The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 316 A Three-Year-Old Person Still Not Enlightened

Chapter 316 A Three-Year-Old Person Still Not Enlightened

Ye Laiyin sighed inwardly, then turned to Wang and said, "Go and make medicine for Xin'er first."


I can't figure out what Xianggong is thinking, seeing his mother-in-law's eyes look like cannibalism, but he doesn't care, and he still thinks about decocting medicine.

Wang's heart was in a state of turmoil. Although the husband said before that he would keep his daughter's money, she made up her mind to support him and the daughter, but when her father-in-law's face turned dark, she trembled...

Alas, she'd better go quickly, don't drag Mr. Xiang here.

So, Mrs. Wang quickly cleaned up the bowls and chopsticks on the table, and He Xiner helped them take them out.

The others didn't move, they were naturally waiting to see what happened, even Ye Feifeng sat there without moving.

Lao Yetou also didn't figure out what his son meant for a while, so he didn't speak in silence, took out the cigarette pouch and rubbed it in his hand.

Ye Xusheng was not in a hurry to go to the private school, he also had something to announce.

"Sheng'er and I are going to get some things."

"Hey, second uncle."

Regardless of his mother's resentful gaze, Ye Laiyin didn't feel any pressure, and dragged Ye Xusheng to the west wing to get things, leaving the people in the room looking at each other in blank dismay.

"Hey, what's the meaning of the second child? Could it be that he made a fortune and wanted to be completely ignorant?"

Xiaoqian realized later that everything was bought by Ye Laiyin. She was startled and jealous at the same time, and couldn't help jumping out to provoke her.

Hmph, even the money earned by his second wife has to be handed over to the public. Naturally, the money from the public is spent on her son. As for the second child, he doesn't even have a son, so who will he keep the money for?
As soon as the words fell, Ye Laijin shot her cold eyes, "Shut up!"

Xiaoqian, who was thinking about money, had long forgotten the warning from his husband, and now he suddenly heard the scolding, and flinched reflexively~
Why did she follow such a heartless person? Seeing that the second child would play tricks to save private money, he was lucky, not only did not rush to stop her, but he also refused to let her talk!
People in their 30s are still not enlightened!Mad at her!

Ye Guihua gave Xiaoqian a disdainful look, what is it?An abandoned wife also takes care of the family affairs?

Just as he was about to stab Xiaoqian for a few words, the burlap curtain of the main room was raised, and Ye Laiyin and Ye Xusheng came in with a few pieces of brand new fine cotton cloth in their hands, and Ye Guihua's eyes widened immediately~
"Ah! I want that pink one, and that tender green one, I want both!"

Ye Guihua's sharp voice almost deafened the ears of the people in the room, even if she yelled, she jumped up from the stool, accidentally kicked the stool down, and hit the old man hard. On Qian's feet, the pain caused old Qian to let out an "Aww" voice!

The voices of the two women were louder than the other, making everyone feel impatient and a little impatient~
Ye Guihua couldn't care about her mother, she rushed towards Ye Xusheng with a stride, and was about to grab it with both hands, Ye Xusheng frowned subconsciously, turned around nimbly, Ye Guihua fell to the ground with a "plop".

"Oh, you bastard, you're blind! Watch me hide when I come over!"

Because of the sudden fall, before Ye Guihua realized what was going on, she lay down firmly on the ground, took a mouthful of dirt, and almost squeezed the two pancakes in her chest. She bared her teeth in pain, and suddenly Annoyed and angry, she has a bad temper again, cursing as soon as her mind twitches...

"Damn boy, why don't you die, even I dare to hide, no one has the eyesight to see! Isn't it just that you can read a few bad characters, and you're dragging two to five to eighty thousand all day, ah bah!"

Ye Xusheng's face darkened instantly, and the words he wanted to apologize stuck in his throat, and he swallowed them again.

Heh~ Is this a family?Or as an elder?
Speaking of which, Ye Xusheng and Ye Guihua are the same age, but they are real juniors. Although Ye Xusheng is not very close to Ye Guihua, he still respects Ye Guihua, and he has done what a junior should have.

What about osmanthus leaves?
He doesn't look like an elder!

(End of this chapter)

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