The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 301 Big nephew, tell me the truth

Chapter 301 Big Nephew, Tell Me the Truth

In front of the eldest brother, He Xiner didn't want to ask about her former aunt. She thought she was pregnant and she stayed.

"Father, did you tell Grandpa?"

"Oh, I didn't rush to talk about it just now, let's talk about it tomorrow."


"Xin'er got up before dawn. Are you tired after running all day? It's tidy here, and there's nothing else to do. Go to bed quickly."

"Got it, mother."

It was really late after making a fuss for most of the night. Ye Laiyin and Ye Xusheng took away the used buckets, ladles and other things. Wang held the oil lamp and said, "Close the door."

"Oh, I see."

He Xiner yawned as she agreed, she was indeed sleepy, if it wasn't for the disturbance from her former aunt, she would have fallen asleep by now.

After the door was closed, He Xiner was about to climb up the kang when she remembered something, she didn't seem to be in the latrine, alas, it's inconvenient to get up at night, no matter how sleepy she was, she had to get rid of her physical problems first.

Opening the door, the moonlight outside was as beautiful as the water. He Xiner couldn't help but raise her head. The clouds were high and the moon was bright and clear. It was a good time to enjoy the moon.

When the interest came, she couldn't stop it, so He Xiner set her feet and ran eastward across the courtyard. Of course, she had to be accompanied by her elder brother to enjoy the moon. It's boring to be alone.

The courtyard was brightly lit, He Xiner admired the moonlight, walked unhurriedly, subconsciously lowered her footsteps, for fear of disturbing others.

When we arrived at Dongkua Courtyard, the lights were still on in the hall brother's room, and He Xiner's face was filled with joy, and he knew that the hall brother was not asleep yet, and he was about to take two quick steps to knock on the door.

"Nephew, why did you go there just now?"

"Going to the latrine."

It was the third uncle's voice. That's right, the third uncle shared a room with the eldest brother, how could she forget.

It was always inconvenient for her third uncle to be around, so He Xiner turned around to leave, but heard voices from inside again.

"Are you kidding me, it takes so long to go to a hut?"

Hearing this, He Xiner curled her lips. She had forgotten about Third Uncle's stay at home.

There was no voice from the big brother, and I don't know if he fell asleep or something. It's not good for her to listen to the corner in the middle of the night, so let's go.

"Nephew, tell me the truth, where did you get the money for the meat noodles?"


He Xiner, who was walking out on tiptoe, rolled her eyes when she heard this, haha~
Not in the mood to listen to what he had to say, He Xiner quietly left the Dongkua courtyard to solve her personal problems.

After running for a day, I was sweating a lot. When I was sleepy, I wished I could fall asleep and didn’t bother to wash. Now that I didn’t sleep, I simply boiled some hot water and wiped my body, otherwise it would be too uncomfortable.

The water in the pot was still warm, and He Xiner lit the fire again and started to heat it up again. As soon as the fire was lit, Ye Xusheng walked in, "I guess you're here."

"Huh? Why is the hall brother here?"

"I sweated a lot during the day, and I couldn't sleep without washing."

In fact, Ye Xusheng was impatient with his third uncle pestering him, and because he heard He Xiner's footsteps just now, he guessed that she would boil water to take a bath, so he found an excuse to come over to help.

The water boiled quickly, Ye Xusheng helped He Xiner carry the hot water, and then jumped out from the east courtyard wall.

The moon shines brightly, the bright moonlight is as bright as day, and the small mountain village is quiet and pretty at night, only the occasional sound of insects singing softly.

Ye Xusheng has long been used to walking at night, and he can run fast even in the dark. Today's moonlight is so bright that small stones on the road can be seen clearly, which is no different from daytime, so he ran faster.

Not long after entering the mountain, a figure in the distance aroused Ye Xusheng's vigilance, and he dodged and hid behind a big tree, but he was too far away to see who it was.

With the cover of the trees, Ye Xusheng approached the man little by little.

He was about three or four zhang away from that person, Ye Xusheng didn't dare to look forward, hid in the bushes, quietly raised his head to look intently, it turned out to be his second grandfather Ye Dahai!
(End of this chapter)

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