Chapter 314

When Ye Xusheng came in, Xiao Qian didn't even lift his eyelids, he was gnawing on pancakes with a livid face, full of anger, he was so angry that he was about to smoke.

When she didn't come back, the family ate white flour dumplings and gnawed meat and bones. She came back, and she was pregnant. Not to mention giving her all the delicious food, she only made pancakes. The white flour could not be seen, and the fried vegetables Not even a shred of meat was seen.

The hen that didn't lay eggs must be trying to trick her on purpose!
Although he was a little apprehensive towards Ye Laijin, he couldn't swallow the breath in his heart.

He took another bite of pancakes, rolled Wang's eyes, and Xiaoqian squeezed his throat and said in a cloudy voice, "I, who is pregnant, don't want to eat some coarse grains. From now on, younger brothers and sisters remember to steam white flour steamed buns for me alone."

Early in the morning, Mrs. Qian coaxed her daughter to return the hairpin to her. Wearing a beautiful hairpin made her heart bubbling. Don't be too happy in the morning.

Even if Xiaoqian made a fuss, it didn't affect her good mood. Of course, she got a basket of sweet potatoes for nothing, and she was even happier.

As for Xiao Qian's being beaten, what does that matter to her?

Everyone has a love for beauty. Although old Qian is old, he also has a heart for beauty.

Old Qian turned his head back to put on the jewelry, and felt that he was about to be so beautiful, his whole body was light and light, and he was almost dizzy with joy.I can't wait to finish my meal quickly so that I can go for a walk in the village and let everyone see her hairpin.

Oh, as long as she thinks of other people's envious eyes, she feels super refreshed...

I am in a beautiful mood, and the food is especially delicious. I chewed it in big mouthfuls, and wanted to finish eating quickly and go out.

Hearing Xiaoqian's voice suddenly, she didn't react, but instinctively stopped her, "Do you still want to eat white flour steamed buns? Do you want it too?"

"Hey, what mother said, why am I not worthy? You have all eaten white flour dumplings, why can't I eat white flour steamed buns? I am pregnant with the seed of Lao Ye's family!"

As long as food is involved, Xiaoqian immediately forgets the lesson and strives for his own benefits.

Hey, it's okay if Xiao Qian didn't say anything, she just reminded old Qian that she hadn't eaten enough of her flour dumplings before they were snatched away...

All of a sudden, the good mood was gone. Old Qian slapped his chopsticks on the table, and stared fiercely at Little Qian with his old eyes. People are coming to grab it!"

As soon as these words came out, even Lao Yetou cast a gloomy glance at Xiaoqian, and coldly "hummed", showing how angry he was.

Can you not be annoyed?

There are meat, dumplings and a little wine to drink, and half of the delicious food is robbed by someone, who will be annoyed!

The others were naturally dissatisfied, but they didn't say anything, and Ye Laijin even ignored Xiaoqian, he was a shameless person, no matter how hard he beat him, he couldn't change it, and it didn't matter if he didn't have outsiders, he was already shameless.

Ye Guihua was as annoyed as old Yetou, she thought that there were so many dumplings that she couldn't finish one meal, and she could have another meal for the rest. Drag her to the ground.

As soon as the breakfast was served, Ye Guihua lowered her face, but with his father around, she dared not say anything, now that even her father was dissatisfied, she no longer held back.

"He's such a troublemaker, even after going back to his mother's house, he still doesn't stop, and brings people to make trouble!"

Xiaoqian was stunned, why are they all coming towards her?

"What's the fuss? My parents are here to see me off."

"It's nice to say it's noisy. It's like a gang of bandits. It's like they haven't eaten in eight lifetimes. When they see food, they snap it up like crazy!"

Rao Xiaoqian was thick-skinned, and he was also blocked, so he didn't think of how to refute for a moment.

Her daughter Ye Feifeng didn't dare to speak for her at all, and she didn't have the heart to help her, instead she blamed her for being useless.

Seeing her start to make trouble again, Ye Xusheng was already very irritable, besides, it was not easy for him as a boy to interrupt, so he speeded up his meal, and he just wanted to finish eating quickly and leave.

(End of this chapter)

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