With such a good daughter, she doesn't care about her son.

He Xiner pretended not to notice her mother's strangeness, found out the hairpin, and still smiled, "I'll put it on for mother."

After wearing it, He Xiner looked around and said with a smile, "It looks good!"

Mrs. Wang was a little embarrassed to say, "It's late at night, and no one will read it when I wear it."

"Father will come back later to see!"

"What did you say, kid?"

What He Xiner thought was an ordinary sentence made Wang's face blush, and the tips of her ears turned red with embarrassment.

He Xiner blinked, did she say something wrong?

Oh, her mother is shy!

He Xiner rubbed her nose guilty, she was too careless, in this era, how can a girl make fun of her mother?

How to do?
He Xiner decisively changed the subject, "When I earn more money, I will buy gold and silver clothes for mother, so that mother can wear them differently every day."

"If you have money, you can't spend it recklessly. It's good to wear this when your mother is old. The gold and silver are kept for you as a dowry."


He Xiner pulled a long voice and acted like a spoiled child, "My daughter must wear it when she buys it!"

"Okay, okay, okay, listen to you!"

Being coaxed by her daughter, Wang couldn't help but smile from ear to ear.

The couple were enjoying themselves when there was a knock on the door, He Xiner hurriedly opened the door, Ye Laiyin led Ye Xusheng in, looked at He Xiner and said with a smile, "Your hall brother said that the fruit will be dried."

"Oh, I almost forgot the business!"

Ye Xusheng, who was hiding behind Ye Laiyin, stood silently in the shadows, with a complicated face. His mother led the old Qian's family to make a fuss all night, which made the whole family angry, not to mention Lian Xiner's most important thing I forgot all the important things about earning money, what are they all about?
"Don't reach out when you're tired all day, I'll get it with your big cousin."


Thinking of something, He Xiner stomped her feet and jumped up.

Wang Shi who just stood up was startled, "What's wrong?"

Being stared nervously by the three people, He Xiner scratched her head in embarrassment, "Hey, I bought a bunch of things today, but I forgot to buy soda noodles."

Hearing what she said, Ye Xusheng also looked annoyed, how could he forget all about this.

"Didn't you buy soda noodles when you went back to town?"

Ye Laiyin didn't know why, and asked in confusion.

"I used half of the berries last time."

He Xiner scratched her head again, "There's still half of it, let's make do with it, and buy it next time I go to town."

She felt that she was too careless, and she didn't know how to use it. It was all up to her, and next time she went to the town to buy a few more catties, and when she came back, she adjusted it to several different concentrations, and tried to see what was the most suitable.

"What does Xin'er mean, the fruit should be washed with alkaline flour?"

Obedient to the sound, Ye Laiyin understood immediately, it turned out that the girl was planning to make money a few days ago!

Looking at He Xin'er, who is fresh and tender, Ye Laiyin couldn't help but feel that his daughter is really calm, and she has been busy for several days, but she didn't say a word, just Waiting to earn silver and then surprise them.

Glancing at the hairpin on Mrs. Wang's head, and then looking at the things in the room, they were all bought by her daughter. Ye Laiyin couldn't help but feel guilty. She was still a half-grown child, but she did what he should do. thing...

(End of this chapter)

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