The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 319 Where Did You Get The Money?all for mother

Chapter 319 Where Did You Get The Money?all for mother
Ye Laiyin dusted off the non-existent dust on his clothes, and didn't even give Xiaoqian a look. He bluffed as much as he liked, but he didn't buy it!

Seeing that Ye Laiyin didn't even pay attention to her, Xiao Qian blushed with anger, "Second brother, what do you mean?"

No matter what Ye Laiyin does, Ye Laijin, the big brother, will support him unconditionally, not to mention that he is also tired of Xiaoqian, how can he let her scold his brother, and shout "Get out!"

Xiaoqian was still afraid of him, and was about to scream, but Ye Laijin was so frightened that he swallowed back the words he was about to yell, and his eyeballs popped out!

Ye Xusheng was so annoyed that there was no end to this matter, and he didn't want to see his mother making trouble anymore. After all, he was a man with a body, not for his mother but also for the child in his belly.

Ye Xusheng stood upright, standing next to Ye Laiyin, coughed lightly, and said coldly, "Don't be angry, mother. It is true that mother was not at home when Xin'er bought materials. Mother wants to wear new clothes and go to town when my son takes a rest." I'll buy it for you."

Ye Laicai, who had been poking and calculating secretly, stared straight at the words, a little incredulous, what did the nephew's words mean?He also has silver in his hand?
He couldn't understand it more and more. In his eyes, the second brother, who had always been honest and friendly, was just a mud leg.

Before he could figure out what was going on, his eldest nephew appeared again, talking in a natural tone of shopping, which made him suspect that this was not the first time his eldest nephew spent money.

what's the situation?
Ye Laicai couldn't figure it out, his mind was spinning rapidly, no matter who's money must be handed over to his mother, as long as the money is handed over to his mother, it's not much different from giving it to him, not a few words nice thing to say...

Ye Xusheng originally wanted to appease his mother so that there would be no further disturbances, but his third uncle had his eye on him right away. In fact, not only Ye Laicai was interested, but even old Ye Tou and old Qian Shi also looked at Ye Xusheng , are full of suspicion.

Xiaoqian was overjoyed after hearing his son's words, "My son is still filial, mother is waiting for your new clothes, a beautiful hairpin, and rouge powder!"

The beaming little Qian didn't care about the impatience on his son's face at all, and was still counting with his fingers, "If you have a lot of silver, just buy a silver hairpin for your mother. It's stylish to wear on your head, and what else?" I forgot to buy a pair of silver bracelets, I have been hungry for a long time..."

Stretching out his fingers and counting one by one, suddenly a flash of light flashed in his mind, and he couldn't help but widen his eyes, "Where did you get the money? Give it all to mother, I will buy it myself!"

As he said that, he rushed to Ye Xusheng's side in two or three steps, and stretched his hand directly to Ye Xusheng's face, with a look of impatience.

Ye Xusheng frowned, and hastily stepped back two steps to avoid his mother's hand. If he hadn't dodged quickly, his mother would have poked his nose directly.

well!He knew this, so he didn't dare to talk about things at night, so as not to talk about it endlessly. He went to school after talking about things in the morning, and they talked about whatever they liked~
"Mother, don't worry, I said you will buy it if you buy it, but the money is gone."

"What? What do you mean no money? Did you tell some fox to cheat you away? Who do you say? Someone dares to cut off my wife before I get any benefits!"

Xiaoqian has a problem, that is, he doesn't have a long memory. He was afraid when he was scolded by Ye Laijin just now, but when he turned his head and heard Yinzi, he immediately went crazy again, and some of them grinned along with their mouths.

"Mouth full of Huqin"!
I was so pissed off by this idiot!

Ye Laijin yelled loudly, stood up and was about to beat him up, Xiaoqian was beaten out of experience, as soon as his ears heard the voice of his husband, he immediately realized that he would be beaten, and quickly hid behind Ye Xusheng, the cat got up, mouth He also shouted, "Son, you can't let your father beat your mother, you have to save your mother!"

(End of this chapter)

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