The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 305 What are you doing with a ladle?

Chapter 305 What are you doing with a ladle?

Ye Xusheng, who was concentrating on scooping water, didn't notice his second aunt's abnormality, and hurried to Xikua courtyard with a scoop.

On weekdays, Xin'er got up early, but today was fine, she was still sleeping after eating, maybe she was tired yesterday?
"Xiner, Xiner, wake up!"

Standing at the door, Ye Xusheng called softly twice.

There was no movement in the room, Ye Xusheng frowned slightly, why did he sleep so deeply?
Looking at the sun in the sky, it was indeed getting late, Ye Xusheng raised his hand and knocked on the door, "Xin'er, it's time to get up."

He Xin'er, who was sleeping drowsily, finally heard the voice, it was the eldest brother coming, her mind was spinning but her eyes still couldn't be opened, and she was still feeling sleepy.

"Xin'er, are you okay?"

Hmm~ I'm fine, just sleepy.

Subconsciously muttering something in her mouth, she opened her eyes vigorously and stared at the roof in a daze for two seconds. He Xiner didn't wake up until Ye Xusheng's voice came again, and hurriedly got off the kang and dragged her shoes to open the door.

While opening the door, he said, "Brother Hall, it's so cold today!"

After finishing speaking, he climbed onto the kang with a swish, lay down on the bed, grabbed the quilt vigorously, wrapped it like a silkworm chrysalis, half-closed his eyes and yawned, "I still want to sleep~"

Seeing Ye Xusheng dumbfounded, he was stunned for a moment before he realized he poured water into the wooden basin, took the ladle in his hand and walked to the side of the kang, "Second Aunt's meal is ready, it's time to eat, let's get up."

"It's cold outside, don't remember."

He Xiner was a little lazy, she was very sweaty, and her head was dizzy.

She wanted to sleep so hard that she didn't even bother to open her eyes.

Ye Xusheng finally saw that something was wrong, "Are you feeling cold?"

Although the weather is getting cooler in August, especially at night when the night wind is cool, it blows cold on my body.But the sun was shining brightly during the day, and the temperature was still not low.

The sun outside was scorching, and the temperature was rising rapidly. How could it be cold?

"Well, I'm cold"

He Xin'er was limp and weak, she pouted her small mouth and mumbled, "I have no energy, I don't want to move, and I feel a little dizzy."

Seeing that she really looked sluggish, Ye Xusheng couldn't help worrying, "Could it be that you were very tired yesterday?"

"Brother Hall, tell Mother that I won't eat, and I'll go back to sleep."

Really sleepy, He Xiner immediately closed her eyes and became dazed again.

"Xiner, Xiner..."


He Xiner responded very reluctantly, she didn't even open her mouth, she just hummed.

No, Ye Xusheng frowned, there's no reason to be so sleepy?

Seeing her blushing, hey, by the way, Xin'er's blushing is a little abnormal, could it be that she has a cold?
She stretched out her hand and tried it lightly. He Xin'er's forehead was hot, and Ye Xusheng was so frightened that he was so stupid that he didn't notice it at all just now.

Feeling flustered, Xin'er must have been tired yesterday, and got cold after taking a bath at night, that's why she fell ill.

The temperature is cold at night, and she is a weak girl, so she shouldn't take a bath at night.

Instead of persuading him, he even helped to carry water, he is really stupid!
Seeing He Xin'er pouting in a deep sleep, Ye Xusheng's heart ached so much, he tucked the quilt around her neck tightly, walked gently to the door, and closed it.

Turning his head, he ran out in big strides, and when he reached the door, he met his father, "Sheng'er, what are you doing with a ladle?"

Oh, it turned out that I forgot to put down the ladle in my hand, "Father, just take it back."

As he spoke, Ye Xusheng put the ladle in his hand directly into the bucket carried by his father, "Xin'er has a cold, I'll go to Doctor Liu to get some medicine."

"What? Xin'er is sick?"

Ye Laiyin who was behind was taken aback and asked hastily.

Ye Laijin also put down the burden on his shoulders, with a worried expression on his face, he needed cash to get the medicine, "You wait a while, ask your grandma for the silver before going."

Hey, Ye Laijin subconsciously frowned because his mother was not willing to pay the money.

(End of this chapter)

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